RANT: It really sucks not having access to the age and wisdom of the older male members of my family.
Rant/Rave? After hockey tonight two of my hockey teammates almost got an in honest fight over something that happened on the ice. Both of these guys are well over 40, and neither is what I'd consider intimidating. Would have been funny as hell to see them try to fight, but at the same time once you reach a certain age isn't this shit not suppose to happen?
Rave: Spent the whole day with an amazing girl. Heartbreaking Rant: My dog of 15 years had a heart attack and a stroke last night. He was put down earlier today. You lived a long and very full life, and introduced happiness into every day. Goodbye Rocko, you of all dogs deserve to go to heaven....
Damn you poppit sprint on pogo. You are a mindless game with no real objective. Why do you, and the promise of my next ultra rare vortex power up steal my time so?
Rant: Does netflix edit out tit? I spend my hard earned time finding the scene locations of some mid nineties Drew Barrymoore boobs and they edit one shot out and digitally covered another. The fuck?
RAVE: My youngest brother finally got his gun license so we went down to the local gun store in Norfolk so he could buy one. They had an impressive deal on two twin Weatherby shotguns so he bought one and I bought the other. It's really cool that my brother and I could do this, we don't see each other much and probably wont for the rest of our lives, but at least we have these. RANT: Things are so fucked up right now with new girl it's hard to explain with words. I can't read her at all, when I think she's interested she goes and talks about how she wants to date some other guy, but keeps going out with me on dates and what not. Why can't anything be easy?
Rave: Perfect Sunday of rock climbing and hiking. Amazed how nice the weather still is here. Rant: Succumbed to the siren call of the Pizza Hut Big Box last night while we watched the Packers-Giants. Figured I'd "earned" it with all the sweat equity I put in yesterday. Bad idea. Like a red alert on a submarine my intestinal alarm fired off at 3:30AM, 4:40AM, and 6AM.
Rant: Holy balls it is cold outside. Rave: Seat warmers. Then I will cuddle my frigid self up to The Guy and catch a midmorning nap.
RANT: Thursday night the baby is up most of the night. The wife and I split Friday working and taking care of baby. The baby is fine by Saturday and we're going about our normal business. Both of us had bad feelings about this sickness as it's been going around and causing violent emissions from both ends. Neither of us is feeling perfect on Saturday, my wife having headaches, etc. Well, middle of the night Saturday, I feel a little rip coming on, so I let it out. Holy crap, I just sharted myself. Thankfully I was able to maneuver and waddle so I made no mess in the bed and just a couple small dots on the floor. So begins a series of evil events leading to right now. I'm afraid to even look at food. I'm in hell. My wife has had it out of both ends but not as bad as me thankfully. The hardest part is trying to deal with the both of us suffering while the baby is fine and very active. We dropped the baby off at daycare today and are both taking the day to try to get through this madness. This is all too much info but it this place has never been short of too much info stories. RAVE kind of: Ever heard of Balneol? It's this magical cream that my wife had for when she had to have a colonoscopy a while back. It's the only thing saving my burning asshole.
Rave: This is my first proper day reading posts on this place for a month. My mom's flat was being renovated and I was there just about every week day last month. The renovations were pretty extensive - a new distribution board was put in (with earth leakage on the plugs), several coats of paint, new vinyl flooring in the bathroom and toilet, some re-tiling in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet and en suite shower (including levelling the floor of that shower, new mosaic on the shower floor and new drain), extensive plumbing work, new sliding cupboard doors, new carpets for the bedrooms, and a sand and polyurethane shining for the wood floor. It looks great. Rant: polyurethane smells truly horrible. After leaving it to sit overnight and then opening the windows, the stuff is like fucking tear gas - coughing, running eyes and nose, etc. So, that was my entire month.
RANT: Just completed all my grading while a student takes her final early. While that's great and all, now I have nothing to do. She's been breathing hard and sighing for over an hour and a half now. My class starts in 30 minutes and from the look of things, I don't think she will be finished. I'm so bored that her breathing is annoying me. Come on, chickie...it's not that tough a test.
Tremendous Rave: Pathologist screening of the blood and the spleen sample both came back negative for cancer. Apparently my old girl had a problem with an auto-immune deficiency where her white blood cells were trying to attack her whole system to root out some form of infection. That is what lead to the anemia and the vomiting. It can be quite deadly if not caught early enough due to the overall weakening of their body, but if you can keep them eating and now put her on a massive dose of steroids and antibiotics the odds of recovery are pretty damn good. The fact that she spent all weekend crushing chicken, rice, and spinach bowls is apparently an excellent sign that she is already on the road to recovery. When people say it's silly to take dogs to specialists, I will always remember this story. Without the Pathologist looking at her samples she might have already gone down.
