Rave: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.autoblog.com/2010/11/23/us-border-patrol-ford-svt-raptor-spy-shots/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.autoblog.com/2010/11/23/us-b ... spy-shots/</a>
Rave: All of you sick bastards need to go get a copy of "Cards against Humanity" Its seriously the best card based game I've ever played.
Rant: Ugh. This is so gross, regardless of one's political leanings. Apparently Congressmen and women are literally immune from insider trading laws.
Rave: Sconnies. Talking to Wisconsin people makes me happy. The accent gives me warm fuzzies, and they're always wildly friendly and polite. Too bad about the cold, or I'd spend more time there.
Rave: After not picking up a cue for probably 2 months I wandered over to the pool hall today and for what ever reason couldn't miss if I tried. Made an easy $200 playing 9 ball.
Rant: Absolutely brutal weekend in Boston. BC lost, which was the least of my concerns...spent the entire weekend in a complete blackout haze, lost my cell phone, lost my sunglasses ($70 Oakleys), generally embarrassed myself. I can blame it on the Four Loco I drank Saturday morning and while that was part of the problem (seriously, don't ever drink that shit) it wasn't the entire problem. Didn't even make it to the Flyers-Hurricanes game in Raleigh tonight because I'm still so hung over. I'm slowly starting to come to the realization that I'm almost 28 and can't go balls-to-the-wall the way I used to back in college, at least not for basically 1.5 straight days (started drinking combatively around 3:30 pm Friday at the Raleigh airport and other than 5-6 hours of sleep basically didn't stop until around midnight Saturday night)....the silver lining of this is that I usually don't act like this any more except when I'm up in Boston visiting my college friends. Rave: Some good Samaritan found my phone, got in touch with one of my friends, and overnighted it to me. Should be here tomorrow or Wednesday, and she wouldn't even take my offer to pay her for the shipping (I also texted the phone on Saturday offering $50 for its return, which she also wouldn't take). Sometimes it's nice to have a little bit of faith in humanity restored. Huge fucking rave: Flying to Jackson, Mississippi on Friday to finally meet this girl, 2 years almost to the day since we started talking. And she said she wants to take me to the Ole Miss-LSU game on Saturday. "Pumped" doesn't even begin to describe it.
Rave: Secured two dream seats for the Roger Waters' Wall tour this summer in DC. Rave: My father's picking up the $800 bill as my Christmas present. Rave: 800 credit card points. Bonus Rave: I just told my wife that I'm taking one of my best friends from Atlanta, because she just doesn't get it. My boy, however does get it. Sobriety will not be an option this evening. I'm a huge Pink Floyd fan and feel as though I got whored by being too young to see the Pulse tour. I saw Waters in 1999, but come on, this is the Wall. Anyone that saw (or heard) the Wall in Belin (1990) knows that this shit is going to be sick. Rave: My pants are off as I type this.
Rant: El Fiance's grandfather, the one who they found with a brain tumor recently, is really not doing well. His treatments have made him very sick, and he apparently has not been able to make it reliably to his doctor's appointments. Gma has depended on him for everything her whole life. She can't really drive, her eye sight is crap, among other things. The appointments are during the week when I have classes and work and I can't do anything. I don't know what to do.
Rant: Horribly unproductive day for no reason, I felt great, but just surfed the net like a bag of shit. Rave: Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan's music is the fucking shit, thanks to dubyu tee eff for turning me on to it.
Rant- My sister is a retarded attention whore. She's constantly posting on Facebook asking people to pray for her as she doesn't know if she can handle her job (elementary school teacher), but last night was the worst. She posted that she was really scared because she was having chest pains and if anyone could refer her to a doctor as she thought she was having a heart attack. On Facebook. Obviously, people are telling her to call 911, etc. I thought about calling her out, but it's almost too easy. Like making fun of the handicapped.
