Rave: My new kitty is so goddamned cute that literally...I squeal every time he does ANYTHING. Even sleeping I can't help but be overcome with the AWWWWWW and squeal. Ravier rave: We are wheels up in less than 24 hours. Ravier rave rave: My brother will be in Honolulu as well, so I'll get to see him for a day while we're there. FUCK YES. Rant: There is a list of shit that needs to be done...and The Guy is watching John Stewart. Shit.
Rave: Officially the owner of a pretty awesome house, tomorrow. Rant: Officially the owner of a pretty non-awesome mortgage, tomorrow. Rave: In the midst of a one week vacation, between changing jobs. Things are pretty awesome right now, and I'm on my third celebratory beer. Happy hump-day, idiots!
Rant: Highlight of the morning was a homeless guy asking if he could have some of my coffee. When I said no he spat on me. Gross.
Rant My car brake's are making bad noises again. After I had them worked on less than a year ago. Still putting off getting my right side mirror replaced....need to stop procrastinating. Rave 60 degrees today...even though it rained off and on. It finally feels like spring is close. Rave Allord's back on the board?!
Rave: live MMA bouts in my home town coming up. Double rave: first boxing lesson tonight. Triple rave: I moonlight as a project manager on various grant-funded research projects. I'm currently reading the successful grant application for one of these, and I come across: Or, in other words, "perception affects experience." Oh academics, don't ever change. Or I'll be out of a job translating for you.
Rant: Online websites making it very, very difficult to find the courses I need to do to get into my chosen profession. I am not in the state I need to study in, so I need to do it via open learning. Where's the confusion here!? Rantier: Keyboard fucking up so badly that have resorted to apologising profusely to anyone I talk to today. Rantierer: Am back in Tassie after an amazing week spent in Qld in the sun (And rain. Wtf was that shit about?), where I spent a week eating AMAZING food, being taken out on a very nice date, dancing around, doing generally stupid shit and spending a large and ridiculous amount of money on what equates to nothing. Rant: Radiation therapy not being taught in Queensland. What the fuck? Rave: Finally decided on my chosen career. Fuck. Yes. Ravier: Spent a week in Queensland eating amazing food, being taken out on a very nice date, dancing around, doing generaly stupid shit and spending a large and ridiculous amount of money on what equates to nothing. Ravierer: SHOES! Fuck yes! Sexy as hell shoes. I want to have sex with them. Raviest: Moving back to Queensland in roughly ten months, and going back up to visit everyone in June. Should be good.
Rave: A day where I looked out the window at the grey and the snow and the freezing rain and said "fuck it", called in "sick", made a giant pot of coffee and grabbed a crossword puzzle to start the day. Minor rant: Could not find any Baileys, so opted instead for Kahlua. Now I remember why I don't drink Kahlua.
Rant: If this weather keeps up today, I can't pick up my hardwood floors. Which means I can't acclimate the floors to the new home. Which means I can't install them next weekend. Which means I'm a week behind on renovations, and there is lots to do. Sucks. Rave: Coffee and sports highlights.
Rave: Snow day! Rant: Still have to work! Rave: It's from home! Rant: Out of alcoholic stuff to put in my coffee!
Super Rant: Transmission is not fucking fixed. Started doing the same shit on the way to work this morning. I should know better than to assume that it was an easy fix.
Rant: It should be illegal to work on your birthday. Yes, I could have called off, but I just started here and I want to look like a good employee blah blah. I feel like I'm in a rut today. Maybe it's the weather? Maybe it's because I'm getting older? (Although 27 is by no means old) I'm usually pretty excited on my birthday but this year I just wanted to stay in bed all day. I don't like feeling like this!! I also got up late so I had to run to make the train. I don't like starting my morning in a rush. Rave: Dinner tonight with the fiance accompanied by lots of drinking. Yay!
