Rant: I'm selling my supercharged Maxima, and while I don't have any huge need to get rid of it, I'd like to get it over with. The car has been detailed and is just sitting in my garage, taking up room. It's a pretty specialized car, so I didn't expect it to sell quickly. Today, I get an e-mail about it from a woman who is very interested. She knows she likes that body style Maxima, and she knows about the modifications, but it was obviously from moment one that she is totally ignorant about engines and mechanics. This car is not for the faint of heart, and requires work pretty regularly. If you are scared by the occasional check engine light, it isn't for you. On top of that, she asked if I would finance the car! I told her that I wasn't a bank, but companies like Pentagon Federal offer loans on older used cars. I can't in good conscious sell her the car, and on top of that, I don't want to deal with the inevitable litany of calls I'd get from her. I don't mind the occasional tire kicker, but be serious... if you need a loan to buy a $7K car, you don't need to buy a highly modified one.
Rant: Motherfucking Oklahoma State fucking classless fans.... fuck them. Seriously - fuck them and their fucking white neck classless asses...
Rave Phase One: Asked her father and grandfather for permission to marry. Her grandfather was there and it seemed noble to ask him as well. I was granted permission. Rave Phase Two: In progress: My friend's dad is a diamond wholesaler. I can get a stone at cost. Rant Phase Three is gonna be a bitch.
Rave: Bought a spotless '08 Malibu about 6 weeks ago. I still love it. It still smells new. Rant: I'm kinda strapped for cash until I get a better position. I would love to carry again (especially after the fistfight with the crackhead back in February) but I can't afford a decent CCW.
Rant/Rave? Rugby world cup semi final. New Zealand vs Australia. Would be awesome to win the world cup and beat Australia on the way to the final but I'm getting a little nervous as to which Aussie team will turn up. The terrible or the amazing. Just hope the All Blacks have enough to get over the line. Rave: Got six out of seven games in my NHL full cover multi today and made 300 on top of the bet. Pity the Sharks couldn't win in the tank.
Rant (ish): Waking up this morning to re-read my rant from last night and realizing that I was so drunk that I combined white trash with red neck when I was going off about OKState and called them "white necks"... oh well... Rave: Beautiful day here (although a smidge cool) and fun plans with friends for brunch and then football later. Yay!
RAVE: Had an ass kicking day yesterday in the mountains with my wife for our anniversary leading to my second RAVE: Found a nice quite spot where we had a picnic lunch and sex in a secluded, very lovely woodland area. RAVISH RANT: The wife is flying to Washington state next week to say "goodbye" to her "mother". Notice how mother and goodbye are in quotes. That's because that woman was a mother in name only and it is my opinion she deserves every miserable thing that ever happened to her after how she treated her kids, especially my wife. That and she has been dying for the last 20 years. Wouldn't surprise me if the old bat pulled through. It's a slight rave because the kids will be in school, and I will be totally by myself for several days. Friday night I will have the house all to myself because both kids are going to sleep over friends houses. I will be getting drunk and very possibly might run around the outside of my house naked.
Rant:Tomorrow is my birthday, and after last year I am dreading it. Not for any reason other than how bad mine was last year. My mother had forced my sister to hide her children from their grandfather for the better part of a decade because of my mother's control issues. However my sister posted pictures of the kids on facebook, and it just so happened that my father's wife decided to look up my sister on facebook on my birthday. So she found out that her husband had grandkids he never knew about, and my mother freaked out. As is threatened to move out of the country and made many veiled suicide threats. All this on my birthday. She managed to turn much of my family against me until my sister cleared the air out. It is one of the reasons I actually decided to move out of the country. Additionally my subsequent breakdown cost me my best friend, and it was all my fault, and it kills me everyday. An account can be read here:http://www.theidiotboard.com/messageboard/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1713 I am trying to avoid getting too drunk, as I just want to drink like crazy. ( On a side note, my dad and his wife flew to England, met the kids and all the issues between my sister and dad have healed, and he apparently is a completely different person around the kids, and they love him, and he loves them. All this was hindered for a decade because of a jealous, callous old woman) Rave:Watching a movie with a buddy of mine from high school's mom in it. She had an awkward role to watch to say the least.
