RAVE: 59F and sunny outside. In Ohio. In February. It makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with the planet (2012 omg Apocalypse!!!111) but it feels too good to care. And there goes any peaceful mood for a while... This subhuman fuck deserves a slow and agonizing death. I'm stunned, how the hell can a human being commit such an atrocious act? Something like Penn State is undeniably terrible, but this is hard to understand. I read the words, they make sense, but holy shit. I can't wrap my mind around it.
Rave (I think...?): My cousin (I think second cousin?) is getting married. Not sure when the wedding will be, yet. I'm hoping for winter, because sitting in a suit in summer SUCKS. I'm happy for her - the guy she's marrying seems a cool dude, at least according to my parents (I've met him once and it was very brief AND he had no idea who I was). Rant: Two of my first cousins are married and I haven't even met them OR their husbands. Bah. Fuck living on another continent.
Rant: It amazes me when people criticize an institution via something provided by that very same institution. Case in point, a tirade against capitalism...conducted via a status update on Facebook.
New house. New job. Extra long weekend, starting this evening. Things are (finally) awesome right now. Couldn't ask for more.
Rave: Agreed. Got a second job offer Tuesday, not in Miami. Not moving to Miami. I think I would probably have had fun there, but I'm thrilled to stay in the Northeast for now. Very content with things. The only drawback is the new job wants me to start as soon as possible (as soon as I can gracefully exit from the current job), so the late February between-jobs ski trip I've been daydreaming about is probably not going to happen. Rave: Rye old fashioneds.
RAVE: BITCHES I AM DONE WITH GRAD SCHOOL APPLICATIONS AND I AM GETTING DRUNK!!! I am having a romantical evening here with myself with some stripper shoes, some wine, and some candles. Best night ever.
RANT: Had another date cancel tonight. Asked a girl from work if she wanted to get a couple of drinks and watch the hockey game. She said yes. Call her today and she says she lost her ID. I suggest we just get something to eat and grab a case of beer. Says she's had a long day and was going to pass. I'm just so sick of this shit. I don't know what to do with myself anymore.
Rave: I have done some fun shit in bed, but never have really screwed around with sex toys with my partner. Well my girlfriend just moved out of her aunt and uncles house and i got her a rabbit something or other. Its gonna be fucking awesome. I also havent seen her in about three weeks. Saturday is gonna kick ass.
MEGA RANT: Why, dear god, WHY is my ex-wife such a cunt? Today is Li'l Bandit's birthday, and she made him cry. Spoiler I went to my mother-in-law's house after he got out of school to bring him his present (a replica Legend of Zelda sword and shield set; he loves that game.) and spend some time with him. When I got there, his mom was in the shower. I asked him what he wanted to do (any sort of "party" would be going on this weekend*), like maybe go out to eat or go to Barnes & Noble to get some joke books like he had mentioned before. He said that the book store sounded good, so once his mom got out, I asked her what she had planned for the day. She didn't have any definitive plan, so I told her that we were going to get some books, and asked if she wanted to come along. She balked at the idea: "Why do you want to get more books? So ______ (one of HER dogs) can shit on them again?** You don't take care of the books you have." Then she started complaining about the service that she'd gotten at B&N in the past. I told her that it was my money, and if he wants them, I'll buy them. Then she asked Li'l Bandit if he wanted to go to Mr. Gatti's today. He said no. Then she started going off on him about how he "wanted to go so badly yesterday, so why doesn't he want to go now?" I just got up and went to the bathroom to wash my hands and face to wait this out. When I got out, they were in her room, and she was talking. The door was cracked, and I started to open it, but she pushed it shut. Not a good sign. I went out to my car. After a couple of minutes, Li'l Bandit comes out to the car. He has red, puffy eyes and a red nose. He's sniffling. I can tell he's been crying. I asked him what happened, and he said that his mom was trying to guilt-trip him into going to Mr. Gatti's. I forgot what his exact words were, but it was something like "Mom was trying to boss me into going to Mr. Gatti's." That's right folks, she was mad because he DIDN'T want to go to the pizza joint and spend money on games. Some parents make their kids cry on their birthdays because they refuse to take them out, my ex-wife made our son cry because he just wanted to go to the book store. He and I went to B&N and got some books for him, and then we went to Mr. Gatti's, where we met up with his mom. While he was playing games, I asked her why he was crying when he came out of her room. She claimed it was because she hadn't gotten a cake for him yet, and he was being whiny about that. She did buy a cake for him on the way back to my mother-in-law's house, and I shit you not, she bought an ice cream cake. When we were alone later, I asked my son if he was actually sad because he didn't have a cake yet, and he insisted it was because of the way his mom was acting. *My ex-wife can't take any time off this weekend because she used up all of her sick-days to watch one of her stupid rat-dogs who was in heat and make sure that she didn't get knocked up. **One of her dogs shit on one of his books that she bought for him. This is the same dog that she stayed home to watch. Maybe she should housebreak her dogs properly, or better yet, keep them outside?
