Rant & Rave Thread Rant: The bitch next to me in class sucked loudly on a lollipop for the first hour and sunk her teeth slowly into an apple for the second hour. I am fantasizing about her dying in a fire right now.
Rant: Finally was able to tell a close lady-friend of mine, someone I've known for over five years now, that I've fallen for her. The rant part is that, yet again, despite myself, she's a woman with a man already in her life and she's happy and serious. Now everything is going to change and I'm back to square one...unlucky. Fuck. I suppose it's too goddamn much to ask that someone I like feels the same. I want to drink and crawl into a hole.
Rave: My friend recently took a job designing equipment for ghost hunters and starts this Saturday. This is awesome for a couple reasons. One, I can now give him endless shit until the end of time. Secondly, he's going to have some hilarious stories to tell me after meeting and working with these freaks. Sadly, he will not be appearing on television, but his equipment will. He's expected to be very busy in the upcoming couple of weeks since you know, ghosts are extra active around Halloween. Just thinking about this brings a smile to my face. Rave: So I got my Halloween costume. Sort of. Basically I'm supposed to make it out of fiber glass and paper, plus a few other things. I plan to be going as master chief from Halo. Rant: Making this costume looks akin to building the fucking pyramids. It's a bunch of pieces of armor that go on separately and the designs are surprisingly complicated. I'm going to make one of the parts and pending how long it takes I might just say fuck it. I want a cool costume, but it's not worth that much time.
RAVE: I made up a new drink and it is awesome! We have dubbed it [my name]'s Early Riser Ginsec Juice. It takes like drunk. BOOM
Mopey, first-world rant: I have hardcore flirted with no fewer than THREE guys in the last two weeks. Not your freshmen, 'gee, I wonder if he likes me' kinda flirting, but rather the 'straight-up propositioned to fuck' by the end of the conversation. This is a rant for two reasons: first, I don't give a shit about any of them. None of them are guys that have any potential or are suitable for me. These would all be FB or FWB scenarios. It makes me feel like such a failure at life that I can attract someone I don't give a shit about like *that*, and have no feelings whatsoever for anyone who would conceivably be a good match. Second, I went along with it. WTF? I go on autopilot; I dissociate while it's happening. I seem to be unable to stop myself from doing it, even though my brain is screaming at me how stupid and counter-productive it is. I'm so fucked up it's unreal. This is the only area of my life that I'm so far out of whack with, and I have no idea why.
Rant: Spending the night in the hospital. My little guys asthma is really getting out of control. Here's hoping he grows out of it like his old man did. Rave: The hospital has WiFi. Rant: I just realized that I'm old enough to be excited by large places having WiFi, as opposed to just expecting it. Damn kids I was alive before the internet, and your fancy smart phones were even a drunken leer in their daddies eye. Get off my lawn! RAVE: After his having been in here almost two days his breathing is getting better!
Rant: Procrastinating to the last minute to do assignments. Never a benefit, yet I always do it. On a related note, anyone who knows shit about Economics and PPP who has five seconds to explain a quick subject, for the love of god PM me before 10am tomorrow!
Edit: Can't edit the above rant, but from some reps I was unclear. They propositioned me. Not the other way around. And they're unsuitable not because I'm a picky snob, but because Guy 1 is married, Guy 2 is married and Guy 3 is in a long-term relationship (and he lives two provinces away). Something about how I relate to men attracts the unavailable ones. Or I give off an "other woman" aura. Sorry for the double post.
Rant: One of my friends got a 73 on our last exam and might have to leave the program. He's definitely not the brightest, but he works his ass off and is at school from 7 am - 7 or 8 pm. Nobody tries harder than he does. Super bummed to see him not doing well. He's really depressed. Rant: By next weekend midterms will be over and everyone can chill out and have a beverage (or 3).
