RANT: Tried to get a coworker to hang out last week. First, he had to "check the financial situation", then he was "on medicine he couldn't mix with alcohol", and when I suggested just getting food he just pretended not to hear me. He also mentioned he was going to see TSO with J next month...I suggested I might get a ticket and meet up with them after. He was enthusiastic about this, even suggesting I ask someone from work to go with me. When I mentioned I was going to drive to X Stadium to get direct tickets on the cheap, he failed to tell me they were going to Y Stadium on a different date. This, of course, right around the same time that I asked K if she wanted to go, gave her my number, she acts all excited but says she needs to check her schedule before committing. Well, fuck, we all know what that's code for, so I wasn't surprised to be blown off. What did surprise me was "Oh, I forgot to check my schedule, and I think I lost that paper with your number on it." So I tell her to forget it, I don't think the concert is really a good idea at all. And then she wants to walk up to me and ask why I'm being so quiet. Seriously. I couldn't make this shit up if I wanted to. She asks this with perfect innocence...after me catching her staring at me....after she pokes my butt....and wonders why I look at her like she's growing a cock out of her nose like an elephant trunk. I know some people suck, and I have to suck it up and grow a pair. That doesn't make the 6 pack of Guinness in the freezer any less tempting. Rant of much more import (you seriously don't want to read this, but some of you degenerates will anyway, and then you'll yell at me for posting something that offends your tender sensibilities.) Spoiler I can't even beat off. Apparently I at some recent point beat it so long and hard, and without sufficient lubrication, that half my cock is chafed. Now I have to wait for it to heal. Sasha Gray video links and boobies in this thread aren't exactly helping my situation. If I got knocked into a coma tomorrow, my week might actually improve.
Rave: Threw up at the gym today. Speed snatch work plus rigging a weight belt and a band to do some backward running pulls, then box jumps, then slapping a bunch of weights on a stepper thing from the aerobic room to make a poor man's prowler. I haven't done this kind of work in a while, so I had a puking rally midway through. Good times! Rant: It's raining cats and dogs so the friends I was supposed to go with to the Penthouse halloween party cancelled. To be honest I don't think I'll be wandering out either. It was beautiful today too. I hate Florida weather. Rave: At least this means I get to watch my The League season 2 that arrived today! "I'm going to have non-consensual sex with your face and your butt". Oh Rafi, you're the best character ever.
Rant: I just realized that I am still completely retarded when it comes to girls. I get attached way too easily and probably reek of desperation. Introspection is nice, but not on something that I should already be aware of. Spoiler is for the long winded explanation. Spoiler I was in the middle of writing a rant regarding a girl I have been on two dates with and it started off as - 'My gut feeling about a current girl I have taken on a couple dates is that I am getting played for a schmuck. I took her out to dinner on the first date, and it went well, but when I went in to kiss her, she turned her head and gave me the cheek. Date two: We go have dinner again, stroll through the park and chat, and lastly catch a movie where she is cool with holding my hand. When I dropped her off, all I got was a hug ... I was at least expecting a kiss on the cheek from her this time to show me she is interested. She wants to go hiking with me next but I don't know if I want to because she just doesn't seem interested ... ' When I was typing that, I had a feeling that she was just thinking of me as friend, and that I was possibly wasting my time / money, and also being retarded for chasing a girl I don't have a chance with and etc... But as a re-read it, it dawned on me that I HAVE ONLY BEEN ON TWO DATES WITH HER. Why am I expecting anything? And better yet why am I so infatuated/emotionally attached, and knit-picking every detail. It is downright crazy. **I need to chill the fuck out.
Rant: Worst game of cricket ever. Nothing went right for us, I've never had so many edges just miss the stumps or go just out of reach of hands in a game before. Frustrating as fuck.
Rant- Have had nothing of importance to share so I have been lurking instead of joining in for the last couple months. Rave- Although my life is pretty boring and work is stressing me out I am finally realizing life is always going to be stressful and I am dealing with it much more positive ways. Rant?- The work stress has caused me to lose weight and fit into a jean size I havent seen since Jr.High.
Rant- This morning I got an apt lesson on how under prepared I am for archery season. I shot 3 arrows at two does and missed every shot. Good lord. I feel like shit.
