Rant: Woke up to a nice, sunny day today. I knew I'd have to shovel before I left, so I dressed up in winter gear and went outside and cleared the snow. To my surprise, when I went to leave, my truck hesitated to start. I had to turn it over twice to get it to fire. With a heavy heart, I admitted to myself that my beloved F150 is getting old. Then I met up with my friends, who informed me that last night it was -30*C, and I realized I had my head up my ass. No fucking wonder it started rough; it wasn't plugged in. Welcome to winter, I guess. Time to start paying attention when I leave the house. Uber Hyoooge Rave: I'm going to be an aunt again!!! My cousin and his wife have been trying for years, and she's finally pregnant. Christmas is going to ROCK this year. Small Rant: I wish I lived closer to home.
RANT - As we were leaving the hotel for the Renaissance Festival, a truck back straight into my driver's side. And then the guy yelled at me. Because apparently driving 20 mph backwards in a parking lot is perfectly normal behavior, whereas driving 10 mph forward is not. Kudos to you, Mr. Construction Asshole. I hope you enjoy your insurance premium increase and the felony warrant you'll be receiving from Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD because you "didn't have time to deal with this shit".
Rave: Ball was boring. Sit around, watch the ceremony, (which was good) eat shitty food, and leave. I managed to sneak a few beers in, and my sergeant then burst the dam and had me do eight shots in ten minutes. Rave: While inebriated, I sent some hilariously bad text messages to one of my brother's female friends at the University of Rhode Island. She was enthusiastic... she just broke up with her boyfriend, and she's looking for a no-drama person to hook up with. I fit the bill, since we've met before, I'm not tied to her circle of friends, (and live across the country) and I'm decent-looking. Looks like I won't even have to try picking up chicks. Wow. Things are looking up. Rave: We're meeting up at a party, so I can excuse my complete incompetence at making out / sex as "Sorry, I'm drunk." I doubt she'll mind anyway. Rave: Drunk me managed to take off blues, put them neatly in the closet, fill up a large bottle of water, and put it next to my bed. Outstanding. Rant: Packing.
Rant Just blew a relatively safe lay, because I just couldn't do it. It's just not how I am at the moment. Rant Felt like some of my friends at the party looked down at me for not going for it. Feels just great guys. Much appreciated.
Mothering fucking Rant of all Rants: Baylor!? Really!? Rave: Oklahoma State and Oregon lost. Rave: Oklahoma State lost.
Rant: Staying in to finish a school project on apparently an awesome night of games and fights. Rant: Just realized I misread a cash flow change so that about 25% of my numbers are wrong. Rave: Stacy's Pita Chips make everything better.
I've done this twice now where I write something incorrectly as a result of seeing red about something that I'm posting about in my rant and ironically, both times it's been about football. Enough of that - on to a more pertinent rant for 4:00 in the fucking morning... RANT, RANT, RANT: Being awakened at 4:00 in the morning thinking that it's raining outside and wondering why your dog is whining to then really start to "come to" and realize that the "rain" you hear is coming from your bathroom. I jumped out of bed, walked into my bathroom to feel hot water on the floor and water is SPEWING out from under my sink and since I'm upstairs, when I went downstairs - my entire kitchen has standing water and in it and the carpet upstairs and downstairs is drenched. HUGE FUCKING MESS. Rave?: I'm a smart enough gal that I know how to turn off a knob to get said water to stop spewing. Rave?: Today is a new day. That's the best I've got for right now.
Rant: Whomever invented on call weekends should be hung. This week I've been paged once at midnight and twice at 6:30 in the fucking morning. I'm not allowed to get drunk. I can't get any sleep. I want to kill someone.
RANT: I've slowly been letting my diet/exercise routine slip over the last few weeks, and when I went to try on pants today it was a rude awakening. I'm a fatty fat fat fatty. Now that I think about it, there has been a lot of "ah I'll have a couple beers tonight, why not" and "I don't REALLY need to go swimming today" and "you gonna finish that butter?" in the last month. Well fuck that, I'm going to work out like a mad man for the next month... and then gain all the weight back during the Christmas holidays, then start back at where I am now in January. But by late February '12, I'll totally be in awesome shape...