Rant: Well, I just finished the last shift of the job I've been depending on since graduation. I have two other writing gigs but between the amount and frequency they pay me, I am essentially unemployed. I found out last Friday, but with some sleuthing it seems like the decision has been made for a few weeks. We've yet to hear anything from our bosses. The payroll company told us with an email sent at 8pm. We've basically been running the whole show by ourselves for the past year and most of us have been working with them from the beginning a year and a half ago, and there hasn't even been a "Hey, thanks for all your hard work" email from the boss. I guess she still has two days to write it, but I'm really doubting it. That's just obnoxious. I wasn't a huge fan of the job, but it definitely had its perks. I'm more upset at the prospects of getting a job to replace it, seeing as how I've been trying to do that for a year and haven't gotten anything yet. Ugh.
RANT: I have a faux-hippie friend who loves to brag about how she flies by the seat of her pants and never plans anything. She has made my life miserable on numerous occasions because I actually do like to have some sort of plan when I'm traveling, spending lots of money, or with a big group...you know like having a working knowledge of an address or the NYC subway system, to name a couple. The reality is that while I like to have some kind of game plan, I am very roll-with-the-punches while she freaks out over every little glitch. It's laughable at this point. About a month ago, she decided to make a cross-country move. She has no job prospects out there, no apartment, nothing. Many people chalk it up to her (faux) hippie attitude, but I know the truth: she's moving to be closer to a man who doesn't want to be her boyfriend on the advice of her psychic. This knowledge alone irritates me but I've been shrugging it all off and allowing her to go with her little hippie charade that she's trying to sell all our friends. Until today... Today I'm spitting nails over this girl. She leaves in two days and JUST NOW sent a facebook post asking someone to take her two cats. You mean to tell me her "beloved" cats weren't one of the first things she took care of when she decided to move straight across the country? How the fuck does a person know what they're doing with a mattress before they know what they're doing with their cats? They should've been one of the FIRST things to check off her list--they're helpless animals who depend solely on her. The irresponsibility and unnecessary stress that has now touched my life is just too much to take. I'm afraid to see her to say goodbye because I'll end up smacking her. Carefree is one thing, careLESS is quite another. I can't stand phonies. I can't stand irresponsible phonies even more. At this point, Saturday can't come soon enough.
Rave: Im glad the justice system isnt completely broken, and now this motherfucker is probably going to get the needle. Burn in Hell, you piece of shit.
Rant-ish? The base gym has no a/c. I sweat my ass off every time I work out. Rave: That tricks me into thinking I'm working harder which pushes me more. As a result, I've been doing better in the gym and might actually be putting on some size. (Don't fret ladies, I still remember my promise to you, give it some time.) Rave: Bitchigan vs Michigan State is fast approaching. It's going to be legen-wait for it...and I hope you're not a Michigan fan because you're going to be begging for the game to end-DARY!
Rave: Huge assignment due a week from tomorrow, which involves five days worth of lesson plans, reflections, samples of student work, and one final long paper. This has been an epic pain in the ass, as to complete this assignment I basically have to completely alter the way I (and any sane person) teach, as it involves quizzes (both at the start and end of class) every single god damned day. Seriously, it is so much fucking grading I want to die. So why is this a rave? Cause I am almost fucking done. One more paper to grade, tomorrow is primarily a work day for the students, and then I have one reflection, one long-ish paper, and a simple graph to create. This shit is going to be done by the end of the weekend, and then I only have one more stupid assignment to do before the end of student teaching. Rant: That last assignment? I get to do this bullshit again.
Rave: Went out drinking with the owner today. That guy has some crazy stories. He's a Vietnam vet who has been shot 3 times and stabbed once. He was special forces and his mission stories, especially the one where only 2 out of 24 guys came out alive were all kinds of awesome. The guy is lucky to be alive. I could drink with him anytime and the fact that he pays and only drinks high shelf liquor is nice.
BIG FUCKING RAVE: A current coworker got me a job as the bar manager for a very classy and expensive lounge/restaurant that is opening in the city soon. This is a huge opportunity for me. It's probably the last step before owning my own bar which is my dream job. BIG FUCKING RANT: I don't know the first thing about management. The owner knows this and only hired me because it was her son that gave me the recommendation and because I have so much experience just being a bartender. I really want this to work out so if anyone has advice or links to good resources, it would be much appreciated.