Rant: I've been paying for my lunch of red beans, chick peas, lentils, brown rice, onions and carrots for the past 5 hours. When will it stop?!
RAVE: Just got engaged RANT: I don't want to talk to any of the people telling me congrats, fucking family.
First Rant Ever: Got rejected from my dream job today. Doing research at Columbia? Yes please. What's that? You literally have no suggestions for improvement for me in the future and there were just a couple more qualified people? Cool. Fuck this economy.
Disgustingly mushy and vomit inducing rave: I love the warm fuzzies you get when the boy texts you to tell you to lock yourself in the car cause he had to duck into work real quick. Yup, I am a woman in deep, deep smit. Sigh. Small rant: Pregnant friend got rushed to hospital today and I went in with her and couldn't make it to work. Despite letting my place of employment know, one of the managers didnt pass on the message for me like they're supposed to so myanager is being a cunt now. Fuck.
Rave: Unseasonably warm weather. A nice break from the cold. Rave: Making fresh spiced cider on the stove after a hike. Rant: Not taking a close look at the label on your "cinnamon" container before sprinkling it into your cider. ???: While not enjoyable, cider with chili powder is tolerable.
Rave: Practicing with a duck call on a lake 5 minutes from the office over the lunch hour beats the hell out of the break room. Rave: I did a lot of thinking over the weekend and decided that I need to draw up a 5 year plan culminating in my small venture becoming a full time gig. If anyone has done this, I'd appreciate a PM.
Rave: Executive decision- it is too nice today to sit inside and do work, so I won't. Outdoor blunt here I come!
Rant/Rave? Baby shower this weekend. I am just happy that planning this fucking thing is over. I am jumping thru my ass trying to help her get shit done while going to school and work. Jesus Fuck. Rant:: Her sister needs to move the fuck out of her house already. I am wasting my rent money. She makes great money, and is actually a pretty great person, but it's time for her to go(BabyMomma's words, not mine, while I do concur). and she needs to take her little fucking rat dog Yorkie with her. Rave:I get to sit on a panel of Afghanistan veterans tonight and answer questions of the audience after screening the film Restreppo. One of the guys on the panel with me was in the movie, and is actually an awesome guy. I did this earlier in the year and it was alot of fun. No morons asked any stupid questions, so I am more than happy to do it again. Rave: I live in LA and Conrad Murray didn't murder me. Yet.
RAVE: Three weeks. This is the second longest I've gone without smoking pot in the last 3.5 years, and the longest period I've voluntarily stopped for. (I was in Peru for a month a couple years ago and decided not to find out the hard way if I could get in any serious trouble for smoking it.) RANT: Turns out my lazy tendencies can't be blamed on drugs. I really can't feel any difference physically or mentally. If I want to get shit done, I just need to force myself to do it... there's no quick fix. Still, I'm going to stay off the dope for a few more weeks just 'cause.
RAVE: Asteroid coming by in two hours has been guaranteed by scientists not to hit Earth. RANT: In relative terms, we're dodging a bullet, and if the scientist's calculations are off by even the tiniest fraction, that thing could do some damage.
RANT: When I say domain administrator and you get confused, please don't ever call again. I would like to not spend an hour drawing you a picture in crayons so you understand. RANT: Only a couple weeks till it's time for our conversation.
Rave: No real work tomorrow, then the Marine Corps Ball, then a day off, then a 24 hour duty, then Sunday. Rave: Weighed myself at the gym...up to 160 from 152 a couple months ago. And my lifts are getting heavier.
Rant: " I need your help. I can't tell you what it is, you can never ask me about it later, and we're gonna hurt some people." Mother fucking roofer ran off with $800. My cousin introduced us to her friend, a roofer, that'd do some repairs cheaper than his company. Whatever, stick it to the man. He also seemed reliable and it's a small fix. As my mother and I are getting the money together this little prick calls her 16 times hoping to start. That was a major red flag to me. Instead of listening to my instinct I said he probably just needs the cash and wants to get going. No. Shit. Soon as he got the check he disappeared. He lives in my cousin's building and is blowing her off, blowing off all of our calls. So we're calling the fucking cops on him. Roofing fraud is a big fucking problem here and we have fresh new legislation made for just this type of thing. Will probably never see that money again though. I want his fucking blood. I'm kicking myself in the ass over this because I let my mom go ahead with him despite my instinct telling me he's acting like a white trash scheister or a junkie. Seriously fucking terrible. I've had fantasies of kicking his shitty door in and pulling a Casino on his hand with a hammer. We've had at least 6 contractors/handy-men/repair guys ALL recommended come out here for shit I just can't fix and each one of them has either fucked it up worse than before or drifted off without finishing. Thank satan the ones that drifted off never got more than the down payment. Rave: I know where he lives and where he used to work. Same place written on his shirt and business card. Yeah, they fired his ass apparently. They'll love to know he's representing himself under their name.
Not trying to violate the no-politics rule, but whatever it's worth it. SUPER RAVE: Mississippi rejected Amendment 26! See everyone, my state isn't so backwards and extreme anymore! We're not as awful as everyone seems to think! Woo hoo, absolutely over the moon about this!
Rave I did leave over lunch and cried. This is a rave because it was the movie type of cry. Eyes welled with tears that I gently patted away with a napkin. Then I pulled it together and finished out the rest of my day with emotions intact. Normally I would be the full on sobbing, mascara running down my face, have to go touch up my makeup type of crying. But I held it together somewhat so that is a success in my book Rant I hate the fact that my body's response to frustration is to want to cry. What do guys do? Want to punch somebody? And to the kind folks who repped me asking if things were OK, it was a work related frustration which is boring for me to talk about and even more boring for you to read about. But thanks for the kind words.
Rant: Beard trimmer slipped. Rather than look full retard I decided I better go ahead and just shave. Didn't fix the problem. I have never been in the working world where I was expected to shave everyday. This is going to suck. Rant: Still dealing with all the shit I have been for the last half of my life. Good times.
Rant: Look new mister room mate, I feel for ya. You're new to this country. BUT SERIOUSLY buy 2 more pairs of shorts, underwear, shirts, and socks, because you're running the fucking water and electric bill up like crazy by doing laundry every single night for ONE pair of active wear.
RANT: Make a quick late-night run to the store and on the way back with the radio off I hear thwp-thwp-thwp-thwp, where the frequency of the thwps changes with my speed. Shit. I'm a quarter-mile from home so I get home, pull it into my spot where there's some light, and look at my tire. Big fucking huge metal thing lodged in my back left tire. I had one blow out on the freeway only 6 months ago...that was fucking fun. Not going for a repeat of that. Now I have to find a tire place, limp my goddamn car up there, pray the tire doesn't explode on the way, and hope they can patch it. I'm not even sure if this is one of my new tires from the recent replacement or an old one. Probably a new one. Fuck.