Techy RAVE: Finally installed Mac OS X Lion. (Apparently OS X decided my hard drive is no longer too corrupt to install it.) This somehow fixed the problem whereby OpenOffice, NeoOffice and LibreOffice all crash on startup. Hooray! RANT: Inverted scrolling. What a dumb idea for a computer OS. Changed back immediately.
Rant: My grandfather passed away yesterday and I've just had to write a short obituary for the newspaper. He was always a man I've always looked up to, when most of the country had difficulty in writing their name he could read, write and speak in three languages fluently.
Rant: Best friend got into a car wreck in Atlanta. I have no idea what is going on. I spoke with her on the phone and there were lots of long pauses, drifting off, and answering my questions weird. I don't know if she is in shock from what happened or if she has a concussion. Rave: Her sister is picking her up and will be there soon.
Mega RAVE - I applied for a graduate research assistantship last night, and was hired for one of the last remaining positions this afternoon. This assistantship reduces my tuition to $25 per semester and provides me with a $2000 stipend. I'll be researching psychophysiological responses to interactive/virtual learning, in addition to the environmental toxicology research I already arranged. Now I just need to pass Calc II.
Rave: I painted for the first time in four years today, and I am actually quite pleased with how it came out.
Rant: I had to work on my birthday and then had to go get my driver's license renewed. Rave: I made it to 30 without getting: knocked up, arrested, any diseases or married. Rave x2: The DMV lady let me see my picture (in NC they mail you your new license) and the computer showed my current picture next to the new one... gotta say - I'm better at 30 than I was at 25. Rave x3: I got diamonds.
rant: one of my fuck buddies, who always uses condoms, and is on the pill, is early stage pregnant. rave we havent fucked in the time window rave some purity test items I can cross off!
RANT: Lost an important case at first instance, in the lowest tribunal going to an adjudicator who's not judicially qualified. The decision didn't follow the law, and is going to be appealed. I've drafted the grounds already - they're longer than the decision itself. DOUBLE RANT: The damn lawyer for the other side has given a bunch of media interviews about her clients' "win", and we've been copping all sorts of negative press. It's been in the papers, on the radio, the interwebs and the tv. So what, you say? It's a breach of ethics and the law for a lawyer to speak to the media in a way that's prejudicial to current proceedings - which includes matters under appeal, and within an appeal period. I did the right thing and said I was unable to comment: she blabbed to anyone and everyone. She's even touting for further business off the back of it. The professional misconduct complaint is already filed, but it doesn't stop the negative press. I can't even explain how bullshit the finding is, if the tabloid press are prepared to listen to me in the first place.
Rave: Awww yeah. Nothing like getting those beautiful, beautiful test results back clearly showing I am cleaner than a nun after a Dettol enema. Why yes, I would like printouts to that effect! Do you have a framed option perchance? How about a digital copy I could set as the screensaver for my projector? As an added bonus the girl has also tested clean and is now on birth control, so happy days all round! Rant: there is a Labrador puppy training to be a guide dog in my office. It is unbearably cute, and I'm not allowed to play with it. Life can be so cruel. Rave: Life is generally good. My nephew can now say Uncle and comes up to me for cuddles, and he has a little brother on the way. All my immediate family is healthy. My pool is sparkling, and the weather is heating up. I have a girl that will let me see her naked, a reasonably well-paying if boring job, a boss I like and respect, housemates that are good value, a well paying side project, and some entertaining hobbies. Good times.
Rant: Woke up this morning, went to roll out of bed, and fucked my back up. This is the second time this year that this has happened. Methinks I really need to work on strengthening my back. Rant: Got off the highway this morning at my exit for work, realized I need to get gas, and then realized I forgot my fucking wallet on my nightstand. I never forget my wallet. Rave: Sexy times with the wife last night! She's been super sick the past week and a half, so, yay sex.
RANT: Haven't been able to post as much here the last 2 months as I would have normally. I've either been super busy or distracted by MW3. RANT: My grandmother has been given a few weeks to live. She's been sick for a while now, but she's constantly being fucked on by a variety of different things, and now it's all too much. We're hoping she can toughen it out until Christmas. I've never lost a family member, friend, or anyone that I've generally known before, so this is all new to me. I just want to be strong for the family, especially my mum, who is obviously extremely upset with all of it.
Rave: Girlfriend woke me up with a blowjob, followed by bacon and eggs for breakfast. I'll tolerate the hair she leaves in the sink for a little while longer. Rant: Slammed at work, yet I'm finding zero will to do anything but stare at my post in the Porn thread. Bleh.
Rant: I really don't know if I can do anymore children's programming. Ever. I have more inane songs, and heavy handed morality tales stuck in my head than any person should have to. There simply is not enough beer in the world to dissolve the sugary sweet gunk currently clogging my noggin.
Related rant: Got crazy high and ended up watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Really awkward Rant: it wasn't shit when you've vaped your way through like an eighth. Might have been the bright colours or the Apocalypse Now reference.
Rave: Took my last exam for this week. Suck it, Pathology and Lower Extremity! The best part of exams is the aftermath of getting out obscenely early and not studying. It almost makes up for being at school 12 hours yesterday. Off to post-exam happy hour, bitches! Rant: Still have class at 8 am tomorrow. Bah.
Rant Beyond ready for this week to be over, I need some way to re-center myself and stay positive about being back in school. It's been tough lately. Also, why the fuck does me knee go back to feeling fine and then start hurting again!?
Rave: I was having a great day. Rant: Until I pull into the driveway at home. Roommate story, length spoiled: Spoiler I live with three other helo pilots, two drive silverados, I have my G, the other has a Bmw. We have a two car garage that me and Bimmer park in every day. The two trucks happen to get home first and take up the entire driveway not allowing me to get in the garage. This happens all the fucking time and I've politely asked both of them to be considerate of the two who park in the garage. One of them helps us out every now and then, the other is an incosiderate fucking prick who goes out of his way to not allow us to park in the garage. Any who, I park, go inside get assholes keys and tell him again not to block the garage; he says some snide back handed remark that I ignore. I move his shitty truck onto the grass beside the driveway and put my car in the garage. This morning, I set my dishwasher on a four hour delayed start cycle. It doesn't start during the day...great. after I get inside this evening, I see its running and ask the decent roommate if he turned it on, he did. Great. I begin to explain that it should have started because of the timer, but it did not. He takes this as me copping an attitude at him and gets all up in my shit and starts yelling like the confrontational asshole he is. I remain calm and try to talk his worked up ass down, but he yells some more. So I walk away and choose to ignore him. Goddamn I need to live alone...