Rave: Went to the range today and shot pistols for a couple of hours. Rant: Having to explain to my buddy that body shots are useless on zombies, even more a rant because he watches the Walking Dead. Spoiler
Rave: My brother and his fiancee got engaged a three weeks ago, so we went venue looking today as my girlfriend and I are the Best Man and Maid of Honour. We pretty much picked the venue, which comes in under budget, and comes with five choice of beer, five of rum, rye, vodka, gin and scotch plus two liqueurs. Going to be a great wedding for sure! Rave x 2: Since my brother got engaged, I can't ask my girlfriend to marry me as it wouldn't be fair to my brother and his fiancee and wouldn't be fair to my girlfriend, we decided to buy a house. We have been looking for two weeks, and have found the house of our dreams today. We were pre approved for well over what the house is on the market for, so we are extemely excited. I'm nervous as hell for this new chapter in my life, but can't wait to live with my girlfriend. Rave x 3: I've dubbed her "The Roomate"; she is not too please with this, but our friends think its hilarious.
Poor guy. RANT: I had forgotten how much of a pain in the ass it is to find even an unskilled job. Between WPAFB layoffs, the plant shutdowns, and the companies leaving this dying city over the past years, it's a shit market. All I need is some part-time until March when our offseason slump finishes. RAVE: I have a job.
Rant I have two jobs. This is pretty good news, given how bad it could be, but one of them is starting to get to me. It's a place that needs my help yet elects to use other, cheaper options to get some inspections done. These inspections are being done in a way that will cost the company more money. They don't seem to understand (yet) that the way things are going now are completely inappropriate and could cause some major problems down the line. I know, it's vague, but I don't want to give out too much information given that it would be easy to figure out who and what the problem is.
Rant: I hate how the OWS thing has become more a "fuck the establishment" thing. "Yeah man fuck cops they're all so retarded for going to the job at which they make shit money and being forced to make decisions that will be scrutinized by the public." I don't give fuck about politics, and yes many of the police involved incidents were handled wrong. BUT with any other group of people, generalizing comments would be unacceptable. "Fuck you cop for being at work today, but also fuck you cop because you didn't catch the kids who smashed my mailbox."
Spoilered for ridiculously long rant. Spoiler RANT: Absolutely fantastic weekend went to shit in 10 seconds or less on Saturday. A group of us went to one of the premiere days of horse racing in my city for a friend's birthday. We were drunk and having a brilliant time surrounded by 25,000 other people, a disproportionately large percentage of which were stunningly hot women in sun dresses. Good times, right? Well, one of my friends is a 6 foot 6, 160kg black guy with a big afro and beard. We bust his balls a lot because there aren't too many black people where we live, and he stands out like a motherfucker. Him and two of my other mates have been working their way through the 30 minute plus line at the bar, when 6 cops start forming up next to where the rest of us are standing. We start cracking jokes about them being here for our mate, we'll call him G. Then we hear them discussing the target on their radio, and they really are there for G. We ring him and give him the heads up, and the cops grab him when he exits the bar and pull him off to the side. Hmm. 3 of us walk over to about 15m away from the cops. The 3rd guy tries to walk closer, and is immediately body checked by a cop. Fair enough, he gets the message and backs off. I stand there, hands clasped in front of me, and ask if I can approach. Nope. Ok, I talk to the head of security who is talking on his radio. "Excuse me sir, can you tell me what the problem is?" "No, I can't tell you, but it's a horrible thing. Your mate is a disgusting person." "Ok. Can you tell me if this is for something he's done today? He's been with us all day." "I can't tell you what he's done, but I'll tell you this: we have received a very serious complaint against him. If the cops weren't here we'd be kicking his head in right now. People like you and me shouldn't be friends with people like him."* "Hmm. Whatever he's accused of sounds deeply out of character. I don't want to escalate the situation, but can you ask the police if I can listen to their interview? That way there's no confusion later about who said what." "No, and you shouldn't even want to. Your friend's getting kicked out because he groped a girl. He sickens me. You guys are fine, you can stay and enjoy your day, but he's gone and he's lucky he's not getting beat. If I see him again he's going to get hurt." Now, a quick word about G. He's huge, and black, and looks intimidating. However, he's a huge World of Warcraft nerd, spends most of his days reading fantasy novels, and is basically terrified of women. He also has a very strict moral code which we give him a fair bit of shit for. Even assuming he'd been surrounded by half naked women beckoning him on, there's just no way he'd grope