Rant: Nothing in my house is easy. It just took me ten minutes to change a light bulb, because the bulb came out of the metal part was rusted and stayed in. Now, keep in mind, this isn't a case where the bulb broke. The glass bulb itself was 100 percent in tact. It was the metal part that was rusted and destroyed and stuck in the light. Rave: Soon, bedroom and bathroom will be done. After this weekend, everything will be done and I can finally relax a bit, and celebrate by getting shitfaced, eating chili, and watching the superbowl with my family and friends.
Drunk RAVe: I'm normally a passive guy. Some peoplewould describe me as living a 'hippie' lifestyle because I don't drink and eat lots of vegetables. Being legitimatly drunk for the first time in 6 months is fucking AEESEOME! I went through a couple $6 bottles ofwine like Rothlisberger in a sorority house.
Rant: I wish the fucking Air Force would hurry up and tell me if I'm on this fucking course or not, I just want to know so I can start making the next move in life. If I don't get the course the goodbye Defence and hello blowing shit up for a living.
Rant: I just noticed that I made the mistake of logging in last night. Maybe next time I'll keep my disjointed thoughts to myself, hmm?
rant: They're tearing the balconies off our apartment building and putting in nicer ones. The work is sooooo loud. I can't wait to get out of here and into our own place. Our closing date can't come fast enough. So much for enjoying a peaceful day off work today! rave: Did manage to get out and shop for some new clothes for the new gig, and found some pretty cute shit. Funny how moving from an uptown office to a downtown office requires a way more awesome wardrobe. rave: Also down another size - so, yay for shrinking more even though life is a little hectic right now. The early morning ass-freezing runs are paying off - but it doesn't make me hate them any less. rave: Volleyball playoffs and beers tonight, and tomorrow another day off.
Rant: My favorite little sandwich shop near my workplace was closed when I went out for lunch. Fuck. The place was owned and operated by a nice older Greek couple who remembered your name, what you usually ordered, etc etc. They were never super busy but I hoped they were busy enough. Apparently not. Rant: Of course the fucking Subway across the same shopping plaza is filled to the brim with customers. Seriously? You like that preprocessed-processed-postprocessed shit meat? This is the problem with modern society. Sheep eat where the other sheep eat. Rave: Day 2 of my 30 Day "Off" cycle. No coffee, no alcohol, no weed, no refined sugar, no internet porn. Yesterday was admittedly tough (I wanted nothing more than to spark a joint while hiking with the pooch) but today has been easier. It might be all in my head but I already feel better.
Rave: Apparently I drunk bought a semi expensive custom tailored Evel Knievel suit lastnight, cape and all. Buying it wasn't any sort of idea I had come up with sober and then just happened to be drunk when I ordered it, not sure what inspired the decision. This is the first thing I have drunk ordered since I bought a K-Bar and Hulkamania tshirt the same night.
Rant: Flying with the automatic flight control system (afcs)(hydraulic boost for the pilot controls) is hard as shit. Makes me really appreciate those little machines. Rave: Night fam sim and confined area at night sim tomorrow. Looks like I'll be doing night flights most, if not all of next week. Rant/Rave: As of now, I have six flights next week. Rant because its a ton of studying. Rave because I'm finally flying consistantly like I want to.