Rant: The tremors continue. Rant: Waiting for the big one to hit sucks. Rant: Walking into my shift tonight is like drawing dead in poker. Rant: General suckage continuing.
RAVE: FAFSA is sent, next week I go to financial aid to fill out a dependency override. Neither parent will give me money or their financial information (which is fine, because if the government knew what they COULD give me to help with college, I'd get a penny and a "Fuck you, kid") so I'll have to go through some red tape to get assistance....but end of the story is, I'll be in classes this summer. Better five years late than never. RANT: Subject of me adopting my dad's abused and neglected dog came up. They OFFERED a few months back to give him to me and pay "Tyler support", meaning that I would pay for food and such, but they would cover the retrievable deposit and monthly rent fee ($200 and $25 respectively) just for me to take them off their hands. I took him for one night as a test period and foolishly ended up saying no to what was apparently a one-time offer. The current reasons for them saying no (which don't include money that they are far from hurting for) are 1. He would miss the other two dogs. 2. The other two dogs would miss him. 3. He barks a lot and I'll get complaints. My response was 1. Bullshit, he ignores one and gets irritated at the fact that the other is the size of a rat and thinks it's a hardass. 2. Who gives a flying fuck, my dad has a just-short-of-bestiality relationship with one and his woman cuddles the other non stop.* 3. Maybe, just MAYBE, if someone paid attention to him and took the time to train him, he wouldn't bark. He spends all day unnoticed. He has to sit and watch while the other dogs get to sit on their owner's laps and be fed literally FROM THEIR HANDS, while he gets yelled at for staring. He has been kicked with enough force to lift him off the ground because my father's girlfriend is a short-tempered piece of white trash with control issues. Maybe if he was in a happy environment he would be less nervous, and what does nervousness do to dogs? Oh yeah, makes them jumpy, which makes them bark. Put me in military intelligence for figuring that one out. Seriously, I want that dog. When I come over, he begs me to pick him up, which I do because despite it being not so good for training him, it's his positive attention fix and he needs it. He'll bury his face in the carpet when I pet him, hiding under his paws, rolling around, followed by licking me obsessively. If I step petting him, he sits on his back legs and throws a fit. Bottom line, he deserves better. *I'm not even kidding. It's sad, really. The time my dad has spent with and my brother combined in the past year is less than how much he spends with that dog in a weekend. Picture any movie with an evil villain that carries around and pets their cat. Austin Powers, for example. He carries around and pets it the same way. He feeds it out of his hand, sleeps with it (non sexually, I pray) when his gf is out of town. I've seen him flop his wallet on the counter and struggle for minutes to remove a card rather than put the dog down for ten seconds to free his other hand. He's known to frequently wave it's paw and say things in a higher-pitched voice to speak for it. Make a joke about how up each other's asses they are? *Paw-wave* "Fuck you, StayFrosty". I'm torn being laughing and putting my head through a concrete wall. Anyway, I'm not going to let it get me down. Go make a playlist with every variation of Bear McCreary's Adama Theme (Heart of the Sun, A Good Lighter, Wander My Friends, Reuniting the Fleet, add Kara's Coordinates for good measure and same variation), listen to it, and I dare you to be in a bad mood. Go ahead, try. You can't.
Rave: Logged into my online casino account and found 35€ still in it. So I just started goofing off with it and turned it into €700.
Rave: Just booked tickets to NYC with The Dude! I love taking extended weekend trips with that man. Granted, he'll be working most of the time...and I'll be museum-ing most of the time...so we won't be "together" per se...but fuck it. It's wonderful just to hold his hand and walk down different streets than we usually see on our normal walks. /sappy stuff Rant: I really need a break from this city and all the shit going on in my life. Really, really need it. Next month can't come soon enough.
Rant Feeling like shit since Sunday. First it was sinus congestion, then today I wake up and am sore and have a light fever. I hate the feeling of having no energy to get anything done...oh well, Tylenol PM is on the menu tonight. Hopefully this clears up tomorrow. Rave Shamrock shakes put me in a better mood.