RANT: My mom's car was broken into. AGAIN. This is the 6th time it's been broken into in the ten years and 3 months that we've owned it. The ignition got fucked up and so, it now has to get towed to the auto locksmith. This would be the 3rd time we've had to replace the ignition (at about $850 a time) - we've replaced or re-tumbled at least 4 of the door locks before, too, at $400-$500 a time. Bonus because now one of the 3/4 windows has to be replaced. There was nothing in the car to steal! No amount of security will keep put the cunt who is determined enough to break in to your car. Moral of the story: drive an old POS and keep NOTHING in it. RANT: The Windows 7 Home Premium that was pre-installed on my mom's laptop when she bought it (yes, bought new, last Friday) was faulty. Windows Update wasn't working (msconfig said the Windows Update service was running, but it wouldn't work from the Start Menu). This now makes the count at six for the number of faulty MS O/S's we've been subject to (3x Windows XP Pro, 2x Windows 98 (one first edition, the other second edition), 1x Windows 95). Fucking ridiculous. RAVE: Being fixed under warranty. RAVE: Fantastic T20 win over the Aussies earlier today. At least the cricket team can make up for the rugby team's lacklustre World Cup.
Rave: Michigan State > Michigan. Rave: Met one of the coolest girls I have ever met last night. I spent the entire night with her, my friend and her guy roommates. We hit it off really well and we're talking a bunch today. Rant: She has a boyfriend who is one of the roommates. Rave: She's not happy with him from what I gathered hence why we had an awesome time together and she still gave me her number all while the boyfriend was there. Rant: Lions are no longer undefeated.
Rant: Tour of shittown ontario continues tonight with Markham Rave: Shows Rant: Have a cold Rave: Downtown toronto yuks all week starting Wednesday!
RAVE: Got some hunting time in. Feels great to be out in a tree stand and not freezing your nuts off. Saw two deer but couldn't draw them in.
Rave: The All Blacks are into their first world cup final since 1995 and beat the Wallabies to do it. Thank fuck for that, I no longer have to dread heading back to work in two weeks to the mountain of abuse I would have got if we had choked again. Fingers crossed we can keep it going and knock out the cheese eating surrender monkeys next week and win for the first time in 24 years.
Rant: Too much Facebook in the world. One "friend" was literally posting up until her vag was ripped open during the birth of her son. I'm happy you're dilated but I don't rape me with the mental image. Another "friend" is posting while hiking with me. The whole world is proud you checked in from the mountain top... now they can breathe a collective sigh of relief since this shit was K1 level. Dummies. Rant: Broken glass on the little beaches along the stream/hiking trail I take the pooch on. Pooch sliced the center pad on his back foot. No stitches but he had to wear a bandage and boot for a few days. If I catch the fuckers breaking bottles I will beat them senseless without discrimination of age, frailty, etc. Rave: Everything else in life.
Rant: Spent my lunch break at home cleaning a rug that the dog assploded all over. I've cleaned up worse, but it was bad enough that I had to get my respirator from my shop before I started and ended up hosing the rug down outside.
Rant: I am in a Bank-of-America-customer-service-fueled rage right now. I closed my account with them three months ago...HOW AND WHY AM I STILL DEALING WITH THESE IDIOTS?!?!?!
Rant/Rave: Hooked up with an old FWB on Sat night. Our original situation just kind of fizzed out and I hadn't seen her in awhile, so it was good to see her in a social sense. As the night progressed and alcohol flowed, it just kind of happened. It was good, fun, satisfying, etc... However, it got me thinking as it always does. I had a conversation with my roommate on Friday night about the stagnation of my dating life. Now it wasn't morose or depressed as it had been in previous convos. I'm perfectly fine and rather, for lack of a better word, content with my life at the moment. However, I feel, at least from an opposite sex perspective, its been lacking. Saturday night made me realize that random hook ups are fun, but I kind of feel like something of substance for a change. Its not a "OMG I need a gf now cause its getting cold" like my good friend did last year or an attitude I myself had in years past, but more a semi-mature look at my interactions and how its been a good few months before Ive even had a desire to ask a girl, that newly entered into my life, out for dinner or something. That to me is concerning. (Damn that was rambling, oops) RANT: Through this all, I also realized that the girl I've been talking to is probably dead in the water. She is super cute and alot of fun, but she works in a bar, our schedules are completely different, and everything has been in a holding pattern for weeks. For awhile I wasn't sure if I even wanted to date her, and now when I've warmed to the idea, it feels like the opportunity has passed. RAVE: Like I said, I'm much more level-headed and relaxed about this than I've ever been previously. RAVE: Headed back to NYC the week after Halloween. It will officially be trip #16, but everyone still gets me super pumped up. MEGA RAVE: My plane ticket was $125...roundtrip. Thats just dirty