Rant: Fucking creative block. I've been sitting in front of my computer staring at the screen for two hours and haven't gotten anywhere. Maybe alcohol will give me ideas.
The Ravest Rave who ever Raved Rave: ANYBODY WANNA SEE RYAN MILLIRON GET HIS ASS KICKED!?!?!? The fucking cameraman pulls away right as he's getting his skull ravaged. FUCK. Still, that was over faster than you could say "Midget with a buzzcut": Merry Christmas. Don't worry, kids! Milly is alive and well and posting fight pictures of himself all over google! Here he is ready in the cage, wearing one of those shirts female MMA fighters wear: ...say it with me: "Badasssssssssssssssssssssssss" Doubley-dozzydouble doubledoo Rave: Tomorrow I drive ten minutes from my house to see these guys:
Rave Seems like I got a date on sunday. Once in my life I had the balls to just say "fuckt it, what's the worst that can happen" and ask for a date. Rant Sneak Preview. I don't think I have ever seen more dicks in a movie than yesterday evening. I've seen porn that hast fewer dicks in it.
Rave: Finally making sales calls to companies in a different industry. Rant: These are much bigger companies than I'm used to contacting and I am wayyyyy out of my comfort zone.
Rant: What the hell? In transit? How the hell long does it take UPS to go from Florida to Georgia? Are they going through Cuba first?
Rave First week back after a month long Christmas break. It feels good to be doing something besides working my grandfather's cattle farm. Rant I should be graduating from this godforsaken community college this semester, but I won't for another year. I've spent nearly two and a half years working on an associates degree. Driving an hour each way four or five days a week and dealing with an incompetent bureaucracy intent on dragging out a fucking associates degree is getting old quick.
Today is the biggest day of my life. All my life I've felt like I've been building up to something and I think this is it. I'm not going to lie, I've never been so scared. I have no idea what's going to happen... I'm not used to that. I don't know. I grew up with this community and I've known some of you for years. As fucked up as this place can be, you've all stepped for me when it counted. I don't have the words to express how much that's meant to me. Hopefully you guys can catch the livestream tomorrow and I can make you all proud.
Rant: Bummer. Andrew MacNaughtan died of a heart attack yesterday. He was 47. Photographer for Rush and others He seemed like a really nice guy. I have a photo of Rush I bought from him several years ago, autographed by the Band on the front and him on the back.
Rant: Fuck. I told myself I wouldn't but I'm doing it anyway. Going to take a nap on Friday evening. I always tell myself I'll wake up refreshed and ready to go out and have fun but when I wake up all I want to do is lay in bed and watch tv.
RANT! Some asshole opened their door into my babies passenger door and left a small dent and some paint. Fucking a, I might have to kill something. Rave: I received my car detailing package in the mail yesterday chock full of microfiber towels with detergent, polish, trim protectant, awesome no rinse soap, waxes, and some other stuff I can't remember. I have a large box full of detailing stuff now. Rave: I was planning on fully detailing my car this weekend anyway top to bottom, inside and out with all the bells and whistles. Rave: Detailing my car calms me down and is my go to activity to check out from the rest of the world.
Rave: Decided to take today off. When I called in I told my boss I just felt like taking a personal day and he replied with "Go right ahead. You deserve it". This man doesn't hand out compliments often, so that was nice. Rave: Played tackle football with some college kids. I was invited to the game by one of the guys who goes to my gym, although he was surprised when I showed since he figured I would be at work. I still have it. Damn whippersnappers think they're going to run me over? Think again junior. Rant: I wasn't going to show it, but that game left me sore as hell. I put on a good front until I got in my car, then I slumped on the wheel with a sigh. It isn't all bad though because... Rave: I had a deep tissue massage today. I love my masseuse. Now that she knows I don't mind, she absolutely goes to town on all the knots on my back, especially on my rhomboids. They were tight enough that it was affecting my squatting, so it was badly needed. She even cut me a deal for next time since she wants to do a 90 minute massage. I think she just wants to touch me more. Rave: Got me a rib eye so I think I'm just going to make steak and bacon and stay in tonight. It's been a good day.
RANT: What the FUCK does she want? Rant: I am so fucking pissed right now, I may not be able to fall asleep. I don't hold grudges against people, but for her, I'll make a big fucking exception... Rant: Nowhere else to vent, sorry TiB.
RANT: Jesus fuck, why has NOTHING in my life EVER gone the way I planned it, no matter how simple. This is why I stopped planning more than an hour in advance and started living in the minute (or living in the hour, fuck you). Every date I've ever set up, party I've thrown, sport I've played, job I've worked, and class I've taken, NOTHING has gone as expected. It's not like my plans are "go to work, meet investor who gives me $1 million, retire." Tonight it was "meet up with friend who swore they would be up when I got off work" but ended up being "no answer, go home and rant on TiB." I wouldn't be making this post if something like that didn't happen 3 times a week for the past 26 years of my life, without exaggeration. And to top it off, I got an error message when I first tried to post this. FUCK MY LIFE.
Rant: Didn't get much sleep before coming into work tonight. Rave:The google hangout made the first half of this shift go by by very fast. Rant: It is absolutely crawling right now. Rant: People used up all of my creamer and didn't bother to replace it. That's pretty low.
Rave: That was the least weird G+ Hangout I've been to so far. Rave: Just watched an old Top Gear on tv... holy shit that Ferrari FXX was fast. Rant: Will have to not look stupid (or insane) on passport photo on Friday... Rave: British passport stuff going along nicely... just have to find out the price.
Rave: (tl; dr - got a new job) I got a totally unexpected job offer. I interviewed for a position months ago, and just received an offer for who knows what reason a couple days ago. When the HR person called to offer me the job, I figured they were finally getting around to rejecting me, and was pretty flippant on the phone. I was shocked when the conversation quickly turned to an offer. Coincidentally, I got the call only a couple hours after a different interview that I think went well, and the potential exists that I could get another offer from a third company tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I want the job I've already been offered, but it won't be an easy decision to make if I have another choice on my plate. Which brings me to my second point - the job I've been offered is in Miami. I know just about no one there, so the likelihood I make such a big move is both frightening and exciting. I also don't think of myself as a Miami type of guy, but who knows. I think the job is worth the risk though; it's a training program, and the company is the top company in its niche. Even if I don't end up liking Miami, I should be able to use the experience to land pretty much anywhere else I want to be in the industry after a couple years. The flip is, if I am offered the other job I could possibly get tomorrow, it will be a tough decision. Tough because the other job would be here in Philly, which is home, for better or worse. The guy I'd be working for is also someone I know, and a solid human being. As generally crappy as my first professional experience has been, I'm not eager to discount a guaranteed good boss. I am so fucking happy that I finally have a good problem though. This past year and a half served me one shit sandwich after another. It's been a humbling and eye-opening experience. I had a typical upper middle class overprivileged childhood. I was always smart enough to get good grades in school without working for them. Predictably (although I obviously didn't predict it), I ended up exactly where I deserved to be once I was out of the bubble: a menial job that made me hate every day. As shitty as things have been for a while now, I think I've learned an important lesson about the effort you need to put in to achieve a goal. I networked and busted my ass this past year to put myself in a position to get this. Rave: I like that this place exists for me to write this bullshit. It's cathartic. I've spoken with friends and family, but writing how I feel definitely helps me process my thoughts and emotions.