Rant: fuck a duck I have some kind of stomach bug. It feels like someone has been giving me a way too vigorous inside the stomach massage. For the past 24 hours. I left work early today because I couldn't sit still at my desk. Goooo awaaay.
RAVE: Over the past month, two separate partners have brought up the idea of a threesome. RANT: One of them is now no longer up for it. Rant: I have absolutely no idea how to find/meet people interested in a threesome. These women basically fell into my lap. RAVE: If this is the problem I'm having, I'm doing fairly well.
Rant: I currently cannot concentrate at all. There was a take home quiz in my easiest class this semester, and I've spent the last four hours "working" on it. Instead I've watched football, made a delicious meal, started my laundry, called my mom, got tickets to go to Oregon this winter, and now I finally opened the quiz. It's due in 8 hours, at least 6 of which I would like to sleep. So I've got two hours to work this thing through. Rave: It's Biostat, so it isn't hard at all. Time to turn on some tunes and get crackin'. Rave: With the Santonio Holmes TD catch, I won my fantasy football match up this week 109 - 107. What a clutch play! As it happened to heard my housemate (The undefeated leader in our league) yell "NO!" upstairs, while I let out a satisfying "gotcha, bitch!" So I'm 5-1, currently tied for first, but sitting second in the league since he still has scored around 30 more points than me overall.
Rant: I hate my body. My lower back was killing me all god damned night, and it felt exactly like all the kidney stones I've had in the past. Finally, I couldn't handle it anymore, and it was off to the ER we go. Four hours,one CT scan, and a urine sample containing "some" blood later, and they say "well, you have several kidney stones in both the right and left kidneys, but none of them blocking the flow of urine enough to cause the pain you're experiencing. We're chalking it up to a pulled muscle. Here are some pain meds, muscle relaxers, and a note not to work for a couple of days." Look, you can see the kidney stones on the scan. I've had them before. I know what they feel like. This isn't a pulled muscle, this is one of those stones, plain and simple. Don't talk to me like some jackass who was overreacting. Rave: Pain meds, muscle relaxers, and a day off work. Tomorrow won't completely suck. Rant: The knowledge that there are "several" time-bomb-esque stones in my kidneys just waiting to cause me all kinds of agony makes me want to kill. Time to make an appointment with a urologist, ASAP.
Rant My brother has an 8cm tumor in his forehead. He's going into surgery tomorrow. We don't know what this thing is yet, but one this is for sure, we're getting it out ASAP. The good news its in the ventricle, and its operable. As always everyone's thoughts and prayers are appreciated.
???: If you were able to seal the top of a shot glass and introduce a one-way, air-tight input into the top, how many farts could you blow into the shot glass before the pressure became too high and it burst? That, fellow idiots, was the very first thought I had this morning.
Rave: Day off. Last minute hair appointment will result in $100. Not bad for two hours of my life. Rave: First, I am working out. I have not forgotten the shimmered challenge because I haven't been here much. I have upped my sweat sessions and gettin' paid. I feel great! MEGA RANT: My endometriosis has been causing me a great deal of pain. My doc says I am running out of fertility time. Mr. P and I wanted to wait til we bought our house next spring to make a baby.... That's what you get for thinking you can really plan life events....
Rave: Baby Girl will be a month old tomorrow! I've kept her alive and healthy for 30 days and we're still successfully breastfeeding even though... Rant: I have mastitis. Worst pain ever, though to be fair I didn't have to experience labor either. Sunday morning I woke up with a fever of 101.4 and a very painful lump in my right boob. The best part is that I have to keep feeding her on that side or it will get worse, this also hurts like a bitch. I called my OB yesterday morning and she called in a prescription of antibiotics for me. I'm 3 doses in and I already feel better as far as the flu-like symptoms go, but my boob is still killing me. Hopefully it doesn't take too long for this to clear up. Rave: I never knew I could love such a little person so much. It's not always easy but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Rant: My leave is drawing to a close, I do not want to go back to work.
RAVE My brothers surgery was a success. The surgeon removed almost all of the 8cm tumor. Also, based on all observations the tumor was benign. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers, I believe they played a role in my brother's successful procedure.
Rant: I've finally had to bite the bullet. After three consecutive days of the upstairs* in this house only hitting 13*C (55*F), I had to turn on the furnace. This SUCKS. *Downstairs is typically 3*C cooler.
Rant Really having trouble figuring out if I want to be in a relationship with the new lady. There are moments when I really think I'm falling for her, and others where things just. . . don't feel right. Weird. Rave Fall in the desert is amazing. 70s (and sunny) during the days, 40s and 50s at night.
Rave: I went to a story slam tonight with the intention just to watch, not to participate. But, a few stories in, I was suddenly brave and threw my name in the hat. The event is drawing to a close and the host goes up to the mike, saying there's time for one more story and how excited she is because there are so many names left to chose from. Of course, the last name she picks is me. I am kind of terrified of public speaking, so I was really nervous, but I did think I had a great story so I went up there and, according to my friend I actually did really well and people were laughing a lot. It was exhilarating! TAKE THAT, FEAR. I was joking that it was my debut for my performing career, but I came home to an email from Mortified saying they got my submission and want to bring me in for review for their next show. So, who knows, maybe I'll be on that, too.
Rant: Back is still killing me, and I can't take any more pain meds because I have to spend the day at a student teaching conference. It isn't even that I'll be missing class time, I'll be missing some bullshit conference that I don't need and will barely pay attention too.
Odd Rave: I won a motherboard and processor at work - the processor is apparently a piece of shit, but it's still better than my current one so let's go with that.
Rave: I love shopping for sex toys. Rave-ish: There was a couple standing next to me at one of the racks. They were perusing the prostate massage toys. They had to be in their 70s. The woman kept asking the salesgirl, "Will this one give him a big... you know... load?" Ravest: I hope I'm still getting freaky when I'm 70.
In the post audit, clean up the lies process I have managed to find about ten additional massive fuckups that have been sitting around for about 5 years just waiting to cause problems. The Federal Government couldn't fuck things up this badly. Jesus.
Rave: Went to a bar last night and there was a traveling sideshow performing. It included your usual acts: sword swallowing, bed of nails, bathing in glass, contortionist, and fire breathing. RAVE!: It ended with me stapling a $20 bill to a clown's face.