Rant: Situation with the room mate blew up. He's a dick. Still can't tell if he was lying or just retarded. I made him say his apology/his interpretation of events with his hand on the Qu'ran (yes I went there). Rave: He did seem sincere towards the end, so it is resolved and there are no hard feelings. But HOLY SHIT I was shaking I was so mad. I don't like getting mad like that.
So, girl who bailed on me a month ago, asked for my number, suggested hanging out, and never called? Yesterday, she started another conversation with someone else while I was asking her if she wanted to try for lunch again, since SHE brought it up the other day. I called her on it and told her I was assuming a permanent "No" on hanging out, leading to her making a big deal of calling today to make plans, followed by....not calling. Add the Judge Adams thread, a video showing a mother punishing her very young boy with hot sauce and a cold shower, and the Lizzy Seeberg link. Then I had an hour long phone conversation with my brother who is starting to scare me. I don't believe he would ever do this, but a lot of the shit he said tonight sounded like it came right out of Eric Harris' journal. No exaggeration, no stretching it. Dead fucking on. All this kid can see is the fucked up and evil shit in the world. He wants to see rapists, murderers, child molesters all tortured to death. He wants to be the one that does it, and I can tell from the way he talks that he MEANS it. The most fucked up part is that you idiots are the only ones I can bitch to about this shit. RAVE: I don't live with my parents. /Trollolol.
RAVE: Malibu and milk isn't that bad. RAVE: Even though I say that I don't feel any homosexual tendencies. RANT/RAVE: I feel like doing something stupid. Not in a gay way though.
Rant: The fucking worthless piece of shit ex/baby-daddy has pushed me over the edge. He has lied to his sons and I wiped their tears when they cried. It's so on. I want the biggest bitch in family law to represent me while I rip him a new asshole with a dull chainsaw. I am squirreling away every extra cent I've got. It'll take me a couple of months at most to afford the almost certainly brutal retainer fee. If anyone has any recommendations as far as lawyers in the Denver hood, I'd appreciate it. Rant: Stress. It's making me a bit bitchier than usual. Poor Mr. P. He is the one who picks up the slack. Rave: A significant raise and promotion at work, courtesy of a killer interview with the VP of Marketing. Apparently 30% raises are rare, my immediate boss keeps asking what I "did." (She knows my raise because she had to authorize it for payroll.) I just wore my red lipstick and remained my charming self, dammit! I tend to flirt, which may have been a factor...but really, I am stoked he liked me so much! School is good, my kids aren't brawling at school lately, I quit drinking, weaned off of my antidepressants, feel pretty damn good for the most part. Just gotta get something done about the moron. At least I'm not waiting in line for a bowl of rice.
RANT: WHAT THE FUCK? CAN'T MY DAD AND I RUN A BUSINESS WITHOUT IT BEING FUCKED WITH?! Some dipshit motherfuckers just broke into our shop a few hours ago. They took my dad's spray rig (for spraying weeds in his orchards) and they also took a full exhaust system setup that I made myself, as well as some scrap metal. The crackheads are at it again. I just spent the last couple of hours talking to the cops and repairing the damage they did. (Do you know how much I hate talking to cops?) We were at the scene of the crime within a couple of minutes, but we missed them. Looks like it's time for cameras. At least we were tipped off by the alarm system before they could really dig into the shop and get to the tools.
Rant: My mother died two years ago from cancer. Yes that sucks but I think I'm over it. My pops happens to be a blind attorney who had never lived without her so I moved home to help him out while I went back to school. In hindsight it was helping both of us with grief and everything else. My family has a huge problem with alcoholism. So what do I see when I walk in the other night, my dad's new gf, who I know has been to alcohol rehab twice,.. she's just chugging straight canadian hunter out of the bottle while my dad sits eight feet away talking to her. I've been accused of drinking his whiskey numerous times even though I drink nothing but beer. I've hinted around it that she might be drinking more than he thinks an he usually agrees but I don't know if I should tell him or not. How do you tell a blind man that managed to make it through high school, college, and law school that his new girlfriend is using his lack of sight to drink all his whiskey and act like there's no problem. I'm at a fucking loss. The small town that I live in would fucking crucify my father if the gf was pulled over drunk while she took him to work. Not to mention that he happens to be the prosecutor that would have to try her for DUI. It is a giant clusterfuck that worries me nonstop. Any advice would be appreciated.
RAVE: Well, maybe a rant. I don't really know. But it's my dog. My girl. My baby. Yes, I'm an asshole. We all know that. Hell, my family knew that by the age of 2. But there's something about that dog. She just knows how to get to me. She's bad. Really bad. She's attacked cleaning people, Mexican movers, and the other day I had a fellow tenant 'request' (and by 'request' I mean threaten to tell the landlord that she is an aggressive dog) if I don't muzzle her. Other than the Mexican movers and cleaning people, she hasn't attempted to bite anyone. So just three. And it's because she's a rescue and this dog lives and breathes for me. I've never had that in my life, I can only imagine what kids are like, and it's probably the reason my wife doesn't want to have them, because God knows I'd be a fucking pushover. Yeah, couldn't do the muzzle thing. RAVE: As much as a pain in the ass as she is, my Dahlia is the best thing that happened to me. Man, if you don't have a dog, get one. Best thing ever. Ok, done now.