RANT: People around me seem to be unable to make any sort of arrangement without fucking it up. Cue me wasting 2 hours at my mom's flat waiting for the contractor, who was not going to be doing work that day. The last 2 weeks have sucked. I'll be sure to take some photos of the place when it's finally finished. RAVE: My dad wants to see the folks who issue passports this Friday. FUCK.YES. RAVENT: Still wondering if I have Asperger's (assburgers, heh) or not. I seemed to score really high for Asperger's in an online test, but who the fuck knows because it was an online test and almost all of them are completely full of shit, right? It would explain a LOT about me if it was right, though. Post number 13000 for the Rant and Rave Thread, bitches.
Rant: NBC pulled Community from their mid-season schedule, but kept Whitney. Now, don't get me wrong, I like Whitney Cummings as a person and comic, but keeping her show on instead of Community is like throwing a bottle of scotch in the garbage in favor of drinking the slop out of the bar mats at the end of the night. Rave: Apple recalled the first-gen iPod Nano because of battery issues. I have one that stopped working entirely years ago, but now I get to send it in for a free replacement. I have no use for one now, but it looks like I can sell a new one on eBay for about $100. Sweet.
Rave: I have a meeting on Monday to discuss my potential as an adjunct professor. I find this hilarious.
Absolute RAVE - I received my official graduate program acceptance for spring 2012 today. I nearly cried in the middle of a class I do supplemental instruction for. This was the only program I applied to, and I'm so relieved I got in. Second RAVE - Best friend and I are leaving for our vacation (*ahem* getaway) in Charlotte Thursday evening. I am more than ready to nerd out over local brewing companies and the Carolina Renaissance Festival. Last RAVE - I graduate four weeks from tomorrow. It's almost over. The end is in sight.
Rave: My to-do list is going smaller and smaller. At this point it is "Give final quizzes, grade final assignment and final quizzes, make final, grade final, write final reflection." I know that seems like a lot, but by this time next week, I'll be pretty much done. Can't wait. Rant: Have to wait until the weekend for Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Rant: Once this week ends, it is on to working on the basement and cleaning out the future baby's room so we can start getting it fixed up. Mega Rave: Should find out if we're having a boy or a girl next week. Very excited.
Rant: I'm sick. Like been through 2 rolls of toilet paper (use it instead of tissues because I'm poor) kinda sick. Like took a three hour nap and my nose was still running and I still felt shitty sick. Rant: On top of the sickness, I have 8 thermodynamics problems due tomorrow at 3pm. I've never not wanted to turn something in more in my entire life. I'm gonna be up for the next ~hrs working on them. Rant: I have no clue what I want to do after school is done. Rave: Dayquil is the only thing keeping me going right now.
Rant: Apathy. I don't know if it is the meds I'm on or what but I have zero motivation to do anything anymore. I'll continue to churn out A's in my stupid fucking classes but that hardly takes any effort. My gpa will be high, I'll graduate without debt, can probably have a job lined up but I don't feel any passion or excitement. At some point the inner flame that pushed me to kick ass every day got put out. I feel empty and unfulfilled, and can't do shit about it until I finish my degree. Rant: This will sound like bullshit but I realized all this while getting a strip tease over the weekend. I was like, cool, boobs. Gah.
RANT: After getting a video card, and then a PSU to power it, I hook everything up. Power comes on, status lights are good, no irritating startup "beep-beep-beep something is fucked". Except the monitor won't display anything, because I have to plug my VGA cable directly into the video card. Which happens to be a DVI-I port. Fuck me for being clueless on the hardware aspect of computers. RAVE: Twelve bucks gets me a VGA to DVI adapter tomorrow, just in time for my weekend. It isn't all bad, either - I love taking things apart, and the amount of enjoyment I got from swapping out PSUs and reconnecting everything makes me think I need to look at some sort of mechanical engineering or info tech degree. RAVE: A huge thanks to Binary and rei for helping me a ton on video card and PSU selection, respectively. Without these guys, I'd have spent hours trying to figure out every last criteria of compatibility.