I am high as a kite. That epoxy I used to reglaze the tub is some bruuuuutal stuff. Probably this is gonna make me have a headache and throw up later.
Rave: Fucking finally! Rave/???: I started to seriously wonder if the cops were going to be called about a rape in progress. Most of what was going on was fun, moderate/intense S&M and evil hurting her and doing bad stuff. The sound track for that was pure porno - anybody listening would have been clear that she was having a good time. Then the soundtrack changed to some kind of horror movie rape scene... Because I was gently tickling her. Rave: This week might not suck as much as the last couple. Cool things planned.
Rave: Finally made a legit dinner I was happy with. It's been too long since I've challenged myself in the kitchen. There was no real theme except for "light" and "nutritious" (except for the dessert). - Chicken potstickers - Prosciutto-wrapped chicken with a cranberry stuffing with sides of pepperazzi(?) and french beans. - Chocolate lava cake (none of that fake ass Hershey's cheat) with strawberries and whipped cream. Rave: The girl loved it. Rant: Back to studying.
Rave: I've been casually seeing a woman from work for a few months, but it sort of fizzled out. We sat down, acknowledged that it had fizzled out, and ended things in happy and civilized fashion. No drama, no hurt feelings, no sexual harassment lawsuits. We still chat, in a low key way. Considering other possible endings, definitely a Rave. Spoiler With apologies to the fantastic Hyperbole and a Half. If you haven't read Allie Brosh, go do so immediately. Rave: saw this gentleman play the other night. Awesome. Spoiler
Rave: Spent the day in the kitchen and made- Hummus Mayonnaise Pumpkin pie Mississippi mud pie Meringues Sweet chilli and cheese scrolls Curried chicken My kitchen looks like a bakery exploded in it, but I am a very, very happy woman. Rant: Actually having to CLEAN the kitchen.
Rant: Going to work on two hours sleep sucks the big one. Rave: Only got two hours sleep because I got out of the pool at 3am after an impromptu Sunday sesh which evolved from a quiet dinner and hooked up with this pretty cool chick.
Rave: I love having time to cook for myself. I was on a 3 month stint of having to eat out almost every day due to work and home life. It's so nice not having to pay someone for my meals. Rant: Fuck dishes!
Rave: My house is the cleanest it has been since we moved in. We went absolutely nuts cleaning and scrubbing this place top to bottom for my wife's family that was coming in from out of town for her baby shower, and somehow we managed to have twelve people over, yet still keep the house clean afterwards. Rant: Kidney stones. Fuck them. Fuck them long, and fuck them hard. Rave/Rant/no idea: The amount of junk food we have in my house is absurd. Between leftover food from the shower (large bag of M&Ms, a cake, two bags of cookies, pasta salad, macaroni salad, potato salad) and leftover food from the gathering that night (an entire cheese pizza, three bags of chips, a jar of onion dip, and more root beer and Pepsi that we can drink), there is enough shitty food to last us a good three months. My wife went a little nuts buying food for everyone.
Rant: Someone please fucking kill me. Please. I can't afford a gun, I don't have a garage, and I'm afraid of heights so I legitimately have no good way of quickly and painlessly killing myself. If someone wants to help me out, I would greatly appreciate it.
Rant This day can go suck my balls. The university's electricity shit itself the instant they put up our test results, so no idea if I passed or not. Also, no internet at the library, no looking up things I don't know/are not in the book while studying. My cell phone doesn't work because the antenna in this city is on fire or something. No warm water/heating at home.
RAVE: The GF's daughter did awesome at her dance competition even though they put her in the wrong age group (she's 14 and was competing against 15-17 year olds. Still earned a Diamond and placed 6th out of 40-50 kids) RANT: GF's ex was laid off so its going to be very tough for the GF to keep paying for all the dance classes and competitions by herself. RANT: The ex didn't pay anything towards this competition, showed up for 30 mins to watch her solo and was the first person on FB bragging about her whereas the GF paid for the entire competition and stayed for entire weekend to support her and her dance academy. (10 hours on Saturday and 11 hours on Sunday) Fuck him.