Rave: You know those moments when you're talking to a pretty girl and you're witty and eloquent and she's hanging on your every word--you're just firing on all cylinders? That was my morning yesterday while I was being interviewed. It was one of those situations where I knew that if I asked her to dinner or drinks later, her answer would've been yes. ???: For those who care to read. Spoiler I took her out to lunch afterwards because the interview went long and the next train wasn't coming for about 45 minutes. When I dropped her off at the station, she invited me to visit her in the city the next time I come in. In all likelihood, that won't happen--and not just because I have a girlfriend. I can't tell if I'm just becoming more mature, or more jaded (perhaps the latter is just part of the former), but as I played things out in my head and pictured visiting her and going out, kissing her amazing lips at the end of the night--it all fizzled in my mind pretty fucking quick. All of those exciting new pieces of a relationship only last for so long, and then you're left to start the serious things all over again with someone new. It's a lot of time and work to put in. I can't tell if I'm being complacent, or if this is part of what having a happy relationship really is, but I really don't want to have to start over with someone new. I'm satisfied knowing that I'm in with my girl's family and friends--not to mention the life I've got with her. And even though rolling around naked with some seriously cute girl from New York would be a lot of fun, it would come at a serious cost, and a loss of a lot of the things I've worked hard to build these past 4 years. Whatever the definition is of the realization that I've just come to, I feel like I might have just peeked my head out of my own ass.
Rant Where in the shitpussyfucking hell is this turbulence in my stomach coming from? Noro is supposed to only last 1-2 days, but a full week later and I still can't trust a fart! Rave While some of you were paying attention to the Oscars, I was eagerly anticipating the James Beard Award nominations. Minneapolis had a goddamn haul this year, picking up 16 nods. I already have reservations for a few of them in the next couple of weeks : first up is The Bachelor Farmer. Addendum Rave! At SnowGrade this past weekend, I was front-row and center to a demonstration by one of the chefs from Bachelor Farmer as he cut, took apart, and dressed a rabbit.
Rave: Just got back from Vegas a couple days ago. Won lots. I had a horseshoe in my ass the whole time; I literally could not lose. I bet if I'd hit on 21 I would have drawn a blank card. It was that bad. Rant: Would have come back with even more if I didn't spend an ungodly amount at strip clubs. Rave: Paid off a credit card, bought a new laptop and decided to see what the fuss on these iBeats headphones was. Thanks, Bellagio! Rave: Holy hell do these headphones ever sound good. I'm not an audiophile by any means, but compared to the cheap SkullCandy ones I went through on a bi-monthly basis and the ones that came with my iPhone, these are amazing.
Rant: Today is just not my day. I come back from my lunch hour to my boss begging me not to get angry. Why? While I was gone my co-worker had an appointment with a lady that brought in two toddlers. She let them run wild. The two toddlers trashed my office. Files are all over the floor. There is paper everywhere. My calculator, and stapler are no where to be found. I am so angry I can't even talk.
Rant: Norovirus can suck big, sweaty donkey balls. Came down with it on Sunday afternoon, couldn't eat anything until Tuesday evening. Near constant 48 hours of nausea, excrutiating headache, and a fever that led to me sweating through my sheets, my duvet cover and all the way through my down comforter. Worst part? I wasn't able to get within ten feet of my daughter. That SUCKED, to see her smile and coo and not be able to hold her. Rave: But it's over now! And just in time, too, since today is my birthday and on Saturday, I get to have my annual birthday dinner at Vidalia.
Rave: Ordering epoxy by the gallon and getting new carbon fiber weaves! Rave: I have a concrete date set for spending a day at an indoor rifle test range to tune up my match rifle for summer competitions. The guy that I'll be shooting with is a goddamn genius and it sounds like this will be one helluva opportunity to gain some of his knowledge, not to mention leave his place with a hot shooting rifle. Rant: Match ammo is expensive! That stuff will torch a hole through my wallet in a hurry. Rant/Rave: Due to the progress I've made at work, my sales goals have been increased and I'm shooting for 50% higher than what I did in February, which was my best month yet. It'll be a challenge to reach but it's for the best. Onward and upward.
Today is the most worthless day ever. There is no work to do. I'm sitting here bored out of my mind. I feel like I'm getting dumber by the minute. My brain is numb. There is nothing going on here, other than an autistic pervert posting the same useless shit he always did before his disappearance. Days like today make me wish it was socially acceptable to drink at the office. Or maybe I wish I just had more vacation time. I hate today. Nothing upsets me more than boredom.
Rant Pharmacist: "Here's your Nuvaring prescription filled. Are you going straight home?" Me: "No... why?" Pharmacist: "Do you need an ice pack?" Me: "Why would I need an ice pack?" Pharmacist: "Well, we keep these in the fridge. Don't you?" Me: "I keep them on my dresser." Pharmacist: "For how many hours?" Me: "For months. I can understand why the pharmacy refrigerates them, but why do I need to?" Pharmacist: "They work better if they're cold." Me: "These are going in my VAGINA. They don't stay cold long in there." Pharmacist: "Oh. I just know we keep them in the fridge." Ghetto's right. I've gotta stop getting my scripts filled at Walmart.