Rant: I got home at 2 am last night from the hunting trip, froze my ass off all weekend, and didn't see a single deer I could shoot at. Rave: Whatever, hunting trips still kick ass. Freezing my ass off in da big woods beats where I'm sitting right now. I still shot a grouse and a bunch of good photos too. Rave: Beat the hell out of my sales goals last week. I'm finally feeling like I've got a hang of it now.
Rave: Met girl that I referred to last post. Rave: She saw that I was going to be sleeping on a futon, and offered her room instead, since her roommate is out of town. Not being a fucking retard, I accepted. Rave: Ended up spooning / cuddling / whatever the fuck. Rant: I must have done something retarded, since she flat-out asked, "Are you a virgin?" Rant: I was honest. Rant: She then got a pouty look and said, "I can't take your virginity." Cue startlingly insightful monologue... "If you weren't a virgin, it'd just be 'whatever.' But since you are, you're basically just using me. You don't actually care about me; I'm just a milestone. And I'm not okay with that." ? I realized she was right, told her so, and apologized. Rave: She then took her bra off, put my hands on her boobs, and we made out. ? What the FUCK is going on here?
The following Rant is fueled by Cuntinental Airlines, Dayquil, a large coffee... continue at your own risk. Rant: Spoiler I had the biggest abortion of a sales trip last week. The customer visits went well but the travel part was nightmarish. The plan was for Cuntinental to get me from Boston to Grand Rapids with a quick stop along the way. Should have arrived at 6PM, which meant plenty of time to catch MNF. Instead they delivered me to Cleveland OH. At 1AM. The BEST they could do for flights the next day was a 4:50PM flight. I rarely fly Cuntinental so I can see why they scoff at me when they look up my OnePass Elite status (or whateverthefuckitscalled) but there were two travelers that had Triple Lindy Platinum w/ Diamond baguettes in line in front of me and even they weren't helped in an acceptable manner. The way it use to work was that if an airline assfucked you by trapping you in Cleveland they would suck it up and get you on ANY flight that left early the next day. Business travel is about keeping appointments, not being forced to jerk off for a full day. I sucked it up and rented a car, driving the 4.5 hours from Cleveland to Grand Rapids that night and then the next morning after grabbing a hotel. The return trip was just as pleasant. Flight leaving at 6PM was delayed an hour as soon as I checked in. Then we boarded the plane, went out on the runway, and sat for another hour. Then they brought us back to the gate, deplaned us, made us wait an hour without ANY word as to what was going on. A gate attendant finally showed up and used the last 5 minutes of pre-board to help two people that missed their connections. The rest of us just waited in the line for nothing. Out to the runway and... Once again we parked. For an hour. No more beautiful spot on earth than the parking area off of runway 3 at the Gerald Ford Grand Rapids airport. Simply beautiful. Finally off to Newark at 11PM! On arrival we're given new tickets for the next day since all the connections were missed. Flight will leave at 3:30PM, and they're not providing a hotel voucher. Fuck you again. The plane we arrived on was heading to Connecticut so I opted to get 3 hours closer to home and try to rent a car there. Wonder or wonders it worked. Pulled into my driveway at 3:30AM I'm so done with traveling for any other reason but vacation. Rave: The Lavender Hour podcast. Duncan Trussell has a warped dark sense of humor underneath his hippie facade. Rave: Work until 2 today and then I'm out bitches. Need to recoup from the death spiral of last week and the persistent cold it gave me. Happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it.
RANT: Just bought a new (to me car) as my GF's car was dying and so I gave her my car. I've had the car since last Thursday and already have to take it in. It intermittently idles like shit, Check Engine came on for a bit, takes 2-3 tries to start each morning and breaks up in the higher RPMS. I wasn't 100% sure about this car but pretty much had to buy something that day. Here is the turd in question: Spoiler Fucking Fords.
RAVE: Plumbers fixed my hot water leak! Unexpected day off AND it's a Monday!! Peppermint schnapps and coffee!!! Deadwood Marathon thanks to HBOGO!!!! WOOT! Edit: And it's about to start raining. I love Oklahoma thunder storms. This is the best day I've had in a very long time. If I could hug you all and give you a big, drunk, peppermint schnapps kiss and make you all feel this awesome, I would!
