Rave: Tax return is in my account! New tires for the sedan and scouting for my new Jeep. I'm going to check out the local auto auctions first, I know someone who scored a '06 F250 for $900. Yes, nine hundred whole dollars for a beast in perfect running condition. This month has reminded me that Colorado does indeed snow a ton and I really need 4x4 capabilities. Rave: My District Manager's jaw hit the floor when she walked into my store last Thursday, it was immaculate. I don't think anyone had ever taken the time to scrub every shelf since it opened in 1996. I have been cracking the whip and it is working out well. She had to look hard to find anything to critique me on, which is pretty unheard of for that store. Rave: My hair is barely to my shoulders due to an unfortunate bleaching incident last year where I had to cut it all off. Yes, I cried. Today I am getting extensions weaved in, eighteen inches long. Hooray hair!
Rant: The great two week on, one week off schedule that my employers put me on lasted all of 1 week*. Literally, 1 fucking week before they decided to take on more work and continually ass fuck their employees. So going to get to see my girlfriend? Nope, fuck that. I have had it about up to here with this retard management. Un-fucking believable. (*I work 84 hour weeks, so in those two weeks I am working 168 hours, and on top of that am driving, 28 hours roughly.
Rant I passed by a magazine rack today and one of the subtitles on woman's mag caught my eye: Nicki Minaj: Her style and beauty secrets. Nobody on this earth needs style and beauty secrets from a multi-coloured MTV prop that has a face that looks like the world's saddest vagina.
Rave: Just got word that my company is looking for some people to transfer to our site just outside of Naples, Italy. I'm single, childless, and have no seriously lasting ties here, so I volunteered for it. Rant: I just finished about 6 months of specialized training for equipment that we have here, but not there. Rave: The boss man said that shouldn't hurt my chances, and I think so far I have seniority over everyone else that's volunteered.
RANT My evening entertainment cancelled on my quite literally AS I walked out the door. I was all slutted up, stockings, garter belt, little black dress, super high heels and now I'm eating a frozen pizza/nutella from the jar on my couch. LAMEST EVENING EVER.
Rant: It's only Week 4, and I'm already over this semester. Some sadistic mastermind scheduled 1+ exam, check-out, presentation or lab/skills practical every fucking week from Week 6-Week 16. I'm already stressing. This is why I have IBS, assholes! Rave: At least this past weekend was awesome.
RANT: I was hanging out in the living room with my (male) roommate for the evening, as per usual for a weekday, and went to start gathering my stuff to transition to my room to get ready for bed. I turn the corner and see a GIGANTIC ROACH, like the kind in the subway, drunkenly trudging down the hallway towards me. Now, we've had roaches in the apartment before, but the normal inside German roaches that are gross but not quite as visually frightening, and it seemed like we had gotten them under control for a while there. But this was just awful. Naturally, I freeze and start yelling at my roommate: "KILL IT. KILL IT. FUCKING KILL IT. IT'S GETTING CLOSER. IT'S COMING RIGHT AT ME." And he tells me to calm down and just let it be. "NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. IT'S ONE OF THE REALLY BIG ONES. PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. JUST FUCKING DO SOMETHING." And he's all "Whatever man, I grew up in Hawaii. I don't care about bugs." So I said "FINE. SO JUST TRAP IT AND SET IT FREE OUTSIDE. I DON'T CARE. I JUST DON'T WANT IT IN HERE." And he stands up to look at it, and he is definitely just as scared and/or grossed out about it as I am, but he pretends to be all casual about it and says I should just ignore it or do something about it myself and he's going to bed. And I am really mad at him. But now it's really close to me, and it's about to be in the living room where there are lots of opportunities for it to hide, so I tell him to at least get me the Raid so I don't lose sight of it. He gets me the Raid, and then of course at that moment, my cat comes jogging into the room. And I was like "Yay! My cat will kill it for me!" First, he walks RIGHT FUCKING PAST IT and doesn't even notice. It's only when he sees me hunting something that he comes barging in, but he just wants to play with it. This, of course, starts to get the up-until-now ridiculously slow moving and retarded roach snapping into action, and it starts trying to hide. Where does it find a place? Under the plastic thing