Rave: I'm finally dating this girl I've been hanging out with for 4 months. I always knew it was going to happen, but she has this system/rules of things, I broke most of it and got her. Rave: I'm having sex again! SUPERRAVE: Spoiler I just learned Magnum condoms fit oh so well. No wonder the others were so tight. She had one laying around just tossed it on!
Pretty much did all the studying I could do without burning myself out, I don't care what time it is, it's scotch o'clock up in this bitch.
Rave: Halfway through Midterm Week. The first two went well. I have the rest of the day to study for two tomorrow and one on Friday. I can't wait to celebrate Friday with many beverages and sex. It will be awesome to stop thinking for a day or two. Rave: I'm so happy to finish this disgusting beast of a unit (thorax, abdomen and pelvis). We dissected the penis and testes yesterday. Dead Man Dick and Balls is enough to make me officially over a section. Time to move on to the lower extremity. Rave: Had lunch with my pops. Hadn't seen him or really talked to him since school started. He didn't appreciate pelvic talk much. Wonder why.
Rant Can't decide if I like the new girl enough to go for the whole exclusive relationship thing. Something just doesn't feel right. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.
Rave: I found a Chinese buffet near the office yesterday and went there for lunch today. It's a winner. Rant: I am genuinely afraid to fart for the rest of the afternoon/evening.
Rant: A few months ago a female friend that works for a salon supplies company gave me a nice gift basket as a thank-you. In the basket was a bottle of organic shampoo. Last night I finally ran out. At first I used the stuff because it was all I had left, but I've grown to love this frou-frou stuff. Smells great, feels great, and my hair looks fan-fucking-tastic. I pop online and look it up... $40 a bottle? Really? Rave: I ordered 2 and saved on shipping. Rant: Re-embracing my metrosexuality.
Rave: Second. Happy Bday TiB, you've seen more depravity than any two year old should ever experience.
Rave: Had a delicious gyro and hummus for lunch today. Rant: It was huge. I ate the whole thing. Then I fell asleep on my couch for two hours. Rant: The garlic is somehow simultaneously still on my breath AND exiting my asshole. Magic.
Rave: Successfully hitched on Monday! Rant: My wedding band wasn't sized properly and is too loose on my left ring finger. Which leads to... RANT: Fucking thing fell off my finger after work tonight and was nowhere to be found. That must be a record of some sort for the least amount of time taken to lose a wedding band. RAVE: Backtracked and found the damn thing on the floor of my car. It shall stay on my right ring finger until I can get a replacement.
RAVE: Just ate an apple fritter the size of a dinner plate. RANT: Just ate an apple fritter the size of a dinner plate. And I wonder why I can't lose that last 5 lbs around the midsection. Well, that and beer.
Rant: I got hit by a fire truck on a way to a job interview today. Rave: I walked away without a scratch. Rant: All of the witnesses were firemen. They better not of lied about their buddy merging into my lane.
Rave Talking to manager/ sorta being interviewed for a new job tomorrow morning. Finally, after months of scraping by and cabin fever sinking in, I feel confident again. Rant Record setting rainfall in Cleveland this year. It's been absolutely miserable all day and I sucked it up and walked my aunt's dogs for her earlier...big mistake. Soaked to the fucking bone. Rave The young redhead maid in American Horror Story on FX. Dayyyuummm who is this chick?
RAVE: The neighbor cat, as usual, was being a real bitch to my cat, so I poured coffee on her. That'll learn her good! (It was just the last of what was in my mug and was MAYBE luke warm, don't worry.) RAVE: Friday classes canceled - long weekend, baby!
RAVE: Just got word that we have official corporate sponsorship for the race team this year. Guard Transmission. We're now prepping to run two cars in the 24 hours of Daytona in January.