Rave: Cool, understanding parents who try to help out when they can. Rant: I make poor choices when it comes to schoolwork and these next 2-3 weeks are going to suck as a result.
Rave: Close to closing on a project which will get me a nice little bit of money for not much work. And might yield a couple good refs. Basketball nonsense spoiled for boringness. Spoiler Rave: Playoff time for basketball. This is going to be tough, but I'm ready -- playing tonight against the 2 seed (2-7 game) and a guy who absolutely worked me during the regular season. I'll be more ready tonight. Rave/Rant: Final regular season lines for the three leagues: 20-16-6, 20-15-3.5, 23-15-4.5. Finished first in one league and second in another in assists, which was something that I deliberately worked on this season. The rant part is that I'm still just a mediocre passer, and the fact that I was handling the ball a lot meant that I had way more turnovers than I should. Baby steps. Also, spotty shooting percentages at times -- it's tough for me to get into a rhythm with such limited warm up time. All in all, pretty decent season, I definitely had fun. To put it in perspective, I guess, the league that I'm ultimately trying to get in shape for is one of the best leagues in the city -- maybe comparable overall to solid D3 play. A couple of the players are trying out for NBDL teams. I just want to be able to contribute something in that league and not be blown out of the water.
I guess she spoke too soon. FUCK YES! An enormous burden has been removed from my shoulders. I don't know why, but that's the way it is.
Rave(that I think makes me a bad person): I briefly dated this trailer trash girl back when I lived in Florida several years ago. Naturally, things didn't work out because, well, you can take the girl out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl. We remained friends through the years and she's dating someone now. (I saw this on Facebook.) Here's the rave...the guy she's dating. Here's a quote on his Facebook profile. " Stay Focused & on Track · Failure Is Not an Option" Somehow, I think that ship has sailed. I love these moments.
Rave: The wife got an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby today. She had them write it in an envelope and seal it, so that we could find out together. Its a girl.
I find these moments deeply embarrassing, my ex's new girl is named Stormy. He was offended when I asked if she was a stripper. Rant: People that can't think of anything besides their immediate wants and desires, keep track of time and/or be accountable for being simply stupid. I'm over the public.
Rant: So today was yet another example of how ones life can be fucked with in the space of a day. Rant 2: Came home after being gone for three weeks to a house so trashed that I can barely see the floor, crap in the kitchen that's been there for fuck knows how long, a stench that nearly made me throw up everywhere and my housemate sitting in the middle of it, watching TV. Now, I'm not a clean freak, but fucking really?? Added to this was finding out I only work one day this week cause I've been unable to work for two weeks thanks be to my hip totally fucking up and I'm having a fucking brilliant day. Yep.
Rant: I've been working on this assignment for the last, lets count em, 10.5 hours, with another two to go. I better fucking get an A in this class. Rave: Bagels with jalepeno cream cheese. With coffee. At 5:45 in the morning during an all-nighter. Rave: Never have to use the shitty ass program that is STATA after this every fucking again. Rave: Thanksgiving dinner is tomorrow night for me, and I can't wait.
RANT: Work has been so crazy that I missed both deer and moose hunting this year, and have only been out for bear 2 times and waterfowl 4 times. RAVE: Making bank though. If this keeps up Ill make about 20k more this year then I did last year.
Rant: Fuck you Selig your ass should have been gone when you decided the All Star game decides home field advantage in the world series and now this? Just die old man before you take baseball with you.
Rant: Fucking rain. Army got their whole first innings of the cricket match in and then it started raining and we were given a ridiculous total to chase in not many overs. Long story short, we missed by nine runs and Army get the title. Rave: Not back at work until Friday.
Rant: My debit card fell out of my wallet on the way to my car from the grocery store today. I didn't notice until I got home. First thought it had fallen out in my car or something. Sadly was not the case. After checking online my account had already been completely cleaned out. Spent 2 fucking hours on the phone with my bank's fraud department. Apparently whoever took it went to Ralph Lauren (where most of the money went in a ton of smaller charges) and the liquor store, then kept trying to use it after it had run dry. Have to wait until Monday when the charges they made aren't on hold anymore to file the report and get my money back. Bastards.