RAVE: That feeling you get when you're SURE you're fucked, but then everything magically turns out ok. Spoiler So one of my classes in music school is basic keyboard, and it's one of the "less important" classes (the teacher said that himself; it's just to give us a basic understanding of piano). As such, it's often quite informal, and I find myself forgetting about it and putting off the work for it. For class today, we were supposed to prepare and play "Yesterday" by the Beatles, and do this chord inversion test thing. We all assumed it was the midterm, because this is when all the other midterms are. I completely underestimated how long it would take to prepare for those two things, so I left it until last night. Big mistake. I was up late and up early frantically practicing, but it was clear that I was not going to be anywhere near prepared. We get to class today, and guess what? "Yesterday" is just a minor homework assignment, and he didn't even make us play the whole thing! I ended up pulling a B out of my ass (would have been way worse if I had to play the whole thing). And the chord thing was just practice, for when it's actually the midterm next week. Now to see if I can manage to not leave chord inversion practice until Monday night... RANT: My landlord lives under us, and under my room specifically. In every way except one, he's by FAR the best landlord I've ever had. He fucking loves us, he brings us food every once in a while, and he encourages us to play loud music. The one problem is, he smells AWFUL. He's an old hippie, and he must just never shower, ever. Pungent stale body odor is the best way I can describe it. So, this wafts up into my room, and makes my room smell disgusting. Help me. Anyone know any good odor control things that would help with that? I got one of those Air Wick things that automatically spritzes air freshener, but they smell really artificial and not that great. It's better than Hippie Armpit, but I desperately want a better solution.
Rave: Thursday is my Friday. Rant: Got dragged into being a collection agent with one of my customers. Never felt like a bigger fucking cunt in my life than I did standing around waiting for a fucking check to be cut. Yuck. Rave: Repaid my boss for the above by refusing to get involved in a conference call with another customer inquiring about their late equipment. I spoke with the customer earlier in the week and let him know the straight scoop on what was done and what wasn't. My boss who has thrown me out of engineering/manufacturing for hounding him about this project wanted me to get involved now. I just chuckled and told him to page me if they absolutely needed me. I had photos of Jennifer Nicole Lee to check out.
rave: Somehow I managed to spend my day in work making dick jokes and taking the piss out of everyone in the office and received nothing but praise for it. Sure I got everything I needed to do done, but I would hardly say I worked hard at all. Yet if the other guy in the office (the other 8 in my department are all women) slacked off or talked at all, he would instantly get reprimanded for it. Preferential treatment is awesome, especially when all it takes is a little charm and occasional hard work. rant/rave[/b[: Got dragged into going to see British Sea Power (apparently they're a pretty big indie band in the UK, don't worry I've barely heard of them either) on monday. It's either going to be amazing, or full of indie hipster twatwaffling piss bags. Either way, it's better than staying in on a Monday night.
RANT: Im pretty close to hating my sister-in-law. Today is my brother's birthday. He has been out of work for some time, while she has been at her job for years making a substantial amount. She asked him a week ago what he would like, and he said he wanted one of three things, none of which would have broken the bank. 2 of the three are things he actually needs, not anything frivolous. She told him to his face she couldn't do any of the three because she had to pay for an online class for her job. He KNOWS she has the money and more besides. He figured it was a psych-out.We all did. It wasn't. She got him NOTHING. Not even a card, balloon or cake. We supplied all that. She didn't say anything was going to be delivered, so if nothing comes within a week, I'm going to bash her skull in. Why did she even ask if she wasn't going to even try? To top it all off, he has to take her mother to a boring town zoning board meeting while she takes the webinar. I dont know why he didn't leave her in the dust years ago. Rave: Retro-gaming. Been going through the old NES, SNES and Genesis archives. Desert Strike, I will finally defeat you.
Rave Thank fucking god the VA finally got around to processing my aid for this school term. Ca-ching!
