Rave: Talked the girlfriend into it, and now we are no longer cable TV subscribers. Didn't see any point in paying $80 per month for something we barely ever used. Between Netflix and Amazon Instant Video we should be able to get everything we want to see.
Rant: Holy Jesus, Dan Snyder. $28 million on two wide receivers? You're either a flaming retard, capable of only successfully executing involuntary bodily functions (yes), or you're just 18 days early for pulling this kind of shit (God dammit...no).
Rave: Spur of the moment road trip. Hopped on the bike and started riding west. 1 hour from Columbus, Ohio. Might make it all the way to Indianapolis tonight. If anyone lives nearby, hit me up and we can get a beer.
Rant: Doctor is talking about inducing my wife. She has hypothyroidism, and this can increase chances of stillbirth, especially if the pregnancy goes past the due date, so he said in cases like hers, they typically induce between weeks 39 and 40. Coincidentally, he is going on vacation on March 30th (only 3 days before her due date). He said it is optional and our choice (obviously), and my wife is against it, but he said it'd likely be the best course of action. My wife is afraid the labor will be much harder if she is induced. My sister-in-law was induced, and she said it wasn't bad at all, but then again, everyone has different experiences. I've told her I'd support her choice no matter what, and she is really torn.
RAVE: Got my British passport at long last! RAVE: British citizen now. Awesome! RANT: TV's sound is fucked up. RAVE: Still under warranty, so fixed for free. Also, the guy was hopeful about getting it back to us on Friday.
Rant: I swear to god, one of these days I will find a woman that I like, and that likes me back. (Probably not, but here's to hoping.)
Rave: Made it to Indianapolis! Hanging out at the Hookah House for a while. Probably try to find a titty bar after.
Rant: Since sometime before Christmas, my left hip/groin has been torqued to varying degrees of pain. I have no idea what it's called anatomically, but in this picture, it's the white point right at the bottom of the pelvis where all those muscles are meeting up that hurts like mad. My chiropractor said, "Your ass muscle keeps locking up, so every time you walk or bend over you're binding the front of your hip." Rave: He made the pain go away after about a week. Rant: It came right back. I'm doing something during my day - either in how I sit or how I walk - that keeps returning me to this condition. Rave: Appointment on Monday with a sports physiotherapist. Hopefully they can analyze WTF is going on and fix it permanently. Rant: Getting old sucks. Rant: Groin injuries suck, too. Why couldn't it have been something dignified, like a shoulder strain or a knee problem?
RANT: It's been about a month since I was promoted, I'm learning that a manager never has enough time to do everything that he needs to do. Also, when you're a salesperson in a commission-based job, and you become a manager, but still have to make commission, some co-workers think that you're not going to worry about your money like you used to. Fuck that, get out of my way.
Rave: It's a beautiful day. Rant: I'm working. Rave: I'm working so I'll get paid. Rant: I'm working, getting paid, and having to deal with shithead people.
Rave: Wife got her bonus today. She is a pharmacist working at a popular retail store, and her bonus was based on performance. Her store was the best store in her district (lowest wait times, most prescriptions), so her bonus was pretty hefty. In addition, it came on her 3-paycheck month. I only budget for two paychecks a month from her job, so every six months we get an extra paycheck to play with. Needless to say, our checking account looks pretty good. Rant: After paying off medical bills associated with the pregnancy, as well as the credit card bills from all the stuff we bought for the baby's room, the bonus and most of the paycheck are gone. Fuck. Rave: No Credit Card debt at all.
Rave: Made it home alive. 735 miles in under 24 hours. Pittsburgh to Indianapolis and back on my bike (I need to stop watching Sons of Anarchy). 50mpg so I didn't even hurt the environment that bad. Now back to my shitty job. P.S.You were awesome, Hookah House girl! (probably not a TiBette but you never know.)
Rant/Rave/? Sold a tie rod end for a Dodge pickup. Guy came back said it was wrong, and he brought back his old part so i could figure it out(this is the rave, an actual customer that tries to help me help him). Get tech support on the phone to get diamentions for a part i don't have. We figure out what that is actually from a truck that is 3-4 years older. Customer: Thanks. Me: No problem, by the way what colour is this truck? Customer: Green. Me: Oh the drug dealers old truck(I live in a small town 12K pop, everyone knows what this kid was doing). Customer: No, but it is very similar. Me: Ok. Customer: But he actually has a job now, and is cleaning his act up. When the customer leaves ... Other Employee: You know that was the drug dealers dad right?
Rant: If anyone ever tells you it's easy to tear down walls in your house and make it "open concept," don't listen to them. It's a bitch. Also, "open concept" is arguably the most over used phrase in home improvement. I get that it makes a difference and it's awesome for re-sale, but it's the only fucking thing anyone talks about when the subject of renovations comes up. I'm so over my house being a war zone.
Hate posting twice almost in a row like this. MOTHER FUCKING RAVE: I was going to ask my boss for a raise because well it has been a while since i got one, and without the service side open, i am basically the main sales guy. Well the boss pulled me upstairs today and says i am getting about a 10percent raise. FUCK YEAH.
??? That was the oddest interview I've ever had. A panel of 3, one sitting behind a computer who is transcribing my answers to the questions. The problem was, English was not her primary language, and transcription is not her forte. I had to stop every two sentences to let her catch up and then correct her transcription as she read it back to me. I'm not sure if this was a test of my patience, how I would react, or what. One of the other interviewers showed less emotion than a sleeping Mr. Spock