Rave: Got another great spam email this morning: "Make your third leg protuberant!" Either the spam-generating basement monkeys got their hands on a thesaurus, or there are way more English majors without jobs than I thought. I guess if I get "In the room the women come and go...Talking of Michelangelo (because of his huge penis)," then I'll know the answer. Rave: The company I was handed to rebuild from scratch, start up again, and manage is almost ready to go. If today goes well, I'll be scheduling my inspection with the state regulators and by the first full week of November we'll be selling again. If any of you guys like oysters, PM me for details.
RAVE: Sleep Talkin Man has issued another gem too good not to share: "This is a friendly rock. Let me rub it on your face lightly... Now it's got your scent, it'll like you. Let me show you: Stand there, and I'm gonna throw the rock at you. Watch how it wants to connect with you, time and again."
Rant/Rave? When my mother nags me about being single I'm just going to show her the stories from this thread. As if I wasn't already mostly terrified of women already... But at least crazy advertises itself as such, right guys? Guys?
Rave: I am in the most spectacular fucking mood today. Not even the shitty cold, wet weather outside is ruining this day. I was overdue for some good fucking karma. Cheers.
Rave: Passed another exam, bring on the raise and bonus. Rant: Too tired to celebrate, the amount of studying I had to do cost me a piece of my soul. Rave: That was suppose to be the hardest one.
RANT: Work hasnt been that busy this week, the phone has pretty much been dead, and the majority of our jobs are comming to an end this week. RAVE: Tons of shit comming up in two weeks, mostly work requiring travel. RANT: Boss was talking about taking next week off, but I think that's fucking bullshit. RAVE: Atleast I can get caught up on my side jobs. RANT: Sons of Anarchy. What the fuck? The series is going to be fucked, and it's going to go down like Prison Break did. Once the show got famous, it's going down hill.
Rant: Ungrateful women, I'm spending my last $20 on gas so I can drive down to see my GF's family for Halloween on Friday. She's butthurt however because I was supposed to come down Thursday (can't because I have a group meeting for school) and I have to drive back up Friday night to watch my parents' dog while they're out of town. Rave If she gets any more pissy at me that $20 is going towards beer and she can shove Halloween with the family up her ass.
Re: Rant & Rave Thread Still at fucking work. Dear fellow doc reviewers, learn how a computer works. Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
RAVE: Got an internship at a startup nonprofit, starting immediately. I did not see this coming at all. RANT: I was under the impression it would start next semester. Hello, workload.
Re: Rant & Rave Thread *Still* at motherfucking work. But hey, I get to "sleep in" tomorrow. Until 8. Maybe. Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
Rant:My language course starts on Monday. While I am happy about this, I am also annoyed. I studied hard for the test, and it paid off, I got into the higher level course. So then all I had to do was wait for my placement. However my wife also took the test because she hasn't been in a professional environment here, and wants to make sure her grammar is down pat, so she was going to take the course. Unfortunately my studying paid off so much that I was put in the exact same class as her. We haven't had more than 3 hours apart in over 3 months, and I was hoping that we could have a few hours apart each day, and the ability to meet other people our age to make friends with. I should be able to ask for another class.
Rant: I found out my adviser screwed me in such a way that I have to take an extra semester of classes. She also moved offices and did not tell anyone where her new office is. I can't ask her, though, because she NEVER FUCKING ANSWERS EMAIL. So now I have to search for my adviser, ask her why in the world she didn't give me some secret deal that she gave to other people in my major, get her to unlocked the Registrar so that I can register for classes. Oh yeah, and ask her what classes I need to take because, while she knows which classes are covered by my undergrad, she can never remember to write them down for me. If I do not have my certification by next December, I'm going to do something drastic.
Rant: Windshield wipers stopped working and it's pouring. Rant: While everyone is out celebrating Halloween, I'll be preparing to go to my grandmothers funeral in Cleveland after she probably passes away this weekend. Rant: It's 8:15 and my boss is already up my ass about something trivial. Rant: Fuck today already. NOT sent from silway's Nexus One using Tapatalk
RAVE: "I kinda want to rape you tongiht" -Quote from my girl after trivia last night. RANT: It's that time of month and she refuses to do anything during that time.
Rave: Long weekend! Rant: It still counts as a long weekend if you're having surgery on Friday and then spending the weekend recovering from said surgery, right?
Rant: Woke up to the power flickering on and off around 4 AM this morning. It finally just stayed off after the seventh time everything we owned went nuts and beeped repeatedly. This includes our alarm clocks. Took me an hour to get back to sleep. Rave: My wife and I both happen to be off work today, so we could sleep in anyway.
Rave: New diet is going really well! I signed up for a calorie counter site and it makes it FUN to diet. I search in my cabinets to create food high in certain things to hit the little targets. It's like a kitchen scavenger hunt. I've already lost a decent amount of weight, too. It's probably just water weight at this point but still, very encouraging.
Rave: I get to guest lecture to an undergrad class for a second time this week. Hopeful rave: Spoke with one of the counselors at my practicum site yesterday and she's thinking about taking an extended leave of absence. Potential job opportunity?