Mega FUCKING Rant: rugby world cup Spoiler New Zealand are the world fucking champions. My father was at the final of the very first rugby world cup at Eden park in Auckland where the All Blacks comfortably beat the Frog bastards. Tonight we won at the same gournd 24 years later, not quite as convincingly but it doesn't matter a fuck... We won the world cup again and have finally shaken the choker tag!!! Fuck all you clowns who said we couldn't do it!!!!!!!
Rave: Celebrated 23 years of marriage yesterday with a nice dinner at a new Thai restaurant in the area, followed by an evening in bed mutually gratifying each other's naughty bits, followed by more mutual gratification upon awakening at 6:30 this morning. Rant: Kids are back in the house, delaying any further gratification until tonight. Rave: The crispy, spicy duck with basil I had at said restaurant was simply sublime.
Rant: It would be JUST my luck to watch the first two World Series games, and get the boring ones. But, when I'm nice enough to help a friend move, accepting beforehand that it'll mean missing out on game 3, Pujols has to go and hit 3 HRs. Am I on TV? Is this a joke? At least there's football and beer.
Rave: My brother brought a super fucking hot friend of his to town today to visit. Rant: How does one hit on a friend of their large beefy brother? I added him on Facebook, we'll see. Ninja pm edit: I love you guys.
Rant/Rave: So you know it's Monday when you meet the big boss man of your company with a big black dot on your shirt that looks suspiciously like a nipple placement dot, you smell faintly of possum pee(again. Why me?), you have hickeys on your neck that despite all your attempts you couldn't hide for the life of you, and your greeting is "So, who're you?" whilst looking harassed, slightly frustrated and like you haven't slept in a month. Why is this also a rave? Cause I find it bloody hilarious and I'm getting laid. Finally.
Rant Call from my unit asking me where the hell I was on Friday. Oh, looks like I was supposed to be at base for an ORI exercise all weekend. Cue me getting up at 4:30 sat. morning and driving to sit in full MOPP gear and gas mask for the majority of my weekend. Rant Got a call back from the hotel I interviewed at and told me they filled the position at the restaurant/bar I wanted..but are referring me for a banquet utility job. Something better happen the next few days. Rant My mom comes to visit and backs her car into the front of my car, forgetting I was behind her. Jesus, at least there was only some light scratches but still. Rave/Rant Probably one of the shittiest football games you'll see, but the Browns still got a win today. No offense whatsoever.
Rave: Just got a brand new pair of twin tips. This will be my first season skiing instead of snowboarding and I'm ready to rip. Rant: We won't see snow around here for another month at the very least. Rave: Synthetic ski slopes.
Extra rant, just to top off the fuckery that is my day: Found out a guy I've never seen before in my life knows where I work and which busses I catch and where I live. Fucking yay. Baileys fixes all.
Rave: Went on a walk in the woods near my apartment and came upon a neolithic site from about 2500 years ago. Had no idea that there was an ancient burial site less than half a mile from where I live. Tons of graves, and even a small stone ship. As a historian by education I had a total nerdgasm.
Rant: My Guinness pint glass, which I may or may not have acquired through illegal means, is no longer with us. I'd ordered pizza last night and the driver made it to my condo door without having to be buzzed in. As soon as the dog heard someone knock on the door, he took off and started barking. I tried to squash that quickly and when I did, I somehow knocked the glass off of the coffee table. Look... I can and will steal another glass, but it was almost full at the time. I'd only taken about 3 mouthfuls. I'm hardly an alcoholic, but the loss of beer is what hurts the most here.
Rant: Why can't my eye doctor not be a fucking asshole? All I asked was for you to recheck my prescription because it doesn't feel right, not bend over while I buttfuck you with the novelty hockey stick on the wall in your office. Rave: Had McDonalds for lunch almost entirely on free coupons from the Monopoly game. Rant: It tasted like ass and the McComa is starting to set in rapidly.
Spoilered for nerd tech support rant: Spoiler Rant: I can't understand how our software developers can't get it in their head that we need to tell our customers what updates and bug fixes are included in software updates. I get that question on every update and it takes weeks for the developers to respond. How about just putting that shit in the fucking release notes like a real company?
Rave: Got a call from a credit union that I had a car loan with five years ago. Turns out I had 730$ sitting in a savings account the whole time. Could not have come at a better time. Free money!!
Rave: My terrestrial verts class has gotten so many awesome samples from local collections. We barely have to use the pickled specimens for IDs during our lab tests! Last week someone brought in a baby alligator. We have several turtles and about half of our species of snakes alive, including one who gave birth to 13 little ones the following weekend. I'm so lucky to live in a such a diverse area. Spoiler
Not sure yet: Wife was contacted by a headhunter regarding a VP position in the Chicago area. A lot of my college friends live there and southern WI, but midwest winters, the whole hassle of moving...I dunno.
Rant: I fucking hate 5:30 a.m. Some people say "Oh I feel so much more productive getting up early in the morning...You can get so much finished! blahblahblah" Bite my ass. All it does is piss me off that my day has to start so goddamned early three days a week. Rave: Squats and Deadlifts with The Guy. We used to avoid working out together, but I guess that's changing? Whatever. Other Rave: Gonna take the bike around the ballpark tonight. See what we can see. Also trying to grow my hair out. Kind of want to keep my rockstar pixie because it pisses The Guy's mom off so very much that I have a bright red mohawked pixie. We'll see. For now it's growing, until I change my mind. Rant: That old woman pisses me to the fuck off. Accuses me (rightly) of having a wall up around my persona. Says she thinks it's unfair that I won't let her in to get to know me. Um. I've got pretty good goddamn reason for that. I'm not about to share them with her either. Urgh.
Rant: So that guy who knows where I work decided to grab me on the bus this morning and then start following me to work. Am now afraid to come to work or go home. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.