Rant:New neighbors have moved in to the flat next to me. It seems they have a little bundle of screaming joy. Guess which bedroom they have placed it in? Yep, the one that next to mine. Rant:Can I even masturbate in my room now? Surely there's a law against pleasuring yourself within 18 feet of baby regardless of walls and such. Even if there isn't, the idea alone creeps me out a little bit
Rant/Rave/Frustration: My partner and I were licensed to be foster parents about a month or so ago. Took all the classes, got our house the way the required, etc. We have 2 small children (1.5 & 3.5) and said we'd take school-aged kids (8 & over) and sibling groups (aka a school aged kid with a younger sibling). We got our first placement a week ago. A group of 3 siblings, a girl (age 4), a boy (age 3) and another boy (just turned 2 on Sunday). Not quite what we had in mind. We took them because it seemed like it would be temporary as the grandmother was filing for custody of them & if we didn't take them they would be split up. The grandmother didn't get it. So, now we have 5 kids in my house 4 and under. Oh, and the 3 foster kids - all in diapers. So, 4 kids in diapers. They each came with 2 sets of (crappy) clothes & one might (MIGHT!) have an egg, wheat and peanut allergy - the grandmother wasn't sure. We also found out that they possibly all still drink from bottles, use pacifiers and sleep in cribs. Needless to say they have been through a lot. They have not asked for the mother once, but they ask for the dad - more like a "where's dada? He's not coming here, right?" kinda way. It's sad & my heart breaks for these kids, but it's also incredibly frustrating. Their favorite words are "mine", "no", "gimme" and "hey" (apparently our names are "hey" which is great). Oh, are you finished drinking that apple juice, sure just throw your cup across the room when you are done with it, no problem. But, we have them in daycare - and they are getting structure for the first time in their entire lives (it seems anyway, we don't have much info on them). And they are picking things up that we are teaching them, just incredibly slowly. They have new clothes, a few toys, a yard to play in and people who read to them and pay attention to them but I feel like I am living in a daycare. Ok, I could go on, but I am going to stop, sorry it's so long and just in case tl;dr - we got foster kids and my house is insane right now.
SUPER MOTHER F'N RANT Brian Setzer is playing Calgary and Edmonton over the Chrismas holidays. The shows are only $40 and while they are at decently sized venues, they aren't huge arenas. This is never going to happen again. Ever. And I will be on the east coast. FUCK! SHIT! PISS! BALLS!
RANT: Why do I do this to myself? Every fucking time I drive past a Chipotle, my rational side says no, Pinkcup. Do not eat this delicious burrito. You will feel horrible and it's not worth the hours of agony you will certainly experience. Even today, I sat in the parking lot and had a very heated argument with myself over the stupidity of this lunch choice. I walked inside anyway. And now my intestines are rioting and I'm scaring my cats with the sheer disgustingness of my farts. I hate myself. I knew better, and I did it anyway. I truly hate myself. And FUCK Chipotle. This is ridiculous.
Rave: Got my license today. It lists me as 3 foot 2. I am officially a midget. This pleases me to no end for some reason.
Rave So i've decided my brother is getting a therapy dog come January and by therapy dog I mean ~5 year old rescue black lab that has no therapy training whatsoever but will be plenty therapeutic. I swear, I'm totally doing this for him and am not using this as an excuse to get a dog.
Rant: Where the fuck is my motivation? I have none. I have less than none. I'm turning into a hermit. I'd rather sit alone in my house doing nothing than go out and do anything at all productive recently. I just feel so completely and totally out of it.
RAVE: After nearly 4 days without power or heat, our power utility decided to visit my neck of the woods. RANT: Missed all the NFL/fantasy for the week since I didn't charge my phone before the snowstorm and no businesses were open to let me use their outlets. Just as well though, if I had to actually watch the Philly/Dallas game I would have wanted to shoot myself in the forehead.
Rant: Every time I read a college student's Twitter feed, I lose 15 IQ points.. christ, people are so fucking stupid.
Rant: Stress does some weird stuff to your body. Today I became aware of the 10 lbs I've lost and the solid knot my left upper trap has become during the last 4 weeks. I thought I was better about managing stress. Apparently not. I'm still a complete bitch to the really basic, common bullshit life brings.
Rant: So many grad school applications, so little focus. My history as a professional procrastinator is not serving me well!
RAVE?: I stopped watching porn AND smoking weed without really trying. I just sort of had enough, I guess. What else do people do at night? I feel bored and healthy.
Rant/Rave: Meeting a lot of new people. So many, in fact, that it's hard to keep them all straight (e.g., I have 3 people to meet in the next 5 days). Hopefully I'll at least get along with a couple of them -- I'm going to have to slow down on this whole thing in a bit, but by next year I should have a pretty decent list of people I can text for a movie or show or something.
Rant: Last night I managed to accidentally delete 1TB of movies off my drive. Rave: Got all the TV shows back and in the process of getting the movies back. Rant: I have to recover the movies one by one because of a corrupt file in one of the folders.