RAVE: Talked it over with some of my friends who were very involved with the group, and I definitely made the right decision. Not that I dislike those guys or I will stop hanging out with them, not at all; I just fundamentally was not the type of person who could or should have been in the group. It's like they are the type of guys who wanted to join a frat in college, and I'm the GDI type.
Rave- In a perfect world, Ron Paul would win the ticket. Rant - But I doubt that will happen in his lifetime.
Rant: To all the idiots who will undoubtably quote it today, V for Vendetta is a stupid movie based on a stupid comic. Shut the fuck up.
RANT: I do wish my landlord, who lives below me, wasn't a hoarder. My place is spotless right now, and I still have a fruit fly problem. I shudder to think about how bad it is down there. I've never seen his place, but my roommate was down there once, and said it is indescribably bad. Judging by the back yard, I believe it.
Rave: Got to skype with El Fiance today! Hooray! His friend also posted a bunch of pictures with him on facebook so I get to see what he's been doing and how awful his farmer's tan is. Rant: December 23rd can't come fast enough.
RAVE: Discovered Blue Mountain State and Boardwalk Empire in the same week. I've spent just about all my free time watching TV this week. RANT: Feel like a looser for watching TV all week. Who knows: Things aren't going great with the girlfriend, going to break things off if they don't soon start to get better, I'm getting sick of this shit. RANT: Netflix is shit. I signed up for the free trial on my Xbox, and I'm pretty disappointed. There's no new movies on there, anything worth watching is a year or two old. And it's not even like theres good old movies on there (1970's/80's). I will not be paying for this service.
RANT: Food poisoning. Not major, but major enough that I still wanted to die and couldn't be more than a dozen quick steps from the bathroom. I'm almost 100% sure it was from some grilled fish I had a restaurant on Friday. It was horrible, and I sent it back after a couple of mouthfuls. One of the other guys had the same, and sent his back too. I had a little more than him, and he isn't riding the porcelain express. DOUBLE RANT: We've booked that restaurant for our work Christmas party.
Rant: My head is pounding so hard that it feels like 10,000 Africans are blasting vuvuzela's in my fucking ears. Rave: Most likely going to see John Pinette in three weeks. I was going to see him a few years ago but was underage to get into the comedy club. Not this time, cocksuckers. If you haven't heard much of his stuff, YouTube that shit, for he is hilarious.
Rant: Realestate agent pulled a fucking dick move when my ex moved out of the house we were in before we separated. Wanted to keep the 4 week deposit, and an extra 2 weeks on top. For complete bullshit. Rave: A really good friend gave me a huge amount of help and got a letter written with all the right words to make it clear that we knew it was bullshit, we knew it wouldn't fly if we disputed it, and we had been to get some legal advice. 5 business hours have passed since I sent them that letter. They've dropped the number by a third. Rant: They still want to keep 4 weeks rent on a 4 bedroom house, for bullshit that shouldn't have been our fucking problem at all.
RANT: Head lice on my child is single-handedly the most annoying thing to happen in the last six months. I almost cried at the doctor's office. Spent the beautiful sunny weekend washing every towel, linen, scarf, hat and clothing item in the house. Also had to pick through my son's thick hair, strand by strand, removing live lice and eggs. Disgusting.
Rant: Just on one of those downhill slides. Nothing seems to fall into place. Unlooked for confrontations over stupid things. What's really annoying is I've been sick and trying like hell to keep to myself and out of everyone's way, yet, they still seem to find me to bitch about stupid things. Rant: Same as before, but can't seem to get the big things in life on track, which is nothing new, but just really feeling frustrated over it all right now.
Rant: Damn. The more I read about this Sandusky thing at Penn State the worse it gets. How do you get caught in the football facilities' shower with a young boy? Ironical Rant: Title of Sandusky's 2001 autobiography? Touched.
Rant: So I woke up today intent on doing some school work, ate breakfast, turned on the TV to watch Sportscenter, flicked through to AMC, and since then I've been watching Fight Club. For 2.5 hours. What a waste. Rave: When my head isn't in a book, my life has been pretty fantastic, I can't complain.
Girly rave: Even though I just got my hair cut a month ago, I decided to not pass up one of those "get your hair cut for free so our new hire can train with our style" things, which have always gone well in the past. My last cut was really boring and when I walked away it didn't look like anything had changed. My cut today was AWESOME and I really love it. I always tell them my dream hair is Brigitte Bardot's, when it's not straightened, and this is the closest I ever got. And the shampoo and conditioner they used smells like butterscotch and I want to eat my hair. Nom nom nom. Rave: It is an absolutely gorgeous Fall day. I'm going to go read magazines on my roof.
I looked at the predictions for the Ohio poll results regarding tomorrow Why, oh God why could I not have been left in Florida when we went on vacation in the 90s? Or maybe been born to parents who didn't LIVE IN FUCKING OHIO. Fuck. Nothing but corn, Walmarts and a population who make you wonder if people really have souls.
Rant: Driving 10 hours to Cleveland tomorrow to go to my grandmothers funeral. How did I find out about her dying? A phone call? No. In person from my mother? Nope. I found out because my teenage cousin posted on Facebook, "RIP Grandma." Thanks for the heads-up, asshole. Rant: I came home to my parents' house tonight to my father sitting on the couch with my other grandmother with a nice, heartwarming movie on TV. Just kidding, it was the gay rape scene from Pulp Fiction while my grandmother asks, "Whats that thing in the *colored* man's mouth?" Awwwwkward...