Rant: There is a Facebook page titled Abortion-The Truth. It is chock full of misinformation and deeply disturbing photos. This disturbs me on many levels. Anyone can see these terrible pictures for just one. Fuck. I really wanted to hurl and type furious facts for the right wingers all at once.
RANT Just spent over an hour dealing with my little babies night terror. This has happened twice before but not in about 6 months or so. She didn't nap today and we've had friends in town for a few days and her schedule has been thrown off a bit. This is one of the scariest things I've ever gone through. There is no useful information and what you're supposed to do is counter intuitive. Leave them alone. By the time we know it's a night terror, we've already been holding her and trying to console her and it's made things infinitely worse. My wife is holding her in the baby room right now and she's finally stopped crying. We were a few minutes from taking her to the hospital even though we know it's ok and nothing can be done. This shits really scary. How do you calm your kid who is deeply sleeping and having a vivid nightmare and can't be woken? The internet is very useless in dealing with this as is our doctor who we talked about this with the last time it happened. The general consensus that I'm reading is that it will pass. Fuck that noise, there has to be better info out on what to do but it seems to be hard to find. I'm calling her doctor again in the morning.
Rant: Our service manager is a dick sometimes. My co-worker just got reamed out for not anticipating something that happened with the migration and upgrade of our internal phone system. Nowhere in the documentation was this listed as a known bug or issue, and our boss just chewed him out for it. I was able to calm my co-worker down before he flipped out on our boss so that's a plus, but damn I feel bad for him. To top it off, he was on the phone with support trying to get it addressed and resolved and our boss was like, 'If they don't have it resolved in 5 minutes, escalate it to another support engineer.' Damn dude, chill the fuck out and let their support figure it out. Hell, we're IT support, and we get more than 5 minutes before we escalate any issues.
Rave: I don't have to paint my living room, entry way, hallway, dining room, or kitchen. Rant: While the guys we hired to paint are here, I am stuck in the mostly unfinished basement watching a crappy TV and trying to read. This is shaping up to be a long few days. Rave: Only some trim (that I have to stain), a shower, and a drop ceiling away from having a finished guest bedroom and bathroom. Should easily be done within the next week or two, depending on the help I can get.
FUCKING RANT: Aggravated an old injury. Wouldn't be bad if the injury wasn't rectal lacerations. Rave(s): Maryland v. Duke basketball tonight. Archer tomorrow. Winter X all weekend. Syllabus week. Gettin' weird.
.... I'm having a real hard time trying to figure out what's worse: - The fact that I feel like crap - The fact that I've now been sitting in the waiting room at the doctors office for an hour and a half - The fact that I think that when I DO go back there, people are going to have to put their fingers in my butt .... Today can just go jump right in the lake.
Rave: I met with a former prof for lunch today for the sake of keeping in touch and chatting and the job opportunity he extended to me a couple years ago has resurfaced. Time will tell what pans out, but depending on what he comes up with in the next few months... I may be making a job change. Maybe. Bottom line, it was great to bullshit over pizza and beer and I'm glad to see the business he recently started is flourishing.
RANT: Went to sleep because I was absolutely exhausted, just to nap a bit. Woke up to the radio blaring and the clock reading 7:30, wondering how I overslept for work. Managed to get into halfassed shape for work in about five very chaotic minutes, all the while blinking sleep form my eyes, stumbling, cursing my bladder for not emptying itself more quickly, and just generally cursing. Finally get to the front door, and realized it was 7:30 PM....not 7:30 AM. I wasn't half an hour late to work, I was 12 goddamn hours early. So, I celebrated by going back to bed for 10 hours.
Rave: Holy fuck I fucking love playing rugby. I've never felt more alive than when I'm on the pitch. It's like a goddamned medieval battle: mud, blood, brute force, agility and skill all rolled into one. You fight, you hold the line and you break your opponents' defences, and when that one man comes for you with the ball and it's just you and him, and you use every ounce of your strength and every fraction of your skill to smash him into the mud, fuck me, there's no better feeling in the world. (American) Football may be a better TV spectacle, but having played both, goddamn is this a better sport to play. No bullshit interruptions every minute, no mechanical plays, everyone can handle the ball, everyone can score, and when it's done well, it's like a dance, but it's all the more beautiful because it's not choreographed to within an inch of its life. Rave: Won 34-0. Absolutely wiped the fucking floor with them. When you run at someone and they're inching away from you before you even hit them, you know you've broken their spirit. We won that game in the first ten minutes of play. Everything else was just semantics. Bonus Rave: Scored my first try of 2012. Additional Rave: And now to drink. I have fought, I have feasted, and now I shall drink, and wench, and make my ancestors proud.
Rave: I didn't think it was possible but it actually happened. I had a reasonable discussion with several people of differing views on Facebook about POLITICS. Incredible. It even reached a reasonable conclusion. I am in awe.
Rave: Australia Day. Not sure how much of a mess I'm going to make but there will be waterslides and a pool and of course, The Triple J Hottest 100.
Rave: I found out my new clinical location. I am stoked. It's in the 'hood. As in I will be seeing people there for gunshot wounds (drug deals gone bad), prisoners, and homeless people. I think I'm gonna learn a lot. And have mace on hand. Rave: Woot for getting out of class at 4 today instead of 5! It cut my commute down to 20 minutes instead of an hour. Happy Wednesday.
Rant: The Guy went to Ohio for the next week. Rave: I get the bed to myself. This also falls into the category of Rant. Ordered new equipment for my gym. It'll be here almost 4 days early. I'm stoked. Rant: I can't install it by myself. I have to wait on The Guy and Bossman to return from Cleveland.
My daughter turns four today and I had an embarassing amount of fun digging through pink princess related toys at lunch today for her present. There was a murder three blocks from my house at 7:00 this morning.
RAVE: The new tag line makes me think of The Kielbasa Queen: http://www.ugo.com/web-culture/kielbasa-queen Jump to 5:20 to see the action.
Rave: In honour of an awesome performance review, I am instituting a Wednesday evening Pants Off Dance Off. Teeny Tiny Rant: Pants Off Dance Off would be more fun if cute houseguest were still here.
Rant: I've gone on a couple dates recently with a girl that I think is absolutely awesome on paper. She's really cute, interesting, and I enjoy going out with her, but something just isn't clicking. At least dinner tonight (the actual food) was fantastic. Rave: The TiB ads are still hilarious. It's only a matter of time until I find my Arab Princess - Spoiler