Rant = my car was finally totaled by the other party's insurance company. My poor car. Rave = I found a slightly better version of my car for sale and bought it today. Accord version 2.0. Also, spring break begins tomorrow when I leave the lab. And derby is in two weeks. And I think I passed my SAS midterm yesterday. All in all, a good week.
Rant: This is why I've been training in the mornings. I have to get into a certain kind of mindset to squat heavy, especially when said legs are already worn out. No I don't want to say hi, make small talk, answer questions, or anything of the sort. There's a reason why my hood is up while I'm trying to catch my breath. Quite frankly? Fuck off. The afternoons blow, and also I hate my gym. No no, wait. "Fitness center". Rave: Ben and Jerry's makes everything better. Rave: Taking my brother out on Saturday. I'm thinking Safehouse followed by Duffy's.
Rave: We have washers and dryers on our floor. Trouble is, they're busted. About a month and a half ago, we sent up the work order to get some civilian to fix 'em... they were still broken. So I downloaded the service manual and fixed two of them. The third washer is completely irreparable without ordering expensive parts, but the other two only had minor issues. I'm considering ordering parts to fix the dryers, as all of them have minor issues (drunk retards ripped the timer knobs off). Rant: 10-mile run tomorrow. It's gonna hurt.
Rant: God dammit I went to graduate school in an Econ program because I wanted to Economics. Unfortunately, it seems like all I actually do is math, stats, and learning how to code in various statistics packages. And now I have to learn how to code in an experimental economics software. I just want to do econ.
Rave: Hot Tub Time Machine was less crappy than anticipated. Rant: That's still not saying much. Rave: Might be ghostwriting a blog for someone. This excites me for two reasons. First, I really think this person needs to put their experiences into print. Second, this will inadvertently result in writing samples I can submit if I apply to a writing job on the side, which I've been seriously considering for fun and profit. Of course, I could just set up my own goddamn blog, but what the hell would I write about? "Allord's harrowing blog entry on writers block"? Or "The difficulty of coming up with your own stupid topics"? Bleh. Speaking of writers block... Rant: I can't think of anything to complain about, so I'm complaining about my inability to be otherwise inspired to complain. --- First World Problems
Rave: You know you have awesome friends when you text them at 10 at night and they get up out of bed to sneak you into their gym, without asking questions. I am a damn lucky woman.
Rant: Busted-ass med school rant spoilered because it never ends. Spoiler I've been feeling for a while that I've made a terrible terrible choice in going to this school. The school and specifically, the administration, has a penchant for appearances and an infamous degree of secrecy. So, it should come as no surprise that the facilities are laughable and comes off as an half-assed attempt to build a medical school in this area in order to maintain "territory". One would think that our collective school's tuition costs could cover a full range of faculty. Nah. We barely have enough total faculty to cover a department in a legitimate medical school. It's that laughable. As for the facilities themselves, we lack everything. Anatomy labs. Histology labs. Pathology slides. Everything. The level of shortcuts being taken are absolutely appalling and frightening. What's even worse is being relatively plugged in to the on-goings of the school. They range from pending administrative decisions from the school to major accreditation organizations. The most recent one, spawning this post, is the potential cancellation of an application service for senior electives. While it covers only 100 hospitals, many of the ones I would want to consider rotating through are among them. This severely affects my chances at getting into those residencies since they'll never meet me and have to judge me solely from a piece of paper. So, the adage of keeping my nose to the grindstone may not even work in this case. Joy of joys. Rave: Buddy's birthday party tomorrow. It'll be amazing to get away. Rave?: Would a Tucker Max approach of discussing the merits of the application service work? Fun thought. Rave: Ordered a S&W M&P15-22. Can't wait to take it to the range and blow off some steam. Sick.
A pretty young lass just told me I had a bubble butt. I said, "given how much hair is on it, I think 'coconut butt' would be more fitting." Rave: Apparently I have a nice ass? Rant: Man I suck at flirting.
Rant: Dad lost his job Rave?: #Firstworldproblems - he still can collect a paycheque until July 2013 Rant: there goes any illusions of privacy for me in the near future.
Rant: Since when am I the neurotic one while dating? I'm totally sitting here telling myself not to send a text message to the boy, and have been for four hours. I AM NOT THIS GIRL! stupid hormones.
Rave: Pit tickets to see The Scorpions in June, and buying tickets tomorrow to see Iron Maiden in August.
Rant: Lack of sleep from attempting sleep on a wooden bench in the airport after the festival yesterday. Rave: That's not the worst place I've attempted sleep. MEGA RAVE!!! The festival was un fucking believable. Slipknot killed it, so much energy and System. Well words can't describe adequately how awesome they were. Never realised how much the vocals are shared in their songs. Their set was mind bendingly awesome and they didn't fuck about trying to ramp the crowd up, just belted out song after song and let the music do the talking. Steel Panther were wicked, Mastodon were pretty cool and it was good to see Bush and Bad Religion as well.
RANT: It's been five weeks since I've actually slept through the night. It's making me cranky and loopy and just completely lethargic and lazy. An hour here and there just doesn't cut it. And I know I'm healing much more slowly because of it. Fuck this. I'm so fucking tired.
Rant: I am normally pretty healthy, barely get sick. But when i do, man does it suck. It goes straight to Bronchitis/upper respiratory infection. Instantly have no energy, no matter how much rest i get. Quick read of TiB, then back to bed. Spoiler Hurray for coughing up yellow/green bile, this time it is different, there are specs of blood in it this time
Rave: Certification exam is over. Its going to be nice to actually start having a lunch hour that involves something other than study notes and the DSM-IV. Next up, commencement then two licensure exams.
Rant:So my mother had a meltdown last weekend. We had tried calling her, as she was supposed to call us but didn't. So we talked to her today and she informed us that she had a melt down at 7am last sat. morning and drove spur of the moment 3.5 hours to her shrink's house (family friend who is old and retired. not a healthy relationship. She needs a real shrink) Why? Because I posted my travel plan on facebook that I was off to Poland, Germany and Denmark. She had heard from her cousin who had seen my post. Because she didn't hear it from us she freaked out that our life was going on and she wasn't the first to know. I moved in part to get away from her. Looks like I failed.
Re: Rant & Rave Thread RAVE: Saw Art Garfunkel with the Raleigh orchestra last night. Nice to see him performing after his throat problems a couple years ago. Just a great singer even through the couple struggles with his voice. Still sounded better than most "singers" today. Pure. His guitar player was fantastic. I wasn't sure how the night would be but he's funny, a great singer and read a couple great poems. He just came off as a cool, old school rock star. Michelle Obama was in town and he joked that they were staying at the same hotel but gave him the president suite probably as he'd be around longer and said he wanted to go see her and introduce himself and say, "You don't know me but I'm in your ipod." All was said in good fun and ghe just came across as awesome. Very glad I went. Sound of Silence was amazing in such an intimate setting.
Rant: There doesn't seem to be a drunk thread this weekend. This makes me sad, because I wasn't exactly sober yesterday and drew this: Spoiler I was stoked to contribute to this weekend's drunk thread, but I guess I'll just put it here then...