RANT: Goodbye to my entire week. Gonna be stuck with the contractors in my mom's flat from 7am on Monday. Fuck. RANT: Sharks folded like a patio chair against the Lions in the Currie Cup Final. Useless. At least the Sharks saved their shittiest performance for the final. The refereeing was also dodgy, though. RAVE: Arsenal sucker-punched Chelsea in the guts 5-3 at Stamford Bridge. Chaotic defense as always but at least Walcott can fucking cross now.
Super, mega, HUGE rave! My terrier had a perch on top of a chair, that looked out over the street. Then, back in May, he got run over by a van. Ever since then he hasn't jumped up on the chair to watch the street. Either it's because the street freaked him the fuck out for good (unlikely) or because sitting in that position is now painful due to whatever damage was done to his back/hips. Well, no more! Guess who is sitting on the chair as I type this?! It does my heart good to see him finally returning to normal. Rave, two: A couple I walk with all the time needed me to look after their dogs last night. No problem. They were only here for three or four hours. I come home this evening to find a white rose in my mailbox, thanking me. I seriously have the best friends in the world. Rave, three: I'm a brunette again. Woot!
RANT: have to be at work an houurs drive away from me in 4.75 hours. Fuck me, why can't I sleep? RAVE: I get paid tripple time on Sundays. Should make about $900 today.
Rant: Swing and a miss. I don't think I fucked anything up, but she wasn't interested. Rejection sucks. Rave? Hey, I struck out swinging. Does that count for something?
RAVE: Halloween costume was a success. Ended up at a very fun party, got drunk nearly for free. RANT: Got cockblocked by two female FRIENDS of mine cause they didn't like the girl I was talking to. WTF. And the girl they chose for me to talk to instead and part of the reason they cockblocked me...one of my coworkers/managers that was also at the party. Thanks friends, great choice. RANT: My other roommate went to a bar instead of the party and his gf, who was dressed as a pretty skanky disco dancer, informed me that she felt really covered and over dressed in comparison to the crowd...shit
Rant: Landlords and people renting out places in downtown Edmonton. Fuck these guys, shady bunch of twats. My gf has been trying to get a new, smaller place for herself and daughter for three months now. Multiple places not good enough and when she finds one; the landlord pulls out at the exact last minute. First one, doesn't return calls for two weeks and then tells her that he's rented it out to someone else. Second one, just told her that he's selling the place; after telling her that he's holding onto it till the arena is built. Fuck those people.
Rave: My mom just won $500 from a scratch-off. Not a lot of money in the long run but it definitely made her happy and will help out big time. Rave: Battle: Los Angeles on demand, I know what I'm watching tonight. Fuck everyone who said it sucked, that movie was awesome.
RAVE: Business is good, and nothing is more gratifying than seeing a packed house, day after day, night after night. My back aches, my feet throb, my hands and arms are burnt and bruised all to shit, and I'm working hours a Sherpa would find offensive, but as long as I see those smiling faces I'm fucking unstoppable. RANT: Salary.
Rave: Halloween night tomorrow. Rant: I have unnatural amounts of work to do this week, which could have been done without too much difficulty if I had tomorrow night to work on it, but instead I will be drunkenly running through the streets. Sorry systems biology and microcontrollers, Papa wants to see girls in skimpy outfits do things they will regret. Rave: Come Friday I am going to "Pledge mountain" for the service fraternity I'm in which consists of 70% women. Basically we pack a mountain house full of awkward guys and hot girls and alcohol and see what hilarity occurs. It's a solid two days of drinking and hanging out. Rant: Despite the above raves, I still can't get myself to concentrate or go to bed. It is 3:30 and I have to be up in 5.5 hours, but here I am surfing the internet and playing guitar. I spent today watching football and recovering from a hangover. Rant: Applications for grad school start soon.
Rant: I don't know if there is a grinch type character for Halloween but if there is I am one! You Americans and your Satan day have rubbed off on Kiwi kids. My dog has been going mental all night with people coming Trick or Treating*. Now I know, in American this is normal. But this is a new, just in the last couple of years thing, here in NZ and I don't like it. No, I do not want to give you lollies! Do your chores, earn pocket money, buy your own damn lollies. It's what I had to do. Further Rant: What is with the drunk teenagers doing trick or treating? Is this normal in America? Stupid damn teenagers. Get off my drive before I turn the hose on ya. It's a Monday night and you have school tomorrow. What the hell? * I tried a sign saying this household doesn't participate in Halloween (as was suggested to me). Fat lotta good that is. Blind sugar crazed idiot kids.