RAVE: Aced the placement tests for college and will soon be on my way toward studying to be an OR nurse. RAVE: Since I'm unemployed, unemployment has generously agreed to pay for it all, or at least most of it.
I don't really know where this belongs, so I'm just putting it here and pretending it's a rave: Other than the recent obvious exception, you are all INCREDIBLY kind when people post naked pictures of themselves. It was not this way on the old board. Take a minute and congratulate yourselves for being a slice above on the scale of humanity! Believe me, the ladies appreciate it.
This is all dumb basketball shit, I assure you don't care. Spoiled for that reason. Spoiler Rant: Out of 5 losses across my 3 main leagues, 3 have come in overtime, and another was by a single point. Haven't taken a potential game-winning shot, largely because the entire defense often expects me to. Still sucks to feel like I could have done more. Rave: Numbers are fine. Basically putting up 23-17-4-4-4 across all of them. Small victories, I guess.And there's plenty of time before the playoffs to work out the kinks, but if I lose another overtime game in the next couple weeks I'm gonna be pretty pissed.
Rave Saw Motley Crue at the Joint in Las Vegas last night, awesome show with midgets, hot chicks and lots of fire, the wife really liked it. They were tight, of course Vince Neill skips a lot of words in songs because he is not all coked up but still cool to see a band that has been together 31 years still rockin. Rant blackjack 1 me 0
RANT Writers block is a bitch. It was a pain in the ass in high school; it was a pain in the ass during college; being a part of the rat race hasn't helped this ache in my rump go away. I'm fine putting down a couple pages related to a project, but when it comes to writing my annual self-review? Nothing by corporate bullshit if you ask me.
Rant: My wife's incredibly dumb 19 year old cousin just got knocked up. Lets examine this case: Cousin's Parents getting divorced. Check. Cousin's dad being unemployed. Check. Cousin's dad being verbally abusive towards her mom every single day for the last ten years. Check. Cousin and her mom living with grandma. Check. My mother-in-law spending the next 18 years being overtly judgmental towards everyone involved. Soon to be check. The amount of silly drama that will come from this is mind bending. I honestly don't know how my wife, a rational, intelligent woman, came from that family. If they ask us for money, I might have to tell them exactly what I think of them. The words "White Trash" may get bandied about. Rave: Alcohol makes the family drama more funny than sad. Rant: Alcohol can help my kidneys form small rocks which hurt, so I have to moderate.
Rave: New job starts tomorrow. I am excited. Despite not even having started yet, I've already had more/better interaction with my new bosses than in 1.5 years at the last place. Multi-part minor rant: I need to move the fuck out of my Dad's house, and the fact that I had only one and a half days free between the end of my last job and the start of the new one didn't facilitate my finding a place in town. I already don't like apartment hunting, and I've barely started. Also, although pretty much everything about the new job seems to be better, the office is in a denser part of the city and they don't provide parking. The cheapest daily parking rate in the vicinity is $17/day, and taking commuter rail would cost me at least $12. I need to get my own place in the city soon.
Rant Think I'm at the point where I need to move on somewhere else...a new environment could do some serious good for me and put my mindset in better place. Talked to my recruiter buddy down in Georgia and he still thinks I should transfer bases. Looks like I may be heading down south in the near future. Living in northeast Ohio has taken every ounce of optimism from me. Seriously, fuck this place Rave Started watching The Walking Dead finally...love it. I'm hooked. Rave Annual Chicago trip on the horizon. Looking forward to seeing some good friends.
Rant: what is with the nail clipping at work? I find it disturbing and weird. This is personal hygiene, it should not be done at your desk, and nobody wants your nail clippings scattered around the floor and your desk. STOP.
I fucking hate lazy emails. If I ask you three questions in an email, don't just answer one. If I cc someone, don't just reply to me. And if you're giving me information about something, don't leave out random details. Write. It. All. Out. Instead of me having to chase you back and forth over ten followups because you couldn't be bothered the first time around. Drives me up the fucking wall. In a related rant; "I don't really use email." Fuck you, it's 2012, that is absolute bullshit. Check and respond to your email when you've agreed to be part of a group effort to accomplish something. I think I have a whole other rant about being on time and forgetting appointments, but I'll wait for something to trigger it. Which will inevitably happen. Because apparently keeping track of commitments is just too hard for adults in the modern age?
