RANT: Ended up with some incredible stomach virus yesterday that resulted in basically a replay of the Exorcist. I feel like I got run over by a fucking truck.
Rant: Fuck US and Finnish customs. I shipped a block of wood and carbon fiber on December 15th and it arrived yesterday. Both customs held it up for damn near a month. Seems like USPS held up their end of the bargain, but seriously... it was a fucking block of wood. Rave: The customer is still happy. This makes me very very happy, because my first international order was unexpectedly stressful, and he is a big name international shooter. Big sigh of relief right there. Rant: I hate getting caught off guard like that. It's not happening again.
Rant: I had a guy quit this week. WHY? Because he was shaving reps and I called him out on it. His wife too. She'd pitched a fit one day, accusing my LONGEST STANDING MEMBER of shaving reps, and I caught the wife doing the same thing. I told both of them to do the work as prescribed. They're butthurt and decided to quit and go somewhere else. On one hand, fuck 'em. I don't need it. On the other, way to NOT seize an opportunity to grow the fuck up.
RANT: Fuck this time of year where I live in it's dirty festering asshole. It's been sunny and stinking hot all week and not an hour before I'm about to leave to play cricket it starts absolutely belting down rain. Last two weeks have been rained off and looks as though today won't be any different. Our slim chances of making finals due to a shitty start to the year have been all but extinguished by the weather.
Rave: I'm reno'ing my bathroom this weekend! I am beyond excited. My goal is to do it for under $300. Thanks to a gift card, so far I've only spent about $115. I'll post pictures if it turns out well. And before you ask, "What could you possibly reno for that amount of money?" know that when I'm done it will look like a whole new room. Rant: It's -40*C right now, and will remain that way for the next few days. COLD AS FUCK.
Rant: Had my employee physical today for my new job. I am one fat bastard. I am up to 182 lbs which is the most I have weighed since I was a pothead in college. My blood work came back fine and my bp is normal. But I need to get those 10-15 lbs off. Time to up my running and healthier eating.
Rant: Three years into college and just realizing that I am no longer interested in my major. At all. Rave: Seriously considering moving to Boston to go to culinary school for a year. Starting over in a new place may be just what I need.
Rave: Laziest Saturday of all time, with watching last episode of Sherlock, pizza and a nice, long blowie from the GF. Rant: No football, no Sons of Anarchy, no more Sherlock and I still will basically be a shut-in for the remainder of the rainy season. What's a bored man to watch?
Rant & Rave Thread Rant: Damn I remember a time when I used to have a job where a weekend meant something. Going on 41 straight days in a row of working without a day off. The overtime pay is nice but I sure do miss having a weekend. Working the last 5 weekends Saturday and Sunday along with normal weekdays sucks.
For everyone Ranting, I have a Rave to help ensure you stay in a pondering solemn mood: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.rainymood.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.rainymood.com/</a>
Rave: a friend pointed me to <a class="postlink" href="http://www.optometristattic.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.optometristattic.com</a> for vintage frames. New year on the vision plan so I'm eligible for a new pair and the out of network reimbursement for frames covers them, ergo no out of pocket expense. So, I can afford to make my current Armani frame sunglasses with the new prescription. Rave: Three weeks until the certification exam, and then it's just coast through the internship until graduation. Rant: Commencement regalia has to be purchased. The masters tam is more expensive than the gown and hood. I wonder how one of my Red Sox hats would go over? Rave: Scootah fixed the Internet!
Rant: It's snowing, it's bitter cold. I hate living in the Appalachians during the winter! Days like this make me want to live in a shack in the Mojave Desert.
Rant: In what is possibly the most astounding display of complete professional fuckery, the french Rugby Union managed to fill up a stadium with 80'000 people for the Six Nations game against Ireland only to call it off 5 minutes before kickoff. Why? The pitch was frozen. SURPRISE YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING CHEESE-EATING SURRENDER MONKEYS!! IT'S FUCKING WINTER! IT'S BEEN FREEZING FOR A WEEK YOU STUPID SONS OF HAIRY-LEGGED WHORES! Rave: Here's to hoping hordes of pissed (off) Irish burn Paris to the ground. Rave: The English team is a complete and utter joke. Can't wait to see them getting their shit ruined against Wales. Especially that daft cunt Ashton.
Rant: ENGLISH MOTHER FUCKER DO YOU SPEAK IT! Spent a half hour with a client that could barely speak English. One of the other guys that works here that can usually under stand them, couldn't. So much fun.
Rant: Why the fuck do they even MAKE wallpaper anymore that isn't pre-glued? I looked at every single one at Home Depot, and my first two picks said "Glued back," so I never gave it a thought. Sure as shit, I bought the only roll that doesn't have glue already added. Of course, I noticed this after I was home, had cut the paper, and submerged it in water. Oh, and whoever installed the shitty 1970s sliding doors in my shower can go fuck themselves. The frame components are in the shape of 'H's. The smarties who put them in absolutely slathered silicone or PL-something all over the wall/tub where the frame for the doors was going to go. As you can imagine, being shaped like an 'H', the inner part of the frame does not touch the wall, so all that glue is pointless. Ten hours scraping silicone off that shower and it still isn't done. And to top it all off, mineral spirits stink. This whole house smells toxic, and of course we can't open windows because it's insanely cold. Ugh.
RAVE: Went out with a bunch of friends earlier. We met at my buddies friend's house in Guelph to predrink/eat pizza. I had an awesome time, they lived in a house together, about 8 people who all go to U of G. The room mate life looks kind of fun, so does partying with a bunch of uni sluts every weekend. Maybe in another life I'll experience it.
Rave: I feel like the prettiest pony at the parade. I've got... 2 hilarious/awesome jobs 1 that pays very well 2 incredible bosses (both of whom are worthy of dirty thoughts) And for the first time, zero concern about the whole 'what are you going to do with your life' question, because I am just enjoying it so much right now.
Rant - Social mores aren't my strongpoint. After reading on Facebook from a brother of a friend defend Prop 8, I replied "Equal rights for all regardless of sexual orientation- It's what Jesus would do". Apparently, that post is offensive to all the zealots that love Jesus and hate gays.
Rant: You ever have those stretches where things are just a 1/4" off. It's the little things, small monkey wrenches in the wheels of life. I have a bunch of little things like that going on lately. Nothing really bad. Even in the aggregate, all the little things are not bad. But being superstitious (or prescient), I know, just know, that the other shoe is about to drop. Looking back over my life, the really big bad things were always preceded by a bunch of little things that were just a little off. Like tremors before the big quake.
Do small monkey wrenches count as drinking on a Sunday night and having to work 3 hours after you go to bed/stop drinking? Fantastic night. Will go for a joyride with a mate on Friday for $50 to help him get his hours up. Still going to be the worst Monday ever.