RANT: Southern Boy's momma has only hours left. He's a basketcase. My poor, poor boy. ALS is a fucking cunt. RANT: I have no fucking clue what to say when he calls me sobbing. "I'm sorry baby, can I do anything" seems so trite compared to the pain he's feeling. Fuck. I wish I was endowed with the gift of knowing what to say when. Tiny RAVE: My boss, who can be a bitchcake at times, has been really good during this whole mess. She told me to take all the time I needed when she passes and I need to go to Alabama to be with him. At least there's that small comfort.
Rant: Nothing reveals poor planning like replacing your wiper blades in cold, driving rain. Rant: Looks like I'm busting out the shovel early this year. 3-6 inches of snow tomorrow. We've had snow before Halloween in the past, but not like this. Rave: If these are my biggest rants right now, I'm doing alright.
RANT/RAVE?: I was driving this morning to drop my daughter off at daycare. I was going around 50 and I noticed a frog crawl over the windshield wipers at the bottom middle outside my front windshield. Right after it crawled over, it's back legs lift up and it flips into the air over my car. It was big enough to see floating in the wind behind me. Looked like it scared the shit out of the driver behind me. I wasn't sure if I really just saw that. My daughter, who's only 17 months, knows frogs from books and pictures. She obviously saw it as she blurted out, "Ribbit, ribbit." Some funny shit for me to see, but I feel bad for that frog. No way he could have survived that.
RAVE: I don't have to worry about a bunch of jackals on a message board making speculative jokes about starting a regimen of antidepressants shortly after my fiancee accepted my marriage proposal. RANT: Ballsack has more sex than I do. Fuck.
Rant: Snow this weekend. Seriously? 6-10" of snow around my area. What a bunch of horseshit. It's still fucking October, it shouldn't snow like that until December.
RAVE: Snow. Had a very slight dusting when I woke up yesterday morning. There is fresh snow in the mountains. Give me snow over this 2 degrees above freezing and rain shit any day.
Rant & Rave Thread Rant: I started a new job Monday and here it is only Friday of my first week and I absolutely fucking hate it already. Fuck me...
Rant: Fucking Rangers. Not that I give two shits about them winning the WS, but game 7 means no Fringe tonight. (Though I was amused by all those fans who lined up outside the sporting goods stores last night to be the first ones to buy Rangers' WS Champs shirts and hats, only to turn around and leave after they blew it). Rave: Had a little Mexican for lunch. Her name was Lupita.
Rave: Even more than that up my way... love it. Sitting in a tire shop right now getting big ole tires for my truck. Bwahahaha
Rant My knee is flipping bothering me. Rant Viggen is being a trouble maker again, same problem as before, on to potential software upgrades, hopefully I just need to re-clear the code, check the MAF and all will be well. Rave Halloween parties.
Rant: Working 8 am to 4 pm at one job and then working 12:00 am to 8:00 am every Friday is going to take some getting used to. Let's hope that it's a boring night.
Rave: First game of cricket in a month and at my favourite ground to bowl at. Rant: This is going to hurt. I'm going to wake up tomorrow in a world of pain.
RANT: Another cricket ODI series lost in Durban. Well done Michael Clarke, your new-look Aussie side beat the same old S.A. dross into the weeds. Gary Kirsten is a great coach, particularly for S.A., but I think anything beyond the last 8 at the next World Cup in 3 and a half years is hoping for too much, unless someone gets some gumption and tosses Graeme Smith out of the side - that said, I think there will be strong political interference (as there is for all National Representative teams) and I don't think Kirsten will tolerate much of that, probably leaving long before the next WC. Amla's batting has also largely been crap, and his fielding in the match last Sunday was woeful. JP Duminy also seems to be firing short of two cylinders. Morne Morkel seems prone to the overly expensive over at key points in the match. Now they've called up Vernon Philander for the Tests - I'll call that series now: 2-0 to Australia, with S.A. not even close. Smith is enough of a handbrake to fuck over any semi-decent side, but Philander too? Jesus. It's like they're selecting a side they know will lose. Return of (dead) Hansiegate, anyone? RANT: Last day of 2011 S.A. rugby season tomorrow. RAVE: It'll be a great Currie Cup final.