Spoiled for first world bitching Spoiler Yesterday I offered to fix a coworker's broken computer for her, then joked "I can fix anything from a broken computer to a broken heart." Flirty coworker (who had a nasty breakup 2 years ago) says, oh-so-cutesy "Oh, where were you two years ago?" What the fuck do you say to that kind of blatant flirting? Seriously, she's blown me off for platonic hanging out ("I forgot to check my calendar, and I think I lost that paper you wrote your number on"), but she says this shit. All I could say was, jokingly, "Hey dude, I was here a couple months before you met [current boyfriend]". I'm not all butthurt, I'm just at a loss for how someone can say something that outrageously flirty in jest.
Rantish: It has seriously been just me and a single three year old all day since 9 a.m. I desperately needed the drunk thread to go up today. You people critiquing the validity of the occupy movement just doesn't have the same distracting appeal of trying to convince Hooker that her boobs are the only thing that will fix and obviously broken economy.
Rant: Lots of work to do tonight to get ready for finals and tomorrow's review. Rave: Tomorrow should be an easy day, for the most part. Review every period. Rant: Of course my fucking university supervisor chose tomorrow to do my final observation. Her job is to observe me, but she just can't. She cannot, under any circumstances, just let me teach. She MUST interject herself, and the result is that a lesson that usually takes about 60 minutes (one class period) gets stretched into two days, so I can finish it when she isn't there . Normally, not a problem, except tomorrow is the ONLY day to review, as the final exam is Monday. I swear, if she keeps butting in and I can't get through this review, I think my students are going to revolt and tell her where she can stick it. They hate her more than I do. Rave: My students are awesome. Rave: One of the other student teachers said she just took over when she was supposed to be observing, and when the period was over, she (the supervisor) complained that there wasn't anything to grade the student teacher on. The Student Teacher and cooperating teacher proceeded to berate her for taking over, and said they'd call the university about it. Maybe this will mellow her out. Rave: Its almost fucking over. Nothing to do this weekend but housework and play Assassin's Creed: Revelations.
Rant:The pregnancy test said:Negatory- unless it's just too early to tell. However, my right ovary appears to have a mass (probably endometriosis) that has doubled in size(going from 2cm to 4.2cm) since my last laparoscopy. So, in 4 weeks I have to get another ultrasound to be certain, then get the fucker removed. Losing a whole ovary doesn't mean that I can't bless the world with another PIMP, however Mr. P is freaking that I could die trying. Fuck, that appointment did not go as expected. Small Rave: A generous scrip for Percocet should help the fucking pain. I quit taking all my "scary" meds a few days ago when I started thinking I was knocked up and have been suffering the worst migraine ever. Edited to add: Once again, thank you all for your support, jokes and concerns. I love you fuckers. All of you. Well, MOST of you. It's weird to have internet friends that know what to say and when to say it.
Rant: I have to figure out my next job. Fast. I'm slowly succumbing to serious fucking depression again. And if that happens I'm not sure how I will get out of this mess.
Rant: I don't always drink a bottle of wine to my face, but when I do, I feel like shit the next morning. Rave: It bears repeating--Excedrin. Rave: Those wonder pills will be accompanying me this weekend while I'm here. Unlimited beer all weekend starting tonight at 9, and I can start drinking whenever I want to tomorrow. I fully intend to discover which beer goes best with bacon and eggs at breakfast.
Rant: Work From Home Friday's usually mean I'm on the road headed North to the hunting shack an hour after I wake up...but this project is a PITA and I won't be able to make it until the evening ATV hours begin. Rave: A girl told me that she has started burlesque lessons, and requested that I keep an evening free in the near future...
RANT: Some days I really hate my job. RANT: Been a while since I've spent some "quality" time with the girl. RAVE: It's Friday.
Rant: I've not had a day off since before Halloween. I'm fucking tired. Rave: CrossFit people are happy. Raver Rave: Camping this weekend. Drinking pretty much as soon as The Guy starts driving. Thank God for Sonic cups of lemonade and vodka.
RANT - Whore logic. Every time someone uses it towards me, I lose a little more faith in humanity. RAVE - Vacation is here! If anyone knows of something that is must-see or must-do in Charlotte, PM me.
Rant: In honor of today being one of the absolutely shittiest days of my life, I plan to drink myself into oblivion. Its liver-failure-or-bust.
Rave: We lost our first game on Thursday but absolutely killed it Friday morning so made the final and smashed them again. First part of the cricket tournament out of the way now for the serious bit.
Rant: I'm still at work. I got in at 6 am and I'm still here. Is it because it's an extra busy day? Nope! I had to go in at 6 to upload a file for data conversion before the start of business, and now I'm waiting for said data conversion to be completed before I can go home.
RANT: A very close buddy of mine is getting divorced. It's been a long time coming, but it is finally happening. He's 34 and has been described as "the best looking guy I've seen in person", but his wife has hated him for a long time. They stayed together for their three boys, 15, 13, and 11. They've had a few separations before, but this one is for real. He really loved her, but they had nothing in common. RAVE: I'm pretty sure he's going to move in with me. He wants to be super frugal in anticipation of the divorce, and my place is cheap. He's super clean, neat, and will be fun to hang out with.
Rave: Joined a gym and I'm feeling great. I love pain. Plus, that employer discount is fantastic, and it's in walking distance of my apartment. No excuses, even if I wanted to use them. Rant: A lot less drinking is in store for me now. Rave: Any awkwardness that could have come between me and my close ladyfriend after we had a serious talk about a possible future seems to have been averted. When she told me that our friendship was never in any danger, I believed her. I believe her more now. Come what may, we're gonna be all right.
Rant/Rave?: I'm not sure what it is. Its not negative enough to be a rant, but it doesn't feel like a rave. So quick backstory. There is a friend of a friend, we'll call her EE. I met her for a brief time at a party, neither of us really remember it. Either way, she lives in Dallas and we semi-reconnected when I was helping her with a job reco at my old agency. Since then we email a bunch, skype once a month or so, basically have a fun sort of flirty relationship. She's not really my type, but personality wise we really click and crack each other up and by the nature of the relationship it works well. Anyways, this morning she sends me an email with a video attachement. Its a 2 min video of her flipping the big white cards with a Sharpie'd message on them. Basically, she laid out that she really likes me, has nothing to lose, maybe has watched too many rom-coms, but she wants to spent NYE with me, wherever with whoever, cause "how you spend your new year sets the tone for how you spend your year". It was incredibly flattering and well done, and really indicative of the quirky creative girl she is. That being said, after I finished smirking and blushing, I kind of felt freaked out. I have no doubt that we would have a blast and it would be an awesome couple of days, but I have no idea what she's potentially taking it as. Regardless of the fact I'm not sure I could see us dating, she lives in Dallas and a long-distance relationship isn't something I want to do every again, except in extenuating circumstances. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but I find it hard to believe that this was all "lets just meet up and fornicate to bring in the New Year"
Rave Got my yellow belt in German Ju-Jutsu yesterday. It's not too big of a deal to have it, but I'm pretty proud of not having to wear the white one anymore. Rave House party tonight Life's good at the moment