Rant:1970s bathroom. Spoiler Rave: 2012 bathroom! Check out the Home Repair Thread for more pics. I'm so happy it's done (and that the house no longer smells lick a chemical plant), that I feel the need to brag in multiple threads. Spoiler Ravest: It only cost $400.
Rave: Finished the first of my last three grad school papers this evening. Certification exam on Saturdiay morning and I'm feeling pretty good about the material. Gt an email from a classmate who is working her internship in the same agency as me but a different office. She's already received and accepted an offer and can finish her internship as a full fledged employee. Anyway, she told me a woman in her office is looking to transfer to another office, and the area manager came and asked her about me...a few times. She talked me up without going over the top, so hopefully this other will get her transfer and my job search will be over before commencement. The fact that gender ratio of Counselors is about 79/21 female/male and I'm the only male graduating this year from our program doesn't hurt either. I really, really love what I'm doing and actually look forward to going to work in the morning. The last time I felt that way about work was my first ad agency job, circa 1985. The big different is the people I'm working with today are patients on Rx meds, not VPs on coke. Similar personality traits though.
Rant: Slept with a guy over Christmas break who I've been in love with since I was 16. I just saw a picture of the necklace he bought for his girlfriend to celebrate their one year anniversary. Rave: Now that I'm not holding out for him, I can ask out the guy who's been hitting on me in my Philosophy class.
RAVE: Was in a zone last night. Met a couple really cute girls, set my friends up well, just a really good bar night. RANT: Said friends managed to fuck up the two most promising both when I briefly went to the bathroom and I got no numbers. SUPER RANT: The extremely attractive Indian I went home with informed me in the elevator that "she wasn't that kind of girl" and wouldn't even make out with me. Then I somehow went from buzzed to feeling wrecked and sort of sick. Cue me puking in her bathroom and returning to the family room to find her gone. Whoops. At least her crazy roommate blew my friend...
Rant: One of my best friends from High School is a teacher in the Ohio school where a kid just open fired. Still trying to find out if he's ok. All I'm reading is that students were shot, which is horrible enough. No info if anybody was killed, they are just saying injured. My wife is a high school teacher and this shit always rattles me.
Sorry for the double post but I couldn't edit the first post and this is a huge relief. Just found out my friend is ok. No details on the students, but he's ok. Hopefully there are no deaths and they all end up as ok as you can after this level of fucked up event. What is a good punishment for idiots who shoot up schools. Death is too easy. Prison for life isn't good enough. If he didn't kill anybody, he'll get out one day. I say ship his ass to some far, remote part of the world and drop him off. You don't want to be a non-fucked up citizen and shoot up schools, well here you go. Good luck. Then drop him off in the middle of nowhere maybe in a jungle somewhere close to some guerrilla groups fighting each other, both of whom presumably don't like Americans and let him to his own devices. Sounds like a just punishment to me. For his little time left, he'd regret his actions and miss his quaint little town in middle America where he shot things up. Edit: Holy shit. An old neighbor I grew up with's best friend's kid was one of the kids shot. Five times. No word on anything other than that. No official info seems to be released about the kids shot. A huge amount of friends who live in that area are posting all sorts of info from the school and directly from those involved.
Rant: My son is sick. He's got a fever and a cough. His dad just dropped him off at school and called me, citing the fact that he "pays child support, so it isn't his responsibility." Wow. Rave: I am able to take the day off with him. Even better is the understanding that I am not a fucking ass like his father. I still had fun with his small brain when I returned fire from his idiotic comment. I like making stupid people cry when they involve my kids. Send him to school and hope Mom takes care of it? jesus...
Rant: What the fuck is up with all these kids shooting up schools? This shit NEVER happened when I was a kid. Rant: I loathe our sales reps. Never have I had to deal with such a whiny pile of worthless eunuchs. We make it simple. You go find us quote opportunities and projects and we pay you money. Rather than do this with as much energy as they can muster with their feeble rodent like minds they want to do other shit. "I'd really like to do some service and installation work for you guys..." You can't. One, you're not trained. Two, you're not insured by us. Three, you're not nearly as good as our techs who we PAY ALREADY to do the work and that have decades of experience. Four, go fuck yourself and find new customers since you only brought in ONE FUCKING LEAD LAST YEAR. I'm dreading having to deal with all these impotent little shits for an entire week in when they converge on me at the big tradeshow we showcase at in April. I'm going to need to bring some edibles with me or I might not be able to fight the urge to thrash one of them to send a message to their turdlike herd. Rant: Grabbed yogurt that expired on 1/18/12 on my way out the door this morning. Of the dozen or so that were there I grabbed the one that never rotated to the front. Fucker.
