Rant: I think the internet makes me hate people even more than daily interaction does. I'm not one of those Valentine's Day haters by any means, (in fact, I kind of enjoy the gestures) but you KNOW people are posting statuses and pictures on facebook of what their daddies sent them and what their boyfriends got them just to try and one-up everyone else. Can't you just shut up and enjoy it without letting the world know how "totally awesome my daddy is!!11!!!". Ugh. Rave: Going to the gym to take out my frustrations.
Rave: No VD present from my dad. Rave: Got a sweet antique ring from Mr. P., he and the boys are making me a "secret special dinner." This could be interesting...
Rant: Sob. I 'inherited' an old projector from work. We built a screen for it, bought a wireless media player, rigged it all up to a phat surround sound system, and placed it in front of $6k worth of leather couches. Then we watched The Wire, and Spartacus, and Justified, and many other things on it. I even had it play Milkdrop visualizations during certain kinds of parties. Life was good. In fact, life was exceptional. Then the lamp light came on. I bought a new lamp ($165). No good. Had it checked out by the only repairer in my city ($110). The motherboard is fried, and they no longer make replacements. Poor BenQ PB 2220. This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you. Enjoy your new life in that great theatre room in the sky. R.I.P. 2220 08/10/11 - 07/01/12. Your motherboard burned out long before, your legend ever did.
We took possession of the car last night and I swear I almost crashed several times just playing with Sync. It's awesome. This morning we plugged in an ipod and i finally own a car that will let me plug in my ipod directly and not force me to use headphones on long drives. All sorts of features everyone else takes for granted are new and awesome to me. Heck, i'm psyched about the digital display that will tell me how many more miles I can drive on the current tank of gas. Now I just need to learn how to control everything and if history is any guide, three years from now i'll still be stumbling upon random features that I will wish I had known about all along. Good times. Also, I am amused that when plugged into the car's USB port my ipod displays a "connected to accessory" message as though the car was the smaller device. it's the little things. Woo!
Rant & Rave Thread Rave: some how even though I've worked the last 50 something days in a row with out a day off I've managed to meet a girl who I absolutely awesome to talk to, fun to hang out with, and oh so very cute. Interested to see where this goes as I am really starting to enjoy her company very much. Please ignore the typos as I'm typing on my iPhone at work and I'm sure I far fingered at least 1 thing.
I thought I'd share a rep I got for my contribution to the bikini thread. Motherfucking Rant: This right the fuck here is why the Tibettes don't like to post in the booty, boobie and bikini thread on this board. By the way Barney - go fuck yourself. I'm sure you're the vision of fucking glory as you sit on your fat ass behind your computer casting judgment on other people. Why don't you post a picture of yourself so all of us can see what you look like. Fucking asshole. One additional note - I noticed a contribution Barney made where he is once again casting judgment on women and their looks. You're one hell of a guy, Barney.
Rant: Fucking people that have to go and ruin a good thing. Rave: Watching Soonergal's rep points grow while Barney's dwindle.
Yeah, I did the exact same thing, and found a handful of posts like that. I don't understand how you can be so unhappy in your life that the only thing that gives you joy is anonymously saying shitty things to strangers. Especially when it's something like this, where come on, seriously? Butterface? If you saw this woman on the street or in a bar you'd fucking quake in your shoes wishing you knew how to talk to her. I can even make your argument for you - she put a picture of herself up for the world to see, and basically invited judgement. Yup, she did. And if you looked at her and thought, "yeah, not my thing," and got on with your fucking life, you'd be a totally normal person. You'd have no taste and I'm reasonably sure an astonishingly inflated sense of self, but still, normal in that you made the judgement she invited without purposefully trying to hurt her feelings for absolutely no reason. What the fuck is wrong in your life that you feel some desire to lash out and stab at a stranger who not only didn't do anything to you, she even made herself vulnerable to you in an attempt to make you smile and make her feel good about herself. Damn, man - you kinda suck as a human. Rave: skipping breakfast and having breakfast for lunch is highly underrated. In fact, sausage egg and cheese sandwiches are highly underrated, in general.
Rant: Assholes shitting all over everything. Rave: I submitted my final essay for my last college class last night and, provided I don't fail the class, I'll finally get my diploma. It's such a weight off my shoulders to get that completed and off my mind. Rave: Productive mornings when I've got a free schedule and can just focus on pounding the phone and get some fucking sales vs. wishing I was getting sales.
Rave: I passed the class for my 02-15 Life, Health, and Variable Annuities License!!! I needed a 70 on the exam, and I got a 90! The teacher said the highest anyone has gotten on his test was a 96. My co-worker failed it. I'm damn proud of myself. Rant: Now I have to be able to pass the state exam. Rave: My cousin is flying down Sunday. I haven't seen her in 8 years. I am taking the week off work. Lots of fun planned!
Rave: got to get in some Edmonton burns via rep Rant: External developers who wont do their own fucking work. 'So it takes a day to install the DB right?' 'Thats our SLA' 'and you do config?' 'No' 'Oh OK. Thanks' They've spent the last six days insisting we set up their users. The 'we have other projects' thing doesn't seem to phase them.
Rave: Got a 720 on the GMAT (for which I studied my ass off). Rave: Started a new job about a week ago and the hours are ridiculous, but I think it will pay off in the long run. So far, it's the only job that I've had that I'm actually interested in and Im excited for whats to come. Rant: As much as I figured would be the case, I won't have as much time for hanging out on TiB as I used too. It's a great place and you all have provided me with endless entertainment. I'll check in from time to time when I can, but take care Idiots.
Rant: How can something so small and innocuous like grass burns hurts so fucking much that they can disrupt a full night of sleep. Rave: First game of Oztag for the season, goo to be back playing. (Oztag is like flag football for those that are going to ask)
Rant: Apparently those three days haven't been good to her, I heard she's been very cold and unresponsive lately.
Rant: I'd probably enjoy the rave Chater posted above me, but his link is broken. Rave: Diablo 3 beta! Rant: Productivity = fucked. Rant: Apparently my introductory period at my gym is over because the trainers have decided to start working me like a rented mule. It's not so fun anymore. Rave: Honestly I'm glad they're doing this. I'm paying a lot of money for this and don't want half-assed ineffective workouts.