Rave: Approaching the 72 hour mark. Every previous quit attempt has been with the use of a crutch like a nicorette or something along those lines so I think this is the longest I've actually gone without having nicotine in my system for about...4 and half years. Dizzyness is completely gone, and I have been able to stay lost in work all day. This week has been very unproductive so far since it seemed just fighting the urges used up all my willpower, but today I was finally able to get some work done. The thoughts are definitely still there but much easier to push aside for increasing chunks of time. Sleeping has been an issue as I can't seem to stay asleep for more than 2-3 hours at a time, but hopefully that will subside tonight. Definitely still going to abstain from alcohol this weekend and probably next weekend too. I don't want to end up with my foot in my mouth...but right now, I feel like a freed slave.
RANT: I thought it was like chineese food, it wasn't over till you both get your cookies. RAVE: I got her off good.
RANT My out-of-office message is set, the projects I'm juggling have all been punted and don't need any intervention until Monday, I'm all packed and ready for some snowmobiling tomorrow...and then the goddamn norovirus decides to show it's fucking face. There is no rave that could offset this right now; the past three hours have been nothing but unadulterated suckage.
RAVE: I was sitting in the sauna at the pool today after my swim, and was trying my best not to stare at the beautiful girl in there. After dismissing the idea of trying to talk to her because it was really crowded, she was way better looking than me, and I'm a pussy, my mind drifted to other things. Then a few people cleared out, and she came over and started talking to me. I don't mean to sound like a pathetic loser here, but I don't know... she was gorgeous with a dancer's body, I'm reasonably good looking and 15 pounds overweight. She complimented me on my swimming, and said she'd like me to show her a few things some time. If she legitimately just wants a swimming lesson I'm going to beat her with a pool noodle, but this should lead to an actual date.
Rant: Stop shutting my damn blind when you come into my office you fucking asshole. I don't care that it makes it hot in here... stop dressing like it is 30 degrees outside and you won't have to worry about that.
Rant/Rave: The internet is awesome, I can find all kinds of things to want. Of course, pushing a button isn't that hard and I just spent $300 at Dr. Martens site. Oops. Rave: It isn't a regular habit, and goddamn these boots are awesome.
RAVE: Just nailed a phone interview with an agency I've been trying to get into for a year. RAVE: Just got this gchat message from this girl I started dating: "I've had some fab head in my life and u r the best at it and that last sex session we had was...immaculate I was on a cloud out like a light I can't remember when I've had something close to that If u had of cum I would've had quads" You're very welcome.
Rant: These boxers I just got are annoying the shit out of me. They made the opening in the front way too long and there is no button in the middle. This means every time I walk up a flight of stairs, my penis comes tumbling out. Then I have to try to do a little dance to get it back in. Or just hope no one is looking and stick my hand down there and put it back. Maybe I should learn how to sew a button, how hard can it be? Rave: Day 4 of now cigarettes. Managed to go to the gas station, get gas and a sandwich from inside without giving in. I feel like I've got this thing beat, but I'm still not risking any alcohol this weekend. I will be going out to dinner tonight with some friends, which will be the first time I'm really going to be going out since I stopped, so this might be a challenge. Long as I avoid the booze, I should be ok.
You ever farted, thought "I should probably wipe after that beast", did so and realized "I should probably burn these underwear and take a shower"? That's what my entire day yesterday was like. At least I got to speak with my grandmother.
Rave? My Dad just told me he's going to start gifting me an inheritance as some money per month. I don't need it since I'm pretty good with money and already have a decent retirement package at 26 years old made of my own money, so all this new stuff will go into savings. I guess I could save up for a house down payment. The reason that I am unsure if this is a rave is because I could be thinking too far into it and think my parents may be on their way out...or it could be logical in that they want to give their kids an inheritance at a time when they could use it in life. Either way, more money is always good.
Rave: A lady friend has wanted to see me with a goatee for a while. I have adamantly refused for a while on the basis that I think it makes me look like a douchebag, but she promised to wear an outfit I really like. So now here I am with a goatee and she's coming by. Rant: Sucks that I'm so easily manipulated. Ah well, c'est la vie.
Rant: Apartment hunting is a pain in the dick. Why are there so many shitty places? Why do the awesome places cost so much?
Rave: Taxes filed last night! Getting more than I expected back! Rant: Email from TurboTax letting me know that they were rejected. Rave: It's only because we filed jointly for the first time this year, and the wife's SSN still has her maiden name associated with it. Quick fix when I get home.
RANT: Invitation to my 5 year high school reunion. Seriously? It's Cincinnati, nobody leaves. I'm still ducking these motherfuckers when I see them in the grocery store, I have no desire to get drunk in a VFW hall with them.