Rave Happy Veterans Day to all my fellow servicemembers stateside and across the pond, as well as all the military folk on this board. Much love. Rant Found out I'm not deploying this coming March. Didn't get approval in time or something of the sort. Kind of bummed. Rant Hearing about your friend's worries/troubles with their girlfriends and SO's. Makes me feel a little better that I'm single again. Rave I'm not broke for the time being!
Rant/Rave? For some inexplicable reason, there was an issue of US magazine in the men's room. Having nothing better to occupy my mind while I was on the shitter, I decided to browse through it. Oh my god. I always thought Cosmo was bad, but this absolutely blows Cosmo out of the water. For all the trashiness of the articles in Cosmo, at least it presumes that its readership is literate. Not so with US magazine. There are literally no articles in this rag. None. Every page is just pictures with captions below them. Usually organized by some theme or another. The captions themselves were practically written in internet-speak; just fragmented half-thoughts. I could almost feel my brain cells dying every second I was looking at it. I weep for the women who read - and I use that term very lightly - this publication. Society, the educational system, and their parents have all completely failed them.
Rant & Rave Thread Rave: Hired my first pair of tits, I mean employee, today. Don't judge me, I had a rich lawyer ask to see a hot chick behind the bar. Rant: Fired my first employee today. Idiot got wasted while working and thought I wouldn't care/wouldn't notice.
Rave: I just had sex for the first time in 6 months! Rant: It hurt like a son of a bitch. What the hell? I had a c-section so nothing was tampered with down below. Rave: Had a glass of wine last night. Rave: Survived my first week back at work. Next week will blow, I'm covering a vacation that I hate to cover. Oh well, this week wasn't bad. Rave: Baby Girl is starting to get fun. She's smiling more every day.
Rant & Rave Thread Rant: I have been at this job 3 weeks now and I don't think I have learned a goddamn thing. Every time I ask my boss questions I am met with anger or frustration for asking him questions all the time. They force me to work overtime and weekends which sucks balls. I get a shit lunch break and when I ask to leave after being here 11 hours for 6 days a week I am met with no's or if I leave early today it's gonna be a long day tomorrow. Motherfucker I'm not leaving early I'm fucking leaving 2 hours later than my shift ended. Fuck did I really go to college and graduate to land this shitty job. Fuck me I hate my life.
Rant: Just found out that I need to look at my inbox to check for new messages. I'm not sure what I expected- maybe someone to shake me awake at 2am to let me know? Rave: Someone replied to my posts! No, wait.. is that not a cool reaction?
Rave: Awesome time at the Ball. Rave: Hung out with easily the coolest girl I've ever known the whole time period before and after the ball. Definitely perfect for me, girlfriend material for sure, possibly even wife material. She's at least as into me as I am into her. RANT as all hell: She has a fucking boyfriend. 3 year relationship. He lives with her. Why I continue to get into these shitty situations, I have no idea. Rave: Come June, I'm gonna be an uncle!!
Rant: Is being retarded a prerequisite for working at a scrap yard? My dad and I have a mechanic/welding shop that was broken into last night. Nothing inside the shop itself was taken, because the alarm system we have scared the punks off. But they did make off with some equipment that my dad and I had on the outside (within a fenced perimeter). Since all of it was esoteric stuff that would be useless to anyone other than us or a scrap yard (it was all metal), I figure that the parties responsible were just going to sell it for scrap. So I printed out fliers that explained what was stolen, and described the pieces (including pictures). I put our contact information on the fliers, and explained in bold letters that there would be a cash reward for the return of the equipment. The proprieters of every scrap yard that we went to (my dad and I spread out, so I can't completely account for what he experienced) could not comprehend what we were doing. Questions included: -"How will I know what to look for?" -"What do you want me to do?" -"Who do I call?" After much explanation, I HOPE they got the idea. I don't have much hope of finding our stuff.
RAVE: I just discovered That Metal Show's interview with Axl Rose. It was in 2008. Why haven't I heard about this before now??!! RAVE: Axl actually seems like a nice guy. Now that I think about it, GNR's biggest problem with him was that he was never on time. Rave/rant: It's great to be a Georgia Bulldog. I seriously feel sorry for Penn State this weekend. What a hard time they must be having.
Rave: Daughter #1 was accepted into her first choice college. Rant 1: $43,000/year. That's more than my bachelor's degree cost. Rant #2: She wants to major in English. Rant #3: I have a child old enough to be starting college.