Rave: On day 2 of giving up smoking. So far so good, nobody has been stabbed yet and have managed to go shopping without buying any smokes. Rave: date tomorrow night. First date at that. And because of the above, I'm not stressing about it one bit. Rant:Does mean I run the risk of being a bit of a bastard tomorrow Rave: As is my understanding of women, ladies love a bastard.
So we went and picked out a car last night. 2009 Ford Focus. Which is nothing dramatic, but for us is a nice step up and something we needed to do as our old car was going to need a lot of work to pass inspection and was slowly dying. On the downside... more debt. Yeesh. I really liked the moment I paid off my car. Debt depresses me and i have a lot of it. In other news, we're moving to NH. Another moment of good and bad. The bad is that it's living with her parents and that I've been a MA resident for 27 years and this is going to be very weird for me. The good, however, is really good. They have a big house that they're going to physically partition with locking doors and different key sets, we'll have a ton of storage space and more living space than present, and the rent will be kind of ridiculous on the low side. Clearly a family sort of thing. And it will let her folks stay in the house they have built up over the years and really love so that's good too. My wife loved growing up there, in that house and town, and has always wanted to go back to the area. Which is the ultimate rave in the end, how happy she was when I said it was something I was willing to do. Now to deal with the endless goddamn details of moving that suck so much. The process blows so hard. Relevant primary state, here I come!
Rave: Tonight I'll write and submit the last essay I'll ever write for a college class, which means I'll effectively finish the work for my degree and be done with it. Rant: It'll cap off several nights of intense essay writing because yours truly procrastinated like a true college student. I could hardly sleep last night because I submitted an essay before double checking I had saved the right version and was worried sick I'd submitted some shit version that wasn't worth anything. Totally preventable, totally in my control. Thankfully I won't have to deal with this shit again. Rave: I'm taking a half day on Friday to drive down to Nebraska for a weekend with m'lady. I've got romantic dinner reservations for Friday night and the rest of the weekend will be dedicated to spending as much time as possible in bed (sex, nap, repeat).
Rave: Consulting work is the best. I've used a bunch of vacation time from my real job to do this work but its incredibly and immediately rewarding, the hours are great, and oh yeah it pays well too. Rave: Could become a full time gig if things work out well with my current client. Right now I'm doing automation audits for one facility but the corporation has a few dozen and this is the smallest one. Rant: I think I hate all new cars. Pieces of shit every single one of them. My truck needs its 4th(?) fan clutch due to it's shit design. My car is having it's transmission looked at again because of a slipping feeling when accelerating quickly. Both are under warranty but the car isn't even a year old yet. Adding insult to injury is the fact that my old beat ass oil-change-huh? 1997 Chevy 1500 which I haven't even looked at in over a year fired right up this morning when I decided to start it on a lark. Ridiculous. Rave: My dad is embracing my self sustaining lifestyle push. A kit for a 20x48 commercial greenhouse quonset hut was delivered to my house yesterday. Not sure if I can get motivated to put it up before spring though.
Rant: Stupid decision making for the sake of making a decision. LONG TERM effects for short term benefit should be considered. Rave: My new pink Lululemon Wunder Unders. I heart them.
Rave: Sat down with my bosses this morning and passed each of them a portfolio of salary research that I had done. We discussed it for about 10 minutes, and then they spoke together aferwards. Five minutes after they were done talking, I received a 20% increase (on top of the 10% boost I got in December). I was on the phone when the owner came in to tell me, so she grabbed a red marker ("Valentine's colors," she said) and wrote "$xx,000, baby. Congrats!" and drew a big red heart on a piece of paper. When I went into the CFO's office (who is new to the organization as of 1/1) to thank him, he said that he had been wondering how long it would be until I came and talked to them, that I had clearly earned it, and that--truth be told--I shouldn't have had to ask for it. He continued to say that there were old policies and ways of handling things that he was going to change, and that I was a prime example of that. Feeling really fucking good right now.
Rave: Hopefully this is the start of something good in that I got my fat ass up off of the couch and have worked out two days in a row. Rant: Far and away the heaviest I have ever been and in the worst shape I have been in since I was like 14 years old (that's twenty years for those playing at home.) Rave: Re-introduced myself to two old friends today: barbell squats and deadlifts. Rant: They have quite literally torn my ass up. I will probably have to crap in the handicap stall tomorrow.