Rave: I am skiing out near Banff, on a not-at-all planned weekend. The gf goes "go skiing this weekend, you're not doing anything and you'll love it." WHAT IS SHE TRYiNG TO DO? Be a keeper? Damn it. Rave: All good; Skiing.
Rave: Just sold a pistol for more than I paid for it when I bought it brand new. I would have sworn I paid more for it.
RAVE: Got to ride the motorcycle yesterday. RAVE: I cleaned out my car as well. RANT: KIMaster is back.
Rave: Job interview for a staffing agency. If I get it, this will be my first 9-5 job. Let's see how this goes.
Rant: Jobs applications being taken down as you are working on them. Rant: Most of the listings I see aren't open for more than 3 days. That's not a good sign.
Rave: Brad Pitt. Eating a dorito... Rant: I'm a single, twenty something woman who finds Brad Pitt eating a dorito sexy. I think I need to engage in some kind of sexual activity.. Soonish..
This is going to be a lame, girl rant but I just need to vent: Spoiler I hate how people try to make their lives seem so wonderful and great by posting pics on facebook. This stupid bitch who keeps saying she's too sick from being pregnant to do anything (she's 5 months along) is apparently not too sick to go on a nice walk with her husband and dog today. And he posts the pics all over facebook. When she was a bridesmaid in our wedding, she said she was too sick to show up for any dress shopping and that we needed to be reasonable and realize she was pregnant and has other priorities since she's married and has a stepson. This was after we told her, "Hey, don't worry about it...we realize you're pregnant." I'm so sick of seeing pictures of her 5 bedroom house that's vintage. Yeah, it's a row home and in the ghetto. But you can dress it up any way you want. It's no big mystery why the girl says she has no girlfriends. She's a crazy bitch who loves to start drama I fear for her child. Also, why do people think we need to see a picture of everything?! I don't care if your tulips are blooming because it's so warm outside. I don't need to see a picture of your kid sleeping on the couch #lookhowcuteheis!! No. Ugh. It's just one of those days where I do not want to deal with people.
I can't edit the post above ^^, but after ranting about it and getting fed up, I did thin the heard of idiots on my news feed. It's kind of weird the sense of relief that comes along with it.
RANT: Bosses and coworkers who act like 5 year old being denied candy at a Walmart checkout. RAVE: Came home and detail cleaned the inside of my truck. In tshirt and shorts weather, fuck yes.
RANT: Today is the one year anniversary of my grandpa's death. I'm surprised everyday by how much it still hurts and how often he pops into my head. He was the coolest guy I ever met.
Rant: Norovirus. Motherfucker finally caught me. Firehose vomit from the hours of 1AM and 6AM this morning.
Rave: Got called for an interview with a different field office of the agency I'm interning with. it would be sooooo nice to have a position lined up before commencement. T -8 weeks until hooding!
Rave: Finally healthy. Rant: Wife needs to have that kid already. I'm anxious and excited and ready to go (or as ready as I'll ever be). Rant: Blah Blah "nobody is ever ready to be a parent," yada yada "your life will never ever be the same," same old same old. I've heard this speech no less than twenty times in the past two weeks. It as if every parent I know is trying to shit on the fact that I am happy about being a parent. They almost seem emphatically annoyed that I am both excited and not worried about having a kid. Note: I am excited. I am not worried. I am ready. I know it will be a drastic change. I am okay with that and ready for it.
MothercocksuckingdickassfuckRANT: Trip and shoot that was to net me a lot of money got canceled 12 hours before the flight left. God fucking damnit.
RANT: It is 5:30am. My fucking neighbors have been in various stages of intercourse for the past hour and a half. Since they are both roughly the size of a well fed bison, the mental image of their clattering heaps of fat have officially ensured that I will get no sleep not only tonight, but likely for the remainder of the week.
Rave: I just ran outside for the first time since last year, and the first time since I went on a diet in October. It's about 72 degrees and sunny, and I hit my stride right around the Washington Monument and just ran easy like I could have gone forever. Now I am back here with an amazing runner's high, on cruise control for the rest of the day. Rave: Spring-like weather means boobies and sundresses. And boobies in sundresses.
motherfucking goddamned rant. Dear Parents of Small Children: I understand. You think your precious snowflake is the most preciousest of snowflakes in all of snowflakedom. You're convinced s/he is the smartest, brightest, most beautiful snowflake to ever appear, and s/he is destined for big things. I get it. Here's the thing: Your snowflake is a mouth breathing brat with boundary issues who will, barring drastic changes in your parenting style, be forever handicapped by your complete lack of instilling anything resembling good manners, awareness of boundaries, and personal accountability into his/her childhood. When I tell your kid NOT to do something, it's not because I'm intent on crushing his dreams...it's because he's doing something that either a) encroaches on my boundaries, or b) will get him hurt. It has nothing to do with him, or you, personally, and everything to do with the fact that you JUST CANNOT GO THROUGH LIFE WILLY NILLY DOING AS YOU PLEASE. So. If you don't want ME telling your darling offspring to follow the rules, you better make sure YOU tell her not to break them. Otherwise, I will not only demand they follow the rules, I will instill consequences for them NOT following the rules. End of discussion. I'm aware you probably think this is a debate. It is not. I don't want to hear your excuses, your belly aching, or your complaints. Control your kid. Period. Love, Me.
Rant: When I first read this my first instinct was to google norovirus to figure out if I needed to do anything extra to protect my computer and make sure my malware removal software is up to snuff, then I read it again and realized he's talking about a biological agent. I think this is a sign IT is taking over my brain. Rave: It's a beautiful day outside!