Rant: So wait, let me get this straight. This budget is dead fucking wrong, yet you want me to send it out out anyway because, and I quote, "the numbers are set in stone"? Good lord no wonder you've been fighting for so long to not get me involved in the budgeting process, since this thing is a shit show and I'm pointing it out to you.
Rant: After ~ 5 months of joint and tendon pain post pregnancy, my wife's primary care doc finally thought it would be a good idea to refer her to a rheumatologist. Rave : Maybe she will finally make some progress in figuring out what is going on. Plus she got scrips for some narcs, muscle relaxers, and steroids. She should finally be getting a good nights sleep.
RANT: This Chardon incident hit pretty hard for me. I work in college admissions and Chardon is one of the schools in my territory. I visited the high school this past fall and met with their guidance counselors and students. In my opinion, it fits the profile of a school where these kinds of things might happen: middle-class, whitebread, a little on the rural side. I'm not going to try to talk to any of their people today, but I need to, soon. If you can even rave about this situation...I'm glad they apprehended the kid as opposed to the Columbine kids who took their own lives.
RANT: My wife broke her leg playing roller derby, which means she might have to take some time off her ridiculously well paying job. And no ski trip next month. RAVE: She broke it playing fucking roller derby. My wife is bad ass.
Rave: Back in the cockpit tomorrow after a few weeks of not flying. About damn time. Rave: About to close the deal on selling my OEM wheels and tires. An extra $900 never hurt anyone. Rant: The buyer is on emergency leave and want me to ship them tomorrow. Hassle, but at least I'm getting rid of them, so not a huge deal.
Rant: GF's long term subbing gig was cut a week short because the teacher returned from maternity leave early... I can't reconcile why someone would do that, she must really hate her family or the school fucked up with the initial schedule. Rant: Apparently she's a condescending bitch, the GF called her a fucking cunt, I don't think I've ever heard her say that word. Rave: Took her out to lunch to cheer her up, it worked very well, she's already set up for more subbing and is looking at the positives, which are many (beyond recommendations she made what could be a life long friend that we puppy sat for).
Rave: Who has 2 thumbs and kicked ass on her neuro exam? This bitch! I got a 98. At the beginning of the semester Scary Prof said that a brain keychain would be awarded in May to the person with the highest grade in the course. That brain will be mine, damnit! I don't care if I have to fail all of my other classes to do it. I will have the highest grade!
RANT: Oh so I'm the only soldier in the last year and a half that gets sent to the soldier of the month board, yet because I can't spit out the S.U.R.V.I.V.A.L. acronym, you say my MOS/general Army knowledge isn't high enough to get pinned my E4. Nevermind I've been making the pay the last few months, am the go to Joe whenever tasks need to get done or someone has a question, and have been for the last year. Thank you, I was going to go talk to retention this week since I'm in my re-enlistment window. Now you've helped make that decision that much easier.
Rave: I've maintained for years that NASCAR drivers are better than F1 drivers. Yes, open wheel cars are more technologically sophisticated, but NASCAR is a purist sport. No computers, no technical anything...just hand crafted cars and driving skills. Well, this proves it. Spoiler Danica Patrick: Crashed ON LAP ONE. But this is even more perfect... JUAN PABLO MONTOYA HIT THE TRACK DRYER. The giant, yellow pickup truck that goes around at 20mph and is pulling a jet engine behind it. Race was under caution. Montoya was alone on the track, lost control of his car and hit the dryer, exploding it into a ball of flames. He has to be the dumbest motherfucker on that track. That is all.
RANT: Break ups after years of being together are so unfortunate. It's beyond depressing when two people just don't work out. Even more so when only one party feels this way.
Rant: This only happens when I've got just enough time to make it to class. Fuck you, giant Ryder truck, for driving 10mph through campus and taking up just enough of the road so I can't pull around you. Now I'm late to a class that I can't show up late to. Fuck fuck fuck.