where I put the cat's food and water, which is under our bar/breakfast table type structure. So, all alone, I have to move the food and water without making it freak out and run away - which means I have to get really, really close to it, where of course at any moment it can lunge at my face and attack me - then I have to lift the plastic thing and give it a spray to stun it, then scoop up my cat, run to my room to lock him away so HE doesn't get poisoned, then run back to the roach and fucking unload half the bottle on this asshole. Obviously, now I can't take any chances for it to a) be simply playing dead and waiting for the opportunity to attack b) transform into a radioactive superroach which will now attack So I spray it some more to make sure it's extra dead. Then I have to go about disposing the thing, and since it's so big I can't bear the thought of just scooping it up with a paper towel like usual because I do not want to feel it at all. So I have to take the dust pan and scoop it into a plastic bag, which is still gross, and then run outside and TOTALLY LITTER because I didn't want to go to the garbage cans, and toss the plastic bag tied really really tightly with the dead monster roach into the alley. Then I had to go back inside and scrub the floors to get the Raid off so I don't poison my cat after the fact. All this while I was settling into bed because I have responsibilities to get up for in the morning now. And now I'm never going to go to sleep because what if it came from my room and there are more of them and I hate everyone and everything, especially my roommate who left me to deal with this all alone. Good to know that my male and feline roommates are ABSOLUTELY USELESS. And yes, it was absolutely necessary to go into this much detail.
I did not need to read this. We get the American cockroach here (Durban is specifically listed because they love it here. FUCKERS.). Fucking nuclear-mutated drain specials. Every one of them acts like fucking John McClane. RAVE: So all my documents for my British Passport application are in. Should take about 6-8 weeks until it arrives.
Motherfucking RAVE: Got put up for meritorious corporal. It's a win-win. If I actually win the board, I get promoted 6-8 months early. If I don't win, it's still a sign of confidence from the command. Rant: My roommate is getting charged. He went to a party, got drunk, and got into a headbutting competition. He lost and spent several hours in the emergency room. The master sergeant found out when the party was and slammed him for drinking alcohol less than eight hours before his shift started. I don't know if he's going to lose rank, but right now he's picking weeds in the desert and sweeping all of the sand out of the parking lot. He is NOT a happy person right now. Rant: I'm going to have to spend a lot of money on getting my uniforms in order. I've already bought new shirts and had them tailored; I need to get new shoes. I also need to get new cammies just in case they decide to hold the board in utilities; all of mine have solder burns and grease stains on the arms.
Rave: Contacts, an at home facial, and lots of playing with makeup at a fancy pants cosmetic store. Three and a half weeks to go and I feel really good about this!
Rave: I've been invited to join a week long canoeing trip in the Boundary Waters this May... as a guide! Massive rave. Rant: It's also a rant because this is the first time I've received such an invite and the first thing I thought is "hmmm that's a lot of PTO to burn...". Fuck it, it'll be so worth it. Rave: Three more potential trips to pick from. This is just the first one with somewhat concrete entry/exit dates. Rant: Emotional ups and downs between my girlfriend and work are really stressing on both fronts.
Do you feel that? It's a disturbing vibration, just barely noticeable through the soles of your feet, yet it somehow resonates unpleasantly in your chest like a distant scream. It's the wheels of my in laws' plane touching down.
Rave: Just got out of 2.5 hours of interviewing at a major ad agency in Chicago that JWags happens to work at. Will hear next Tuesday if I get the job. Interviews went very well, they also know I'm taking a paycut and making a lateral move. I pray that it is heavily appreciated.
Rave: Night off from training = steak, bacon and rice while watching the IGN Pro League Starcraft II stream. Baller status! Rave: Got GT-Cuse on the TV also. Great game. Rant: Sarbanes Oxley audit at work. Why yes, I would love to tell you, in detail, every single one of our processes here at work. During month end close. Yay. Rant: Attempting to break the 515 lb plateau on my squat has left my right hip bitching and moaning. Toughen up!
