RAVE: Found a V For Vendetta Halloween costume! Sweet! All I need now are some explosives, a TV station, and Natalie Portman.
Rant: Moving. Specifically packing and unpacking. I'm 98% sure my girlfriend is a hoarder or something, because it took the movers 30 minutes to move my stuff, and like three hours for hers. I'm fucking exhausted. I went to sleep at 7:30 last night and feel like I haven't slept a wink. And I still have to unpack more crap when I get home. Faggoty (copyright ballsack) rave: Falling asleep and waking up next to someone you care about.
Rant: Connecticut Light and Power. Fuck you guys. We have the highest electricity costs in the US and the entire grid still crashes everytime a storm hits? And it won't be back for 7-10 days? Fuck you, cocksuckers.
RAVE: got hitched to a fantastic woman this weekend. The wedding was awesome, and everyone was having such a good time that they stayed until the very end. Great times.
Rant: It's only been about two and a half days and it already feels like it's been months. As a white male this is by far the worst thing that has happened to me. Ever.
RAVE: Too bad I was mysteriously absent from performance class today, I heard the Grim Reaper killed it on bass...
Rant: I found out what she got him for his birthday. A pair of cufflinks. Shaped like cheeseburgers. CHEESEBURGERS. He is a better man than I will ever be.
Rave: I have some pretty awesome friends and family. Some of y'all surprised me with some kind words. Thanks. You guys are pretty nice for being TiB jackals. I feel so much better now, and I think I'm going to feel a little bit better every day.
Rant- I'm glad we live in a country where a whore, albeit extremely hot, such as Kim Kardashian can whore out marriage for dollars but a homosexual couple are denied. With two marriages in the bag, third time better bring in ratings.
Rant: In laws came over to put a firepit in my driveway and have a fire while they handed out Halloween candy. This brought over the crazy neighbor. This was entirely too much crazy in one place for me to deal with, so I stayed inside and graded papers. Rave: Got my grading done, and I am caught up. Rant: Time to start thinking about finals. Need to make up finals for my two classes. I also need to make up a unit test by Wednesday. Making tests is such a pain in the ass, and there is the internal struggle between multiple choice (easy to grade, but not a very accurate measurement of learning, and longer to make) and short answer/essay (much harder to grade, but a more accurate measurement of learning, and easier to make). I hate tests. I only give them because I have too. In one of my classes, they haven't had a test in two months (it is all projects, presentations, and small quizzes of no more than 4 or 5 questions). Rave: Hopefully, by the end of the week, I'll have all my lesson plans for the rest of the trimester finished. After that, the only bullshit work I'll have left is the two assignments for my college. Its only taken me the entire semester to get to the point where I am caught up and almost ahead of the game.
Rave: Only lost power for 40ish hours. Pretty lucky since I'm out in the boonies. Rave: Being prepared isn't overrated. Half a cord of wood stacked by the hearth and the porch, generator fully fueled and freshly tuned, 50gal of gas at the ready. I could have stayed off the grid for weeks! Rant: Humped my generator around to a bunch of unprepared friends. A big thanks to all of them for shoveling paths through their yards too... uh, not so much. Hoping the power will come on isn't solving the problem
Rant: As posted in the video game thread. FUCK YOU to Dice/Ea for making a game that doesn't support the operation system that almost half the of people use.
rant: looks like I might have to cancel Christmas holidays. Haven't had a holiday for a few years now except for brief incredibly stressed periods of unemployment - and could really use a few days of checked out on the beach. But surprise $1500-$2000 bill just showed up (get exact number tomorrow) - which kind of messes with my Christmas budget a little. rant: There's some horserace on here. It's a big deal for Australians. I don't fucking get it - it's a bunch of anorexic midgets sitting on unprocessed glue and petfood products, in a straight line, at breakneck, speeds roughly equivalent to those experienced by soccer mom's on the way to the grocery store. Then the ultimate 'winnar' is essentially picked by a coin toss when the photo finish shows them both 3mm from the line at the same time. Shut up! and your hats are stupid.
Rant: 2nd day I've had to sit at my mom's apartment with the contractors. Stupid house rules. Rave: The weather is clear here, so I get to sit on the balcony, unlike yesterday when it was cold and wet*. Rant: looks like I'll be here during the day for the whole week and possibly most of next week. Also, the plumber is late. There's also no food at all here and no tv or internet - the apartment is empty. Rave: At least my BlackBerry works. *insert prerequisite sexual jibe here
Rave: Final exam of my undergrad degree tomorrow. Rant: I'm very stressed. It's the last remaining thing standing between me and the post-grad honours program, and it's statistics, my weakest area. I just hope I've covered enough during study to be able to get through. Rave: I should only need to pass it to get the required grade for the class. Fingers crossed. Feel free to wish me luck.
Rave: In the last 2 weeks I have gone from wanting to be a cop to actively making it happen. I've taken the written and face to face interview with LASD, passed both, and start background in a few weeks. I've also passed the Physical and written with a much smaller local PD, but I scored a 60 on the written, and only a 46 was required. Now I am waiting for my face to face with the smaller PD. Waiting on one more agency to get back to me if I qualify to take their tests too. Rant:need to get into "Academy" shape in the next few months. Here's to lots of running in my future.
Rant: What's worse than female drivers? Female drivers that also TEXT while they drive. Rave: Those new minivans have some pretty good brakes on them. Rave: The look on her face when I go out of my car and walked back to see how close she got to my bumper. (A hands width in case you care). She rolled down her window and yelled that she didn't hit me. I retorted with, "Get off your phone you dumb cunt."