Re: Rant & Rave Thread Looks like another 80 hour week at the project, at least 26 of which will be this weekend. Waking up at 5 on a Saturday blows.
Rave: A buddy of mine who has been working on a very cool, very innovative gun product has asked me to have a bigger hand in the project. Stuff like PR and marketing, and using my components for testing (and my help with that too). I've watched the thing progress for the past couple of years (we met in a geology class) and it's very exciting to contribute. Rave: They've helped me out a lot with my own work (aka dad has a cabinetmaking shop and woodworking expertise) so I'm glad to give back.
Rave: went to my niece's baptism this morning. There were so many babies with us and they are all so cute. Sister #2 had 2 there, sister #3 had 3, and sister #4 had 2. I think between all the sisters, husbands, and my parents, everyone had a baby in their lap. Rave: My whole room smells like cinnamon apple pie. I never buy candles. That spontaneous purchase was totally worth it~
Rave: Started watching Homeland yesterday, probably will watch a couple more episodes tonight and be halfway through the season. Loving it so far. Rave: Discovered rye whiskey yesterday. I've been a bourbon drinker forever, but the rye I am drinking now is just... better. And I bought bitters and an orange today, so you know I am getting my old fashioned on tonight. Hooray for occasional pretentious drinking. Rant: Must not repeat the at work hangover I had Friday following our office holiday party. The only thing more miserably annoying than my job is my job with a hangover. Rant: I could put this in the shitty treatment while interviewing thread, but meh. Company (or companies), if you tell me you're going to give me an answer by a date, why not just do it? You flew me to your city, all the way across the country, to interview almost two months ago. You told me, one month later, that you needed a couple more weeks to decide, despite originally saying you would take only days. The updated week you told me you would decide, I received no call. I don't think I have the slightest chance of getting the job at this point, and I doubt you do either. Let's just end the charade and allow me the limited satisfaction and closure of a rejection.
Rant: Slightly worried my love affair with booze might be drawing to a close. Over the last month or so there have been 3 occasions where I’ve massively overdone it and left a swath of hurt feelings and destruction in my wake. Once I hit the 5 beer mark I just don’t have an off switch anymore. I used to drink to a certain point then have a “moment of clarity” realising I'd had enough and stealthily extracting myself from the social situation and jumping a cab for home. This internal safety switch seems to have broken and been replaced with “Hulk Smash”
RANT: PSA: Don't wait until the weekend before Christmas to do most of your shopping. Especially when what isn't covered by "most" has to be taken care of over the following week, which happens to be the busiest work week of the year. RAVE: Old 15" CRT monitor shit out overnight. Guess who got a like-new HP 17" LCD with speakers at the thrift store for $50? Yeah, this guy.
Rave: after 14 years of marriage, made the wife squirt. Several times. Rant: had to change the sheets!?
Rave: is a pretty cool website that some friends passed along. Some entertaining stuff and hot women, pretty happy I found it. Rant: It genuinely depresses me that I will never meet any of the amazing women I see on that site (except for the girl I knew from freshman year who I saw on there).
Rant: I just killed the drunk thread. Rave: I finished all the Xmas shit I never finish. This is somewhat epic yet sad, considering I pretty much only shop for my kids, Mr. P and his sister.
Rave:Last night I received my Christmas bonus....It was 1000$. I was beyond excited. Rant: This morning I received news that my car was going to cost just over 1000$ to fix. I am beyond fucking pissed. So much for that fucking bonus.
Rave: I won my fantasy football league. I went 0-4 to start the year but then went on an unbeaten streak to sneak into the 5th place spot and DESTROY. Muahahaha. The cash is nice, but rubbing the win into the collective faces of friends is even better. Rant: End of the year work shit. The only gift I want is to be able to punch my smug, lazy-cunt, fuckface boss in his fat pumpkin head.
RANT: Fucking technology vendors. Vendor - Buy this, it'll work. Us - We bought that, it doesn't work Vendor - No, you got the wrong thing, we said XXXX-0000-XXXX and you got XXXX-0500-XXXX - which is all but indistinguishable unless you have high level knowledge of the products your ordering from. Get the one we said and it'll be fine. Us - Oh, Ok. Us - Ok, we did that, which was expensive and time consuming, and it still doesn't work. How's this shit hook together? Vendor - just plug the SATA cables from the thing to the main board, are you stupid? Us - Uh, whut? The ones we had in the beginning had X interfaces, you told us they were the wrong ones, so we bought these new ones that have no X interfaces but instead have the Y interfaces you told us were required, then we dicked around and spent more time and money figuring out how to make Y interfaces work before we gave up and called you back ... So to reiterate, there isn't anywhere for us to plug an X cable. What are you on about? Vendor - Hi, I'm out of office for the next three weeks, this is an automated message, suck my dick. and screaming rage goes here.
RAVE: Got seasons 2 and 3 of The Wire to keep me entertained while stepping back into 1999 to visit my mom for the holidays. Dial up internet is sooo neat. RANT: Three days in and I'm almost done season 2 already. I forgot how good this show is...
Will be getting the job offer I talked about this last summer tomorrow. Now to weigh all the pros and cons of moving vs. staying. Jesus, I wish things were simple.
RANT: I finally bought myself a printer. I decided to save a few bucks and buy a used one off craigslist. After going to to the store to get ink cartridges I find they cost almost as much as a new printer. I also got ink on my Dropkick Murphys sweatshirt. RAVE: I now have a brand new printer. Putting the used one I bought back up for sale.
Spoilered because it's really, really sad. Spoiler RANT: I witnessed a little dog get run over in the highway today. I saw him hauling ass toward the road, so I had plenty of time to slow my car down in case he ran out in front of me. But I was meeting another car in the road. They obviously didn't see the dog. He ran right under their car at highway speed, and he never knew what hit him. It really ruined my day.
Rave: I'm sitting on the couch watching cartoons with my boys when it hits me: I am so happy, happier than I knew I could be. Life isn't perfect, but it gets easier for me to appreciate all the time.