RANT: The cute, single girl I was supposed to walk with in my friend's wedding bailed out. Now I'm walking with my other friend's girlfriend who I'm secretly in love with. I told you this shit happens 3 times a week. BRING IT ON LIFE! WHAT ELSE YOU GOT FOR ME?!
Rant: I really don't like one of my professor's teaching style. She's really knowledgeable, but English isn't her first language so it's difficult to ask her questions or even fully understand what she's saying. The material becomes a jumbled mess during lectures because instead of lecturing about one possible abnormality of an ECG at a time, she jumps all over the place and kind of throws information about 10 different pathologies and their various signs, symptoms, and ECG patterns at us at once. It's confusing. I think her "style" is making this course much harder than it really is. Half of us had Cardiopulm and cardiac internships in undergrad. The other half is basically teaching itself. Guess which half I'm in? I have 20 more abnormal ECG's to interpret tonight. I'm about 70% confident in what I'm doing. I'm super stoked to have 15 more weeks of this class! I'm so frustrated I want to pull my hair out.
Rant: It's awesome that the car service drivers in Brooklyn think that somehow their job gives them the right to pull up to me while I'm waiting to cross the street and ask me if I want a ride, then use that as an opening line for harassment when I just stare at them in response. I'm getting so fucking sick of this. The intersection at one end of my block, for whatever reason, is like this hotspot for car drivers doing that. Does it look like I need a cab? And why didn't you randomly proposition that guy waiting to cross the street at the previous intersection? No, I'm not getting in your car with you. Glad that yet another thing has been ruined because I'll forever be scared that it could turn into a threatening situation - not like I can really afford taxis anyway. Momma TiBettes - will there ever be a point in my life where I realize that I finally know all of the many nuanced ways that guys can be creepy?
RAVE: I'm making changes in my life too, eating healthier, going to a gym in town, but there ain't no way in fuck I'm going to give up jerking off.
Rant: In the morning, I'm off to give away my best buddy in the entire world. I can't take him to Hawaii and my parents won't care for him beyond food and water needs. Would it be weird to ask them to possibly give him back if and when I come back from Hawaii in a couple years? I feel like it would be but this whole thing hurts so much. I've had my little buddy for over 11 years, since I was in the 5th grade... Rave: I found him a great home. An old professor and his wife, who is in charge of a state park nearby, will have him. They are great and I couldn't have asked for anything better.
Rave: Love Fridays, always a short day at work witha run in the morning. Did 2.5km in my new shoes without stopping which is the longest yet and then got to get the chainsaw out and destroy some shit which always makes me happy. Shoes are the Vibram five fingers so still wearing them in.
Rant: The anxiety I feel over my job performance is getting ridiculous and combined with other shit, I haven't felt so rotten in a long time. Getting through today and persevering is gonna be a challenge. Rave: It's Friday so once I'm home from work, I'm going to raise both middle fingers to the world and check out for the weekend. Fuck it.
RAVE AH HELLS YEAH! As part of an "industry level-set" to retain and attract talent, my department has undergone a competitive compensation re-evaluation. A 16% pay increase? Why yes, thank you, I think I will. Best part? It goes into effect next paycheck, which means the increased amount will be considered my base pay when calculating the EOY bonus and annual pay bump.
Rant: My dad passed away this morning. Spoiler He had been battling cancer for about a year. A month ago, he was in pain, but otherwise ok. Two weeks ago, he was for all intents and purposes, paralyzed. His tumor had grown large enough to compress his spine. The hospital he was in decided that there was no further treatment that would help since radiation and chemo hadn't worked and decided that he should be discharged. This was despite the fact they said he had two weeks to live. He was in so much pain that he had to be weaned off of morphine to be discharged. He then had to sit in a ambulance for 3 hours to be closer to my mom. For the life of me, I can't understand why the hospital would discharge him. I'm really having trouble with this. I got to see him yesterday. He was in pain and looked pretty bad after the trip. I at least got to say goodbye, my sister didn't. If you believe in that sort of thing, please say a prayer for him.
Rant: The other day in the Google+ hangout, someone mentioned how Northern Indiana (and Indiana in general) is the most racist state in the country. After reading Facebook today, I have to agree. No less than five people reposted an incredibly racist picture. I unfriended them all, and anyone who liked it. Jesus Christ, when did racism become cool? Rave: It was all assholes I never see in real life anyway, who added me because they were friends of friends or acquaintances I went to high school with. I'm not one of those people who measures his net worth by how many Facebook friends he has, and I rarely add anyone on my own. Rave: We're suspended ceiling and a few pieces of trim away from having our guest bedroom finished, and a broken vent fan and a shower away from having our guest bathroom finished. It will all be completed this weekend, followed by chili and booze to celebrate while watching the game. Sunday can't come fast enough.
Rant/rave: no night flights this week. Rant/rave: still six flights on the sked. Lots of studying, but by the end of the week, I'll be halfway done with learning to fly this beast. Rant: the above means no going out this weekend. Rant: my roommates xbl and Netflix accounts are expired...no more freeloading off his shit.
Rave: I had a positive experience with AT&T technical support. Rant: This can only mean that there is in fact an impending Apocalypse. Oh, and a PSA: If you're taking antidepressants, don't be an idiot and miss your dose two days in a row and then spend an hour in rush hour traffic.
Rant: I signed up to do something for my job that requires me to leave the building, travel a bit, and work after hours somewhere else. They pay me a small stipend to do this (like less than minimum wage stipend probably). Well, being an hourly employee they decided that since I'm leaving the building I should clock out and just eat those hours that I'm working for them, but not in my normal capacity. Luckily, they will let me make it up by working late or coming in early, but it means another 5 hours or so of my week gone. Thank god it is only for 4 weeks.
Rant: Breaking up with the girlfriend of two years (off and on at some points) tonight. I was talking to a close friend of mine and he laid out my feelings almost perfectly: She's a great girl and is going to make a great wife someday. I'm only 22 with a lot of life ahead and she's not for me, I'm just not happy. I keep telling myself that if she just changed this or that then perhaps I would be willing to stick it through for the long haul but I realized I'm asking for a completely different person and it's not fair to either of us. Tough decision but the right one. Rave: Back on the market ladies. I will be taking applications after a couple day layoff to sort myself out. Rave: Tomorrow is a rugby day and the first meaningful match of the season. Should also be a good test of my personal resolve to stay focused on the pitch with a breakup fresh on my mind. As always, I'm looking forward to beating the shit out of 22 other guys.
Rant I basically live at the library right now. My week is composed of sleeping, eating, studying. Why can't today be the 22nd already? Rave Second date monday.
Rant: In the middle of watching the FXIII-2 trailer post in the video game thread, then i was thinking sweet, i want to go play the end of XIII again. Then i remember my old PS3 died.
Rave: Finally a nice, quiet night with just my dog and Skinny Girl margerita! No one around to bug me about my wedding plans. I've only been engaged for two months, so no I don't know what color my table cloths will be. Apparently I'm weird because I didnt have everything planned a day after getting engagement. Enough rambling, going to pop in a chick flick and refill my glass. I'm simple.