RANT: Copped an assault charge for slapping a former friend in the face on NYE. He stole from me on two separate occassions and when I tried to discuss it with him he denied it and refused to apologize. Then when I saw him that night he amped up the assholery to intolerable levels. I regret doing putting my hands on him, but none of our mutual friends are holding it against me so I guess it wasn't that bad. RAVE: No priors means it will likely lead to a year-long peace bond with no criminal record once the bond expires. RANT: My roommate, who owns the house we live in, is kicking me out. He's sick of me playing music into all hours of the night. Completely understandable, as he is a grownup and I am not. RAVE: Having a group of friends who also refuse to grow up can be advantagous. Four of us are going to get a nice, big house together. We're looking for a two-floor with a finished bedroom in the basement. The couple will get the master bedroom, I'll take one of the other upstairs bedrooms and the other friend will take the basement room. RAVE: The other friend is my songwriting partner, so now we will have that much more time to work on our music. RANT: Got a flat tire downtown on my last day off. RAVE: AMA got there in like 20 minutes, and I have plenty of money in the bank for new tires. If you had asked me when I was 20 where I would be the year I turned 30, I would have said Wife, House, Kids (or one on the way), Good Career. Only one of those things materialized (career), and it is structured in a way that gives me plenty of time and money to pursure my passions. The other three things honestly terrify me. The housing bubble in this country is about to burst and rob a lot of people of their net worth. If I had married my last girlfriend, like she wanted, I would either be divorced or in a miserable marriage right now. Kids? Spending some quality time with my nieces twice a year seems to be filling that void splendidly. All I could ask for now is to meet a woman who loves her life as much as I love mine, and is just looking for a man to compliment it, rather than become it. Does that make any sense?
Rant Phone problems. My internet browser and Gmail connection on my Droid crapped out on me about a week ago, so I take it in to get it looked at and it wasn't able to recognize any networks or whatever when the guy looked at it. Getting a replacement shipped to me, should be here tomorrow. Thing that sucks is after I left, I looked at my contact list and everything was gone. I still have the memory card but I'm not sure if everything can be restored when I get the new phone. Rave Getting a few extra work days at base next week so I can make some much needed cash. Rant Didn't make it in quick enough for this semester, so looks like I'll be taking summer classes.
Rave: Got the job I walked into yesterday. Whoot. =) Rant: Realised how nerdy I am when I just ranted to my friends that I want a Klingon Batleth. Sigh. Rave: Start work tomorrow. And the biggest rant I have today is my nerdyness.
WTF??: Hanson, as in MMMbop Hanson, is playing here in this small BC town in a couple weeks. I am speechless.
RANTWhat is it with toothbrushes these days? I refuse to buy some electric toothbrush contraption and then have to fork out the $$$ for new spinning brush heads and batteries and have an annoying buzzing sound in my head each time I brush. Manual toothbrushes these days look like they were either designed by a committee of conceptual artists or a team of engineers on acid. Just give me a normal fucking toothbrush will ya. RAVEI still have around 10 normal looking toothbrushes that I bought in bulk. Time to start Googling for toothbrushes as I've given up on Australian supermarkets.
Rant: Those days where it's snowing enough to make the drive to work a slippery nasty mess, but not snowing enough for the city to justify bringing out plows or salt/sand trucks or those new fandangled brine sprayers. Rave: Ah, but the snow sure looks purty.
Rave: My boss called me into his office as soon as I arrived yesterday morning to tell me I'm getting a 3% raise. I haven't been here for even 5 months so it's especially surprising, but he said it's for the effort I've been putting in. I've had jobs where I have worked way too hard for what I got back, so confidently knowing my bosses appreciate my work ethic is the most rewarding part. I'll take a grand to be certain though!
Rave Droid 3 replacement arrived today...all my contacts are still saved. Rave Going to Florida (Tampa) for a week next month for training. Should be a nice getaway from the cold.
Rave: Being an adult has it's benefits; I have nothing planned tonight other than to split a bottle of Casa Noble with the roommate, and blow shit up in CoD:MW3 all night long - after which TheWoman said she plans to drop by before I collapse into dreams narrated by the voice that says "UAV is online". The plan for tomorrow? More of the same. Sunday? You get the drift.
Rave Finished my thesis and resigned from my job. Been in Argentina for a week now. Rave Saw iguazu falls today. Pictures do not do it justice. Hearing the sound and witnessing the sheer volume of water cascading down is someting else entirely. Rave Next stop: Ushuaia, the bottom of the world. I'm not going home for at least another 4 months. Rant No such thing as a rant.
Rave Just had my first real (not just clippers and the bathroom mirror) haircut in about 2 years. I look so fucking good. Rant My coworker got arrested and now I have to fill in for him. Means that I will be unable to get in as much skiing as I wanted before I go back to school. Rave? Skinny jeans.
Rant: My ex is trying to start a fight with me, he has called screaming obscenities at me twice now. Mr. P took the next call and was told that he "wasn't anybody that mattered" when discussing the kids, despite the fact that Mr. P has the kids more than the ex or I do! I don't know what this fucking retard's problem is, all I know is I want my kids NOW. All this because I am not going to drive all over kingdom come to meet him. The arrangement is for him to drop them off. I am in bed resting still, I fucking hurt! Grrr!! Ravish: It's kind of nice to have a man that won't tolerate anyone speaking to me that way. Mr P. remained calm, but didn't take any bullshit. He makes me feel safe.
Rave: Comp exam is over. This is the first weekend I haven't had to study since August. And tomorrow is my birthday. Bring on the rocky road ice cream cake!
Rant & Rave Thread Rant: I haven't posted here in forever. I miss this place. Last year I had entirely too many posts in the Christmas drunk thread and this year I didn't even make a dent in reading it. Oh, how times have changed. Rave: Being a mom is a lot of fun. E is getting bigger every day, and I mean bigger she's a chubby little thing! Rave: Having friends over tomorrow night for dinner and to play pitch. Should be a lot of fun. I'm making chili and cornbread. Rant: My house looks like something blew up in here. I never fully recovered after Christmas. I have until tomorrow evening to get it clean. Rave: All I have to rant about is a messy house.
Rant: I slept for a whopping 30 minutes last night. Rave: I wood stoved my girlfriend at 4 a.m. It's like a Dutch oven, but with an erection.
Rant: Nothing like starting a fresh semester off with a zero on a test because Blackboard crashed, erased my saved answers and submitted a blank assignment and my teacher's a big fat cunt who basically told me tough shit and to deal with it. Fantastic.
Rant- goddamn I'm tired. Double rant - shit that shouldn't matter to me does. Rave- yay beer. I'm sleeping late tomorrow.