Rant & Rave Thread Rant: my job this week is to get this guy running, gonna be a long week. Rave: Lots of paid OT from this.
?: Since I moved my office, I've been sending out change of address notices. I sent one to the executive assistant for one of my clients. I have never met this lady in person, and exchange probably two emails a year, mostly related to invoices and the like, and have never had anything but professional correspondence. (No spam, no list of chain emails, no cutesy facebook stuff or whatever.) She replied to my email asking for a revise W-9 form. Then she sent another email with this exact quote: WTF?
Rave/Rant: Yesterday my dog ran away and brought home a chicken from our neighbors 5 houses down. It was fucking hilarious, and the chicken was alright thankfully, just a little bloodied. He was so proud he bought us a gift. Rant: I came into work this morning and my trailer smelled like 16 bags of fucking awful. After initially thinking the septic was screwed up, i traced the odor back to the propane tanks, which must have been leaking pretty bad. Right now they are fully disconnected, and frankly my trailer still reeks, and I'm afraid I'm going to blow the fuck up. Rave: Knock on wood it hasn't happened yet. Rave: Novembeard, which is a continuation of Octobeard, and Septembeard for me. Having a job where you don't need to look presentable is awesome.
Rave: My sister passed the bar! She probably won't read this, but still, that's the culmination of 4+ years of effort. Rant: Being a lawyer is really fun! Right? Guys? ...guys?
Rant: Unfortunately I'm not so lucky, what's worse is my cousin who has two young kids having to stay in shelters because of the cold. Rave: Thank god it isn't colder.
Rave: Less than one month before training is over and I can finally get out to the desert. Rave: Got a few weeks of leave before I have to show up which means a week of being home in NY. Rant/Rave: More excited to see my friends than my family, I think I'm a bad person. Rant: Driving from NY to Arizona alone.
Rave: Thanks to a terribly auto-corrected message she sent to me today, my girlfriend's new nickname is Tits McShit. In context, it looked like: Me: How's your day going? Her: Pretty good. Tits Mc Shit, and I'm tired. You? Rave: Home-made booze trifecta is in effect. I've been enjoying my 1st batch of beer, a small batch of hard cider is in the old Mr. Beer fermenter (an adjusted 5 gal. recipe, not one of the Mr. Beer ones), and since I was just given a ton of free lemons, lemoncello is coming up next.
Rave: Had a guy come in today to try CrossFit. As he was warming up, I was asking whether he'd ever tried it before, what he did to work out etc. He said he'd never done CrossFit before, but he ran a lot, so he was figuring it would be good for him. I looked at him, smiled, and said "Honey, I'm gonna make you weak in the knees." He stuttered. But he also signed up so YAY! Other Rave: I'm about to jerk. Rant: I may have to be mean, and I don't want to be mean. That's gonna suck.
Rave: While cleaning out my closet, I dusted off some collectibles I got for Christmas about 10 years ago. I looked them up online and found out they're worth over 10x what was paid for them. Also found Metroplex from Transformers http://www.ebay.com/itm/G1-Transfor...186?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c87e94a2 going for 100 bucks on ebay. I didn't open the box to check yet, but I'm pretty sure I still have all the parts. Score!
Rant: The Friday deadline for this fucking project is kicking my ass. I'm in early and staying late, and still panicking about it a little. Rave: Leaving the office soon, and I'm going to go home and make pasta with homemade tomato sauce and a fresh apple crisp for desert. Then I'm going to enjoy both, with beer, all by myself.
?? Alcohol tolerance presently nonexistent. Woah baby. On the plus side, one drink brought me past tipsy. I'm a cheap drunk. On the minus side, what the fuck?
Rant: I have to find another job so I can quit my current one before I go postal and murder someone. ??: New relationship. This is the first time I've been not single in almost 4 years and I'm struggling a little. There's a lot of factors that say this will never ever work out but I'm hoping for the best. Rave: Four day weekend.
A classmate of mine died of leukemia following a bone marrow transplant. I was not particularly close friends with her, but we had a bunch of mutual friends. She was 26. I have seen too many 20-somethings in the ICU with cancer and a bone marrow transplant. The fact they were in the ICU meant they have a 40% chance of even leaving. It's easier to keep your distance when it's a stranger. You feel bad for them, and for their family, but it's not your tragedy. Being close to it is worse. I feel awful for her friends, and husband, and parents, having seen just a glimmer of what they've been through with her, and what she had to go through. It's a terrible way to go. Worse than the other deaths I've seen over the last six months. You can't say they died doing what they loved, you can't say they're old and lived a long life, you can't say they died serving a greater purpose. I've seen too much of it.
Two in a page, damn. Rant This is interesting. I ordered a used book from/through amazon in used, but "good" condition. It was filled through amazon itself, shipped from their warehouse/etc. 140 pages just missing. The first section of the book is no where to be seen, and it looks like the box got raped in the face. What the hell!?