someone. A) He's a decent person, and decent people don't grope random women. B) Like a lot people who have grown up obese, and spend their free time on the net, he's incredibly timid around women. And even if A and B weren't true, we were with him literally every second he was at the races. We'd only been there about 40 minutes before this happened. So. We are about 15m away watching 4 foot cops and 2 cops on horses surround my friend, and we aren't allowed to talk to him or listen to what they're saying. Not a good situation. For lack of a better option, I take out my phone and start filming. And I do it out in the open while looking at the cops, just to make the point that people are watching and if this goes south, a whole bunch of youtube viewers are going to see exactly who made the first move. (Paranoid? My personal interactions with cops have been somewhat lacking in professionalism. Illegal searches, abuse, threats of physical violence etc, and I'm a white guy in a suit.) I get 90 seconds of filming in before security come and grab my phone, turn it off, and tuck it in my pocket, saying "if you film again we're confiscating your phone and deleting the footage". Mmmmhmmm. I get his name and the name of the company he works for, and try to subtly film here and there, and then I stand there with my dick in my hands unable to do anything of use. The cops finish interviewing him and start escorting him out of the venue, I'm still not allowed to talk to him. I convince the security guy to call us a dedicated taxi because the entire taxi rank is passing on picking up the big black guy surrounded by cops. We go back to my house in this sort of horrified daze. My friend is humiliated and just sort of shell shocked. He's saved up for the last month to go to this event, and he's just been kicked out. The cops have issued him a move-on notice; no charge, no evidence, no follow up, just get away from our pretty white women and have a nice day. All this absolutely sucks and is bad enough on its own, but here's the real problem: we can't do anything about it. The cops, to their credit, were professional and didn't do anything untoward. They are shielded from any consequences with the simple response of "we were investigating a complaint". The security guard was a total dick, but has the same defense. There's no recourse I can even think of. Instead my friend just has to bend over and take it. I just can't see this happening to, say, me, or anyone who isn't immediately identifiable as a giant black guy. What the fuck, Perth? *What the fuck is up with this line? I'm trying think of another interpretation than 'us whiteys have to stick together and not socialise with 'them'', but that's how it reads to me.
Rant: Parted ways with my girlfriend of over two years. Rave: I am proud of making the hardest decision of my life and being an adult about it.
RANT: The whole "yeah we'll just go back to being friends and we'll talk about everything and look at us we're so healthy and it's so easy because we've known each other so long" was an epic failure. He's getting back with the ex who is seven thousand steps backward for him (I think), I am dating his good friend (um, no) and I've never missed anyone so much in my life...even my former fiancee who I thought I'd literally die without. This sucks. And after a very sweet, very organic talk (I wanted to "have the talk" for a long time but waited until it just kind of happened one night...so proud of myself) everything was fine until a week later when New Year's plans came up and he was a complete and utter asshole about the whole thing. Since then--three weeks ago--there's been no conversation, no contact, nothing. Three weeks away from someone in my closest circle of friends, to whom I spoke almost daily for years and years. (Big sad face!) So I'm writing here so that I don't text him in my drunken sad state. And I don't give a shit about anything--red dots, green dots, anyone thinking I'm a retard or whore--I just miss my dear, sweet, wonderful friend. I want nothing more than to curl up with him on his couch right now, smoke a bowl, and watch the dvr of CBS This Morning while he runs his fingers through my hair and his dog snuggles up in the part of my blanket that rests on the floor. This is epic suckage.
Rant: My girlfriend shook me awake last night because apparently I was screaming in my sleep. I can't remember what about. Rant: Right after it happened, I got up and took the most disoriented piss in my life, didn't flush, and went back to bed. Later that morning, my girlfriends roommate screamed that she just sat down in a puddle of pee. Rave: She blamed her boyfriend and I didn't say a word. Score.
Stupid relationship stuff... Spoiler Rant: I thought I had things figured out and I don't, not 100%. I don't like that. I don't like being dubious about something that I had so much faith in at one time. The Guy is amazing. He's really really amazing. But walking out like he did certainly broke me more than I realized. And I realized a LOT. Rave: He's being amazing. Incredibly amazing. He's there when I need him, there when I ask him, and that's great. Massive amounts of hugs and cuddles and kisses and I love those things. Rant: He still hasn't found his 'career' or whatever. That's still not fixed, and until it is...I can't relax.