MEGA RANT: The wife's truck threw a rod. Engine is shot. Not worth replacing, time to go car shopping. Fuck.
Rave: I just feel so happy. I finally got things worked out with an on again, off again boyfriend and we're finally in a wonderfully fantastic place. I'm very blissful and couldn't be happier. Rave: Very nice day in Indy. 60 degrees in January? Yes I will, thank you very much. I'm wondering if the powers that be are influencing Super Bowl week with weather like this... heading downtown tonight to check out the action since it's so nice outside. Rave: We're talking about visiting a strip club on Friday or Saturday night to see: 1) the talent they have working for Super Bowl week, and 2) see if we can spot anyone famous/interesting who may be frequenting said strip club during such a busy/crazy time in the city. Should be lots of fun... aside from the obvious fun that comes from looking at naked chicks, that is.
Rave: Awesome new car insurance rate/agent. $144 for my truck for the whole fucking year! Doubled my coverage, 50% lower payments, and kept my provider.
Rant: If you see an attractive girl sans children that looks to be out of high school in a town of less than 1,000 people (Unicorns are actually statistically more likely) and you make eye contact with her you might want to do more than immediately look away and laser in on the bread aisle. Rant: If you want me to do something either ask me or tell me. Do not say "do you want to do X?" No, I don't want to do X. If I wanted to do X I would fucking do so. If you need/want me to do it present your case. But let's drop the me "wanting" to do anything that would inconvenience me.
Rant, Rave?? Ended up going out to a few bars on a Monday after I finished working...35 cent buffalo parmesan wings and Maker's Mark was nice. Then I go up to the old place I used to work at and there's a chick I'm talking to, and before I know it I'm on the other side of the bar watching The Bachelor alone with her. At least I had alcohol at a near distance. My old boss and I then go to another place and get more drinks, I buy drinks for two semi attractive girls. I strike up some convo and get a number from the one I thought was into me. We go back to her friend's place around the corner to smoke, drink a bit more. The chick I get a number from comes back with some guy that is apparently her bf? We all watch the Old School dvd and this douchenozzle is spouting off every line of the script. The other two leave, I'm left with the friend who may or may not be single. She lets me sleep in her bed before telling me that "nothing is going to happen" I follow her lead. She gets half naked, theres lots of groping but thats all. I wake up a little later and decide girls are indeed stupid and wake my buddy up and leave. I don't know where this fits in really, just had to share this. Life is weird sometimes. Rave Started doing some freelance content writing online in hopes to make some extra cash. I'm really putting the effort in, just a little worrisome if this site is worth investing the time into. Rant Motherfucking laptop problems....again.
RANT: I need to triple read shit before I reply. RANT: Why can't I just keep my mouth shut. Just leave things alone. RANT: I'm going to have a smoke after work.
Rant/Rave? Garter belts and stockings, why are you so impractical? If only I could wear you every day... I wish it were less of a contraption situation. But, for special occasions, so ridiculously sexy especially with sky high heels, so it's totally worth it.
Rant: Stupid internet, destroying my productivity. I was at a location without internet access for almost three hours and I managed to get a decent chunk of writing done. I planned to continue as soon as I got home but have I gotten anything else accomplished? Nope. Rave: At least I got a couple pages written.
Rave: Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. It's a little early for Easter-themed candy, but I had to buy a bag. It has the perfect peanut butter to chocolate ratio. I see some extra sprint workouts in my future.
RAVE: One of my buddies I've known all my life finally dragged me to the gym earlier tonight. He was a skinny guy but got fat after highschool when he stopped playing sports (like I did). The workout was pretty damn good, I actually feel really good right now. I remember a few years ago when I had to work out for football I hated it, now I could possibly see myself working out on 5 day a week basis. RANT: Only problem about getting healthy is cutting out all the bad shit for you: Pepsi, Wendys, bread etc. RAVE: He says it will be possible to drop 65 lbs by July? Thats like 13 lbs a month....I'm questioning if its true or not. 3.25 lbs a week seems far fetched.
Rant: Females are fucking confusing. Why say you want to catch up, make plans to do so and then not answer any messages?
Rant: I always had thought it weird that many people would say that after going from a terrible to a healthy diet that they couldn't stomach horrible unhealthy crap anymore; frankly I had always thought it came off as somewhat snobbish. Well, I just had a frozen pizza - the same kind I had been eating for years and always liked - for the first time since changing my diet. I've been on my new diet for barely two weeks yet apparently that was enough for my tongue to send "what the fuck are you putting in your mouth?" signals to my brain when I had the first slice. I ate the pizza anyway and now my stomach isn't happy. I guess I should've listened to my tongue.
Rant: This. Ms. James and I have made a conscious decision to eat healthier. I had a handful of flaming hot Cheetos yesterday and felt like Anderson Silva had kicked me in the stomach. From the inside. I can't imagine the carnage that would ensue if I had Taco Bell. In fact, the very thought of eating high octane shit like that makes me want to gag. Rave: I've lost 20 pounds. I was told I could swim in my work polo last night. Go caloric deficit!
RANT: I officially hate anyone and everyone who has one of those old fashioned landline headsets for the cell phone. Pic spoilered for douchery. Spoiler You people need to look at your life and your choices.