RAVE: The girl took the afternoon off and we spent it in bed. RAVE: Things have been going really really good with her.
Rave: I can do it, I can do it, I can do it! I have a hard time motivating myself in general but I did a decent beginner's jogging distance (2mi) tonight, a couple nights ago, and then a couple nights before that. Eventually I want to do it every day but at least this is a start. I need to get back the old exercise habits that I once had. I just have to remember that I didn't form those habits overnight, and I won't this time either.
Hate to post two in one day, but I need to rant about my roommate... Spoiler I am so utterly sick of hearing my roommates voice. He talks down to everyone, has a condescending tone to everything, speaks a few clicks too loud, is constantly talking, and always has an opinion on absolutely everything. He's also from California, so everything he says comes with the note of douchebaggery and thinking he's better than everyone. He always thinks he's right about everything even when he's wrong, then once you prove him wrong, he tries to skew your reasoning to make himself look less like a jackass. An example: he said this to me the other day:"Because I'm your friend, I'll help you study for your briefs." This may sound like a nice guy helping someone out, and from any normal person it would, not from this guy. -"Because I'm your friend," not "Because we're friends," or "Because it sounded like you had a little trouble," or even "If you want,". The condescending tone and better than everyone persona shines. -"I'll help you study". Again the douchebag and self importance in addition to getting to talk more and make himself feel like he's smart. Not "lets study together" or "lets start a study group". Also, he decided to tell me this when we got home so our other two roommates could hear, not any time after our flight when we were just sitting in our office talking about flying, he wanted people to hear it to make himself look like a nice guy. This looks crazy, like I'm over analyzing this, but knowing the guy for two years and living with him for a year and a half, it's really just me finally figuring out how his mind works. Goddamn he's a cockbag. Note, nothing against Cali, he just gave me a very poor sampling of people from there, especially if he's the norm.
Rave: Had a friend I hadn't spoken with in almost 10 years call me up out of the blue. Chatted with her for an hour. Rant: Holy shit she's had some serious health issues. She had to have a double masectomy and her gall bladder removed, and is still dealing with thyroid and potentially pancreatic cancer - her doctors want to remove her pancreas. And because of all the cancer treatments she's had she also has liver and kidney damage. She's on permanent disability and can't even get out of bed on some days. She's 30 years old. Rave: One thing I'm am glad for her though is that she found a good man that's been by her side and supporting her through all this. Back when we'd hang out she had bad taste in men and I'd always worry that she'd always find herself in abusive relationships.
Rave: Awesome new winter hat Rant: Bought it as a christmas present for a friend. Would have been pretty much the greatest christmas present for this friend ever. She's due back from the States on Friday. Today she found one of these hates in a store, bought it for herself. Same colour, same style, same everything. Mother fucker. Rave: Keeping it.
Rave: Show of hands, how many other people had "Cougar Life" as their ad banner last night after Queen Bee posted?
Rant: Why can nothing ever be easy. Rave: It will probably take some doing, but I should have some avenues I can pursue to fix the current issue.
Rant:Apparently I didn't get the email that my elective computer course was canceled. I had to sign up for the last available elective to make sure I get the benefits of being a full time student. Drama. Well, I will be able to play any surly character well.
Rave: Working out. I'd slacked off a little bit for the holidays, and it feels awesome to get back into it. Rave: Got pros / cons today. Sergeant hooked me up. Rant: My MOS is going to be closed for promotion for a looooong time. I'm looking at a long wait before picking up, regardless of how good my scores are. Damn you, downsizing. Rave: Got pulled over for a random vehicle inspection. My insurance card was expired, which is technically a citable offense (My insurance was still good; it was just the card that was expired). They let me off with the admonition to fix it ASAP. Thank god. Rave: MCMAP is starting up again. Say hello to more flak jacket runs, miserable workouts, and lots and lots of ground fighting. Can't wait. Rant: Swing-and-a-miss with the hairdresser girl. Oh well. Three more months, and I'll be hitting the bars. Here's to hoping that I don't get plastered and bring home a whale.
RANT Injured my knife hand trying to hack frozen veal stock out of a bucket with a sharp knife during service today. Might be a career-ender...
MEGA FUCKING RAVE: Got a call today, for an interview on Monday. No idea wtf is going on but i am not going to question it. Rave: My new toy is here. Galaxy SII LTE, fuck is it sweet from first impressions. Rant: Was cutting some wire, and put my hand to close to the pivot, and squished the shit out of my finger.
Looks like it'll be the third day in a row I'm stuck at work until after 10 PM.... At least they have to feed me.
Rant: stomach problems. I have no idea what led to this. Wait, that's not true. I think I'm getting wound up about another semester starting. I spent the nights during orientation emptying my bowels. We lost 5 people last semester due to poor grades. I don't ever wanna be in that position. Rave: stomach problems that lie dormant until after your gentleman-friend leaves. Thank god he he woke up extra early to drop his car off at the shop before work.
Rant: Have to check in for surgery at 8am. I have been up since 1:30am because I can't fucking sleep. I am so thirsty, I was ordered not to drink or eat anything after midnight. I am one of those people who carries around a liter of cold water ALL of the time, this is torturing me! Rave: I have five days off, followed by three days of a management training seminar, where I am certain to be parked on my ass. I don't usually rest well, but I am going to do my best to take advantage of it.
Rave: Ever since switching taking out my office chair and using a balance ball instead I have been getting distracted less and been more productive with work and studying.
Little Debbie is a whore! http://money.cnn.com/2012/01/11/news/companies/hostess_bankruptcy/index.htm?hpt=hp_t2
Rave: As of yesterday I've been with my girlfriend for two years. No, I did not forget. It really sucks being separated (especially days like yesterday) but she'll be moving up here soon enough. Rave: I am getting some ridiculous deals on Ebay. I'll slit throats to win these auctions. Rant: Changes at work mean tension and stress. They are good changes, but I'll be in a much better mood once we have our shit together on new initiatives.
Rant: Gotta love hypocrites you look down at people, and talk shit when they put their business, and that of others on FB. Yet now that you're all pissy, you want to put not only your business, but mine out there for the world to see. God I should have left months ago.