On the plus side, my wife is texting me naughty pictures she took of herself. So, really, life is pretty good.
RANT: Got into a car accident on Sunday. My fault, which blows. Insurance is fixing his car, but not mine. Oh well, it's driveable. RANT? RAVE?: Made the decision to trade in my car because of all the bad experiences with it. Looking at a Ford Focus, which from Silway's posts seems to be a good decision. RAVE?: I turn 23 on Sunday. Going out Saturday night, car shopping Sunday and dinner with the best friend and the roomies Sunday night.
Rant: I haven't been on here in forever. I miss you guys! I need to start carving out some time to pop in here from time to time. Rave: Baby E is doing well. She weighed 15 lbs 6 oz at her 4 month check up, little girl is quite the little chunk. She's still just on boob juice but we're getting ready to start introducing solids. She's been sleeping in bed with us but that's getting ready to change too. For a little thing she takes up a lot of space and our queen bed just isn't cutting it. So we'll begin the traumatic (for me) process of switching her to the crib within the next month or so. I think we'll all get more sleep that way. Though I'll really miss just pulling a boob out while I'm still half asleep rather than actually getting up with her. Of course, she may sleep for longer stretches if there's not an all you can eat buffet right next to her head all night. Rave: My little sister who has been staying with us since before E was born will be moving out in a few weeks. In the beginning she was a lot of help but anymore she cant even watch the baby for two hours without texting me that she's being fussy. When I'm at work there's nothing I can do about a fussy baby at home and all those texts do is stress me out. She's staying with us for free and the only responsibility she has here is to do the dishes. Originally watching E was part of the deal but now it's easier to take her elsewhere. I can't wait to have our house back. Rave: I'm getting my hair cut on Saturday. I'm in desperate need of some alone time. I love my little girl but the only time I've had away from her since the beginning of December is when I'm at work. So my mom will be babysitting for me while I get my hair cut and go grocery shopping. I've never been so excited to go grocery shopping. Rant: I've come to the conclusion that I lead a very boring life.
RAVE?: Guy on another website asking for girl advice. First response was 'Find a girl you're interested in and introduce yourself. Then stare at her vagina until she asks you what or why. Respond with "Are you gonna eat that?" '
Rant: Mother fucking earache is keeping me awake. 3am and not a chanec of anymore sleep, hopefully it's just a case of needing a flush. Rave: Thank fuck it's Friday, caught up with the girl I've been talking to last night and will hopefully see her again tonight. It appears she likes me a fair bit.
Rave: Hawaii. Related rave: New bitsy yellow bikini will be mine. Rant: It's not til the first of March. But that's not even a rant, because we're still going to Hawaii. Rave. Opening Day.
Rant: My wife and I have a little girl. My parents are a 10 1/2 hour drive away, so those grandparents only see her a couple times a year and on video chats. My wife's parents live 7 minutes away but aren't the most involved, which is sad as they are retired and have nothing else to do except travel and buy stuff. We try to get them more involved, but that's another story. We have an older couple that live across the street. They've pretty much become honorary grandparents. We see them all the time. They are amazing in so many ways. He's retired military police and she's retired police/DEA, not truly positive her level or what all she did as it's hardcore. Crazy considering I see her as a nice old lady who loves gardening and cooking. She's a BADASS! Actually they're both badass and we're so glad they've become part of our lives. They are fantastic to us and our daughter. Well, they are moving away. They have two kids up in Delaware and N. Virginia and want to move closer to them as they are getting up there in years and have had some health issues and want to be near their kids while they still can. We've kind of filled a void for each other as they didn't get to see their kids often and our parents aren't around or as involved as we'd like. They've tried to move for a while now but the economy made selling their house tough. It just sold yesterday and they close late March. Bittersweet as we wish them nothing but happiness and am glad they are moving to where they should be. Sad as it will really suck not having them around. I will miss sitting around after an amazing home cooked meal talking to her about what's better to carry, a 9mm or 45. She was undercover most of her career and has insane stories. We know we'll see them again after they move and they will remain in our lives forever but it's still a little sad.