Rant: Apropos of nothing, I asked my mom why she and my dad gave me the name that they did (which I'm not particularly fond of). Her response? It was an emergency name at the last second because I was supposed to be a girl and they couldn't tell I was a boy from the ultrasound. That makes me feel good inside.
Rant: Decided I was going to the pub this afternoon and would go the long way around so I could wear my new shoes in some more. Got about twnety minutes down the track and could feel a build up of pressure in my gut. I'll be ok, I'll make it to the pub before I have to shit I thought. Not so, I get about ten minutes down the track and no where near a toilet and I'm doing the duck waddle off the track into the bush and it's coming out not a second after my pants are down and I'm spraying the foliage. Underwear become toilet paper and I backtrack home for a shower and then to the pub the short way feeling a little ashamed of myself but glad no one saw.
RAVE: What the fuck has my life become? I meet a girl through one of my friends, and 6 hours later her mouth is wrapped firmly around my penis. I wasn't even trying at all, I was just being myself. Maybe just being yourself gets women to fellate you, although she didn't wan't sex because of course "shes not a whore." RANT: Now I have to figure out if she's worth pursuing or if I should just let the blow jobs ride.
Rave: Went to my niece and nephews birthday party, and their dad, my brother in law lives in Iceland. He surprised his kids and all of his siblings by being there. Rant: He and I are really close, and he has decided to stay another year, and bring his kids out with him. Rave: He'll let us live in his house for a year.
Rave: Great weekend with friends. Rave: A different girl each night. Rant: Recovering. Rant: Only one sim last week, no flights. This week looks like more of the same...
Rave: My best friend finally got himself a girlfriend. Seriously, he's been searching for a long time and I'm so happy he found someone who matches his level of awesomeness. I think I'm more excited than he is, even. Rant: But he can't call me back anymore, apparently. Nope, too busy having sexytimes or TVtimes with his new lady. Bah.
This is just going to be an absolutely whiney rant that I just need to get off of my chest. So, it'll be placed in Spoilers. Spoiler Rant: These "1 credit courses" that I've been having to take are all over the place. Sometimes they're absurdly easy. Other times, the volume of material comes out of left field and everyone, not just myself, are left scrambling for cover. This current one on Sexual Health is just absolutely fucking insane. It's literally 300 pages of articles that's being covered across a wide spectrum of topics. We're supposed to condense down these pages into 70 questions on the one and only final exam on Thursday. What a joke. Rant: Yes, articles. Not a book. Not a powerpoint showing that he's on his fucking game. Nothing but fucking articles. The professor, rather than design the course with expectations and the understanding that Sex fucking Ed isn't the end-all-be-all, just has us read an enormous amount of articles. Students at my campus and the main campus are up in arms and all he can say is, "Well, there's nothing I can do now that the course is in progress. This was the way it was last year." Bull-fucking-shit. Not according to the second-years. Rant: All of that bullshit is causing me to fall behind on the rest of my coursework. It's stressing me the fuck out and I can't get out of my funk. Rant: That funk leads me to keep wondering why I was so fucking incompetent in the first place to actually end up here. The school is a horrendous ill-designed joke that should just be shut down based on its laughable premise alone. I just feel stuck. You know, although I had some misgivings going here, I figured that there was no way the standards could be so highly variable. My first week on campus shattered that and it's only gotten worse as time has gone on. There's really not anyone that I think I can go to talk about this with since many feel lucky to be in medical school in the first place. Rant: And I've noticed how I always isolate myself in these stressful situations. Rant: It's just bogged me down so much that I can't even make any part of that funny or entertaining to read. Fuck.
Rant: Fuck you right nostril and the persistent slow snot drip that had settled in there. Rave: On vacation for a bit and theres finally some snow to play in.
RANT: "Hahaha, I'm SUCH a bitch!" On behalf of everyone else in the whole world, "Well stop being one then". Shit. The rest of us don't want to put up with it. When were a bunch of women sold a bunch of baloney that being bitchy is something to be proud of? It's not bold irreverence, it's not confidence, it's just unpleasant. When it's said that behind every woman is a dude who's sick of her shit, I think it should be added that behind every woman is a bunch of dudes and some girlfriends enabling her bitchiness.
Rant: I am slightly hungover, had to wake up at 4:30 to drive an hour and 10 minutes to work, which is busy as fuck. Double Rant: There is some fucking thing malfunctioning outside at a ridiculous volume, every few seconds i hear what sounds like an air pump just firing off. It is so fucking loud I feel like my head is going to explode.
Rant: TiB still wishing everyone a happy new year. "It's like Aristotle doing a keg stand" was the absolute money slogan.
Rant: I'm going to the Dr. this afternoon. Rave: Still on my mom's health insurance. Rave: No 16 hour shifts this week. Rant: Only 117 days to figure out what my next step in life will be.
Rant- We had a ice storm this past weekend. Everything was covered in a sheet of ice. Out drunk Saturday I was sliding on the ice like and idiot and slipped. I conked my melon on the sidewalk, hard. I had a nice knot on my head but my neck is fucking killing me. Fucking whiplash.
I miss this one as well [Take THAT thread rules] Rant: Scraped the rock on the side of my driveway with my car. Bent one of my rims. Goddamn it.
Rant: My son has SIX FUCKING CAVITIES!!! Wait, that count is the ones that warrant attention, there are a couple that are about to fall out anyway. Rave: He handled his dentist appointment like a champ, even letting the dentist know that he shouldn't call him "son" because "I know who my daddy is." heheh, he's a funny little five year old. Whatever: My ex's girlfriend, Stormy, looks like a sixteen year old boy. It's weird. She has been present for the last few child trade-offs, which is the only reason I am even aware of her existence. I feel better for sharing. That is all.
RANT: I've become a milk snob. I can barely tolerate any other milk than the brand at the family-owned market across the street. I feel like an asshole, but it's so fucking delicious. RAVE: That's the closest I have to a legitimate reason to complain. Other than being a milk snob, everything is good.
Rant: My gf's payment towards our joint credit card bounced because she had insufficient funds. These aren't automatic payments, she has to actively set it up. So she either willfully ignored the fact that she didn't have enough money in her account or just didn't bother to check. I don't even know which is worse. Rant: Between loss of points and fees we're looking at about a $100 whack... because she can't do simple math or couldn't take the ten seconds to check her balance. Rant: This isn't the first time she's done something this dumb, a couple months ago she paid the wrong credit card and didn't notice until I said something to her. Minor-Rave: I already paid half the balance a couple weeks ago so we won't get hit with a late fee and we're still in a 0% financing period so we won't have to pay interest. It's times like these that make me understand why the divorce rate is so high. ????: I hate to do it since I don't like the concept of having too much financial control over her, but she's offered to give me all her login information for her money so that I can manage it, I'm strongly considering it at the moment.