Rave? I honest-to-god have no idea why I'm so fortunate in my life with the people that I meet. The company I have been negotiating with took me to lunch yesterday, fully intent on writing me an offer. When I expressed my concerns about both working for that particular company AND my reluctance to move close to a certain person (did not go into specifics), it started an hour-long discussion about what I wanted with my life, and the right questions I should be asking myself. Turns out the plant manager WROTE A BOOK about this very dilemma (how to find yourself, for lack of a less new-agey way to put it). Normally a job interview is ten minutes, and they follow up with an offer or they don't. These guys went so far as to tell me to take the next month to think about what I really wanted, and to contact them if I decided I wanted to consider their offer. And they paid for lunch. Rather than clearing things up, it just makes me feel guiltier for NOT taking the job. It would be a raise, cheaper mortgage, close to family. I also think it would be completely unhealthy from an emotional standpoint. Gawd. Why is nothing ever straight forward?
Rave I thought Christmas shopping was going to wipe me out for sure. Just checked, and I actually have enough money to make it through New Year's and the rest of the weekend. Big. fucking. sigh of relief. Rave Drinking with my best bud whos in town for the holiday tonight and dinner and debauchery tomorrow for NYE. Rave/Rant 2011 wasn't my favorite year thats for sure...glad it's ending soon. This is one of the rare times I'm really looking forward to starting with a clean slate.
Serious rant: It's not going well with the wife. Not at all. Some days I think it would be much easier to just end it, and ''some'' has been turning into ''most'' lately. It sucks, I love her, but I just can't handle all the stuff she's dealing with right now.
Rave: New hats arrived today! Dapper. Rant: It's going to be 70s here tomorrow, not the best weather for wool caps. Rave: Warmer weather means I can grill a leg of lamb on New Year's Day. Ain't nothin like mutton!
Rant: AWESOME. My house was just robbed. These people were idiots though. They left the most valuable stuff like my OTHER gun, the big screen tv, the laptop and a cell phone in plain sight. Seriously? You're shitty thieves.
Rave: It's a big moving day and we are loading up our apartment with awesome stuff. So far we've got a coffee table, living room chair, one of those storage ottoman things, a side table, and a plant, with hopefully more to come. Rant: It makes me feel really young to get excited about what is essentially dumpster diving. There are very few things in our living room that were bought new. Oh well.
Rant: I dropped my month old Droid in fucking water last night. It immediately totally shut down. And since I was shit faced drunk last night (this literally happened a minute before midnight), I didn't do anything preventative with it like take out the battery and let it dry out.... no, instead I was informed today by Verizon that I shouldn't try to turn it on or charge it and I've done both. I don't have any insurance on the phone so to get another one, it'll cost me $450. I'm so pissed. I have it in rice and in a couple of days I'll see if I can salvage it at all or if I'm now back to using my old phone. Not a fun way to begin 2012. Rave: Aside from the bullshit with the phone, I had a great time last night. A wonderful dinner at a nice restaurant and then a NYE party with a big group of good friends. Very very fun.
Rant: I have had my ups and downs over the last few years, but for the first time I think that I am actually suffering from depression. I feel like there is a force field holding me down and preventing me from doing anything, and I feel like walking away from the one or two hobbies that I have. It hit me badly this weekend, I think because of all the New Year's bullshit. I am 26 years old, I have never been in a serious relationship, I have had no luck on dating sites or with getting dates in general, and although I do have a full time job it may not be permanent and doesn't promise a stable future even if it is. I went through a rough period about 4 years ago and managed to get out of it, but getting out of it made me think that my life would be good and I would be happy now. I feel like the best days of my life are behind me, and I just don't know where to go from here. Rave: I am glad that the NBA is back. I at least have some distraction.
Rave: I like drunkenly making out with girls I've met 5 minutes prior. Therefore, I like New Years. Rave: Happy New Year! Rave: Off to Oregon tomorrow for a 5 day ski trip. I am already thinking about how I'll be unable to sleep tonight because I want to get there, like Christmas when I was 6. Staying at a house for free, and going to a couple decent mountains. Plus, it's my buddies birthday while I will be there so I am looking forward to some drunken shenanigans. Rant: One more semester of school and I still don't know what I want to do after, whether it be grad school or the workplace. It also sucks seeing my friends get job offers while I haven't even begun to apply to places. Sucks for me, not them. Rant: I didn't do as well last semester as I should have, and I still haven't checked my grades. They aren't bad, they just aren't the all A's I wanted. I prefer the suspense. Thermodynamics finals are torture.
I don't want to be depressing, but this is a real conversation I had with a little girl I just met the other week in a playgroup Her: Auntie, where were you born? Me: XYZ Her: Oh, I was born in the Philippines. Me: Oh, very neat. Her: In Mindinao. Her: We live in the shelter. Me: (oh man) Oh. Her: My dad broke my mom's guitar and then her keyboard. Me: ... Her: then he came home and told my mom "I kill you, I kill you." Me: Oh...your daddy has some issues he needs to solve. Her: Yeah, and he said "If I die I'm not going alone" Me: (fuck) Her: so we're going to court against him.
Rant: Apparently my supervisor didn't get the memo and I had to leave my hunting blind to come in to work. Fuck!
?: May have just stumbled into a girl I dated in high school admitting on reddit she was fucking a teacher while underage. ...Yeah. Every single detail checks out. Her house is four blocks away. Things are about to get hilariously awkward around here.
Rant/Rave(?): I understood absolutely none of that. Rave: Love my job and going to work in the morning. Rant: No friends (or even acquaintances) for 4 hours in any direction. Rave: Mandatory overtime = big big money.
Studying for the comp exam is going better than expected, and that's worrisome. Now I feel like I must be missing something or things, but I still feel very comfortable with all the material in the study guide. Having catastrophizing as a default really sucks sometimes. Less than two weeks...
Rave Kudos to all for another great holiday drunk thread. Better than last year's. Now, all of you go make fun of Troy Holm.
Rant: God damn, do I hate when the media sensationalizes certain dog breeds. Pit Bulls Attack, Critically Injure Jogger in Rainbow Beach Park I guarantee if it had been a breed that everyone loves, it would not have been listed in the title of the article... As a Lab/Pit mix owner, this bothers me so much. Hell, just last week, my almost one year old nephew was using him as a walking aid at Christmas time. The problem with dogs like these, is not with the dog, but with the owner. Ugh.