RANT and RAVE: A close friend and associate of mine for the last 10 years has hung up his apron. He finished his last shift with me this afternoon. Christ, we've been on the line together almost every day for a fucking decade, in so many different kitchens that we've lost count, and it isn't going to sink in until tomorrow morning that he's not coming back. We've reached some truly inspiring highs together, and navigated some tragic lows as well. Some people got lost, and a bunch of shit got broken, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Good luck out in the wilderness, buddy. I'll keep your tongs warm for when you come back.
RANT: My computer just pretty much exploded out of nowhere. I'm on imdb and suddenly everything closes and some insane virus pops up a billion windows saying my hard drive is fucked. I immediately reboot in safe mode and remove it and I booted up. Everything on my desktop is missing and my programs list is empty. I restore to 2 days ago and most stuff is back... except for all pictures, text documents and whatnot, INCLUDING stuff I've spent hours upon hours working on due tomorrow along with finals preparation information. I am extremely fucked right now.
RANT: I get to have my impacted wisdom teeth cut out of my jaw bone tomorrow. Doc also told me that based on my age (34) I have a very good chance of getting dry socket.
Rant Found out I'm not able to go to this in residence Airman Leadership Course this coming year, because one of my ASVAB scores wasn't high enough. I was pumped on doing this, but now I'll just have to probably wait longer to earn Staff Sergeant...the more I wait, the more pissed I get. Rave Re-taking the ASVAB and hopefully doing good enough to cross train out of this shitty job. Rave I deleted my Facebook account for good about a month ago, and I have no regrets doing so. Just didn't see the need for it anymore. One of my friends gave me some shit for doing it, but it's not hurting anyone for chrissakes. Rant I'm in a serious slump...as in lack of sex. Time to bust out.
Rant: Med school finals are coming up soon. Rant: Not nearly as prepared as I want to be. Rave: Still have 11 some days. Rant: Unsure of where I stand with this girl. Yes, I know,girls don't want a second vagina so I should sack up and make a move. The vibe I get from her flip flops a lot though. Gr. Rant and Rave: Unfortunately, this is all compounded by the possibility of going on a mission trip next year. It would be such an amazing experience in so many ways. The unfortunate part is having to raise funds and supplies while I'm on a time crunch. The bi-monthly meetings are about 7 hours round trip (without factoring in meetings and food) during the middle of the week. Rant: Due to some issues that came up, I pissed off my buddy that encouraged me to go on this trip. So, even that's up in the air right now. Rave: I actually feel a little better ranting and raving about this stuff to the TiB. Criminy.
Rant (I guess): I got a text a few days ago from this girl I knew over the summer and had a little tryst with that said this, verbatim; "I don't know why I was thinking of you, but I hope all is well." Here's what I don't get - I knew her for about ten days over the summer, we hooked up a few times (it was amazing), she abruptly left, and back home, she had a fucking boyfriend. I knew the entire time, even though it never got brought up, but she was an intern here, we had some fun and then she left - which usually means the girl leaves it at that and moves on. Not the first time that's happened. Instead, she looked me up about a month later, we've been sending each other messages every few weeks, and now she sends me this. And about the only thing I can say about it is that it's goddamn confusing. I finally caved and looked her up on Facebook, where I finally learned her last name for once, and lo and behold, she is still in a relationship. Is there any way to explain that? To complete outsiders who don't know anything about me at all, is there any way to explain this? You've got a girl who's 1000s of miles away, with a boyfriend there with her, who I knew for a week and a half, who finds it worth it, apparently, to confess that she still thinks about me six months later... and that's it? There's nothing else that is possibly going on here? Seriously, I'm not exactly an impartial observer here, but this makes absolutely no sense to me. And no, this was not just some one and done. I liked her a lot, and we definitely connected. But fucking a, it is what it is. I can't go thinking a girl in a relationship who I know nothing about who had sex with me three days after meeting me (that's the half of it) is necessarily a recipe for success. Usually she did it so she could gossip to her friends when she goes back home in the fall. Which is fine by me, because that adds up. This doesn't at all, and it's driving me crazy. (And yes, I admit, I do sort of enjoy it... a little) And of course, the universe not content to leave it there, the both of us are rabid football fans and through the most heartbreaking and soul-wrenching set of circumstances it turns out my school (Michigan State) is paired up to play her school (Georgia) in the Outback Bowl come January 2. It really, honestly couldn't get any more awkward than that.
Rant: I hate it when someone is too obtuse to really see themselves for what they are and instead believe that they know what is best for others. No, darling, your way sucks. Look at yourself, accept that you are angry and bitter and fucking change what isn't working. Crazy, I know. Rave: I love my new store thus far, now that two people are gone. I have to interview now, and train whoever gets the job, but that is better than dealing with fucktards.