Rave: When im at the university engineering buildings, I get ads that essentially are mail order bride adds. The funny doesnt stop Rant: Had to attend the mandated sensitivity training for engineers at the uni. This is the outcome of a pub crawl with the nurses faculty, they complained about our drinking songs (Google Lady Godiva's Hymn, its the tame one)
Rant: Why the hell do I keep reading the Shaving thread? Why did I even post in it? It's clear, I'm getting desperate. Rave: The weed is good, man.
Rave: Alcatraz was kinda cool, although it's a bit predictable thus far. At least it's something that isn't a fucking re-hash. Rave: It's snowing a bit. It's about time. Rant: My commute tomorrow will suck, as it's going to change to rain/ice in the a.m. I figure my 1 hour commute will be more like 2 hours in the morning.
Rant: I am irrationally angry. Your band is shit and everything you do is shit. How the fuck do you not know this? I know I can't write a song or carry a tune, so I keeps me arse off the fuckin' stage. Somehow you made a very much tuned up guitar sound out of tune because of your shittiness. Take lessons. Learn a melody you whiny, emo pussies. Then promptly die in a fire. It's one thing for a band in a bar to suck, but this went beyond my limits. When the bassplayer started mouthing the lyrics nobody else could understand out of that nasally 75 pound singer I almost flipped my shit. They were like an emo version of Weezer that thought Weezer was too heavy and commercial. Rant: I now believe in ADD. The neighbor's fat miscreant child, about 10, was alone in the yard earlier today. She was twirling around in a circle screaming/singing "YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME" in between these horrendous Exorcist noises. Note, there was NOBODY around her, nobody this was directed to. Parents were inside. She has done this before. Her voice is terrible, like someone blowing a steam whistle in your ear to wake you up kind of terrible. Rave: I had a dream that I went to a museum exhibiting frozen shrimp. It was awesome.
Rant It's -30 outside (Celsius) and I just waited almost 40 minutes for a goddamn bus and you know what? When the bus finally arrived there were two of them and the second bus was fucking empty! I don't *really* need a car, I've been car-less in this city for 7 years now but I'll be damned if this morning wasn't a big motivator to buy one. Rave I got a new tattoo on Saturday and I'm getting another smaller one tomorrow after work. I'll post in the tattoo thread if I think about it.
Rant Apparently college has left me with some habits that are hard to break; namely, a Pavlovian response to the lecture format. Within the first ten minutes of sitting down in a meeting hall - I become incredibly lethargic and start to doze off. As long as I can power through the first half hour of nodding off, I'm usually good for the rest of the meeting. Rave Nicotine Gum! Where have you been all my life? I don't know how I haven't heard about you until now. Except for the danger of addiction and all of that, it perks me up much more reliably and noticably than any espresso ever has. Rave I love my job. In the past 6 months I've been trained on using SAS, MicroStrategy, Tableau, APT, DemandTec, and the in-house clustering tool. Achievement Unlocked: Resume Padding!
Rave: And in related news: <a class="postlink" href="http://deadspin.com/5876657/donkey-punch-made-its-way-onto-jeopardy-tonight-tk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://deadspin.com/5876657/donkey-punc ... tonight-tk</a>
Rant: Y'ever have one of those people in your workplace where you're not entirely sure how they got hired, and you're damned if you can figure out how they got promoted, because they're dumb as shit, lazy as hell, and don't do anything well enough to be worth keeping around, in your eyes? Yeah, we've got one of those. Everything she does has to be double checked (or triple checked), and yet, she seems to be sucking the right corporate cocks, because she's been promoted to a level she can't maintain, and keeps asking me the stupidest fucking questions. "Do you think Compound X is reactive?" "You mean the stuff they're calling "Reactive Compound X" on the box? The stuff that reacts on contact with water? The stuff that is fucking explosive? Yeah, I'd say it's pretty fucking reactive." "Oh..." CHRIST.
Rant: I remembered when I lived in Hawaii, and the only snow I ever had to deal with was the kind with fruit flavored syrup poured all over it. Now I'm reading there could be a foot of this shit where I'm living. Rave: Working from home. Rant: I had a come to Jesus meeting at work last week. Apparently I give off the impression I hate my job. This will teach me to go into work feeling like shit.
Rant: Managed to crash my car this morning not 1/4 of a mile from my house. Went around a corner and hit black ice from last night on a negative bank and was heading straight towards a telephone pole. Managed to pull the e-brake and get it sideways, which then slid my passenger side into the tension wire attached to the pole. Could have been worse, but god damnit, that is not how I wanted to start my Tuesday. Rant: If the road I normally take hadn't been closed due to collapsed sewer and water mains, this would have probably not even happened.
Rant Seriously, is there some hidden money tree my friends don't tell me about? I've got an internship in Berlin lined up this march. It'll be expensive, because, you know, I have to sleep somewhere and eat and buy subway tickets and stuff. A friend of mine, who's doing this with me, just told me she's planning to go on a vacation afterwards, somewhere warm and with a beach. I mean, fair enough, she can stay with her parents for the time because she's from Berlin, but how the fuck does she pay for this? She just was in Switzerland for a week, skiing. Cost about as much as I have for the whole month. I can't even remember when my last real vacation was. I don't have money for this kind of thing. My roommate already plans his next vacation with his girlfriend, presumably using his brand new blackberry in the process. Rant First day of studying in the library done, only 1,5 months left. Yay.
Rant: I'm very good at overthinking/complicating stuff and spinning the hell outta my wheels. The past two work days feel like a waste of my time as a result. Rave: My girlfriend is coming up here for the weekend and will be arriving on Thursday.
WTF: Today was my first day driving to a hospital for class. I go through 4 school zones to get there. It's fine because it's a back way, and if I took the freeway or major street I'd be parked in traffic, taking twice as long to get there. (I timed it a few times last week). I was driving up to the school zones and they read, "School Zone when light is flashing." I glanced at the posted "school zone" time on the sign, and it's between 7-9 am. It was 7:15 am, and no lights were flashing. Everyone around me was going the normal speed limit, so I was like, "Well, ok," and kept driving. I got to the end of the school zone, and in the rearview mirror I saw the school zone light flashing for the cars going the opposite direction. Is this a trap? If I get pulled over will I get a ticket because my side of the street doesn't have a flashing light? Will the drug dealers driving around me go into road rage if I'm driving 20 mph in an imaginary school zone? Weird. I don't even know why they exist over there. It's in the barrio/Medical District. These kids are probably used to dodging bullets to go home to their cracked-out moms getting railed by "Uncle Tyrone" and "Uncle Curtis", if they even go to school. If they can dodge a bullet they can dodge a car.
Rant: Does that for me, too. About 9 times out of ten, it goes back to the top of the page for page 900 instead of the first unread. Rave: It's not just me!
Rave: I just packed a lunch because for the first time since October 2010 I'll be working outside of my apartment tomorrow. I'm sure I won't be thrilled with this for much longer, but for now I'm excited. Rant: Dealing with a stolen wallet that had your whole world in it is awfully annoying. Rant: When I went to buy my replacement Metrocard this morning, the machine ate my $15 (the only money I had), and the process of getting it refunded is obnoxious. Rant: What did I ever do to you, world?
Rave: The best way to end a shift is babysitting a dude high on Oxy walking across the interstate who thinks he's in Florida. He's in Arizona.
Rant: Reddit is down to protest SOPA and PIPA all day today. That means I have to be productive at work today? Sheeeeit.