Rant: spoilered for length. TL;DR - Friends of friends, a gay couple, had their son taken and placed into foster care while they were on holiday in the US. Because they have a social connection with a pedophile. After taking the kid, the cops found a couple of very thin videos of the kid speaking inappropriately that the fathers say are being spun into something completely different to what they are, that the cops won't give them copies of to show in their defense. If you haven't got enough to hold the fathers, how the fuck do you justify taking their kid? And why the fuck did they need to hold the kid in foster care in a foreign country so the fathers can't work to pay for their accommodation and legal costs? Why not send him home to be fostered with his fucking grand parents or something - who haven't been accused of, or implicated in a fucking thing - so he could continue going to school and the fathers could actually earn a living while this shit gets sorted out? Or if you've got a case, why not arrest the fucking fathers? Spoiler Two gay men from my home town went to the US for a holiday with their son. One of the fathers is the biological father the other is the adoptive father. Their six year old son was taken from their custody and placed into foster care without trial or option to defend themselves, because they were believed to be part of a child porn ring and obtained the child specifically for sexual abuse. The evidence leading to that belief? They had a thin social connection with someone who was involved in child porn. Not a close one. No emails or documents or pictures or any signs of abuse when examining the child. Just a social connection with a bad person. After having the Australian police raid their home and seize their computer, they found video that they won't release for rebuttal of the child watching a pornographic movie with another child and speaking explicitly. The fathers claim that it's not porn and if you watch the video you'll see that it's kids watching grown up TV and parroting some of the lines, getting caught and told off. Another video apparently of the child and another child partly undressing and their son speaking profanely and sexually. The fathers again say that the kids were getting ready to go swimming and their son used bad language and was told off, and that nobody watching it would see anything wrong if they weren't two gay men raising a child. The fathers are both still in California after 4 fucking months trying to get their son back. If they're fucking pedophiles, why aren't they in fucking jail? Is it possibly because there's no fucking evidence that will hold up for 5 seconds in a court? The school and other parents at the school that the boy attends are speaking up and saying that they know the family closely, they've never seen anything other than loving parents. Also, these pedophiles who California has cleverly caught by kidnapping their fucking son, could have left the country at any time. Could have run back to Australia to seek protection from American law and tried to avoid being outed as pedophiles on the fucking news. Instead they've gone public to everyone they know begging for help to get their son back and begging anyone with a camera to broadcast their story. They sound real fucking guilty. Un fucking believable.
Ravt: Just when I start to settle and plan for the (near) future, resigning myself that I'm settled here and happy, someone waves a carrot in front of me with a different job in another city. I can't stand having so many unknowns to plot and worry over. On the one hand, if it's a wage I'm thinking of it would be more than twice what I earn now. On the other, moving (with dogs, yet) is a GIANT pain in the ass. AND BECAUSE IT'S UNDECIDED I CAN'T JUST PLAN FOR ONE THING. I must sit here and go over everything again and again. Ugh. Rave: New mouse. Old one shit the bed slowly, and I didn't realize I was unable to use the roller wheel on the top to scroll up until I had virtually trained myself never to do it. So, yay for small things.
RANT: Going to get fucked in the ass come tax time. I haven't gone to my tax guy yet, but I ran my numbers through Turbotax and they say I owe just under $3k. The shitty part is that Turbotax dosen't show you why you owe you that money, it would be nice to know so this year I can tell the boss to withhold more tax money per week so I don't get a $3k government dick up the ass.
RAVE: Work hoops league started. Ive never been awesome at basketball, but I am quicker and in better shape than most of the guys which helps close the gap. Its good to play again. RANT: Jammed my finger, pretty standard, but its annoyingly sore. RAVE: Cut through all the BS and attention whoring, the girl is hella talented <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Emrc5M_I34c" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Emrc5M_I34c</a> RAVE: Good god Evan Rachel Wood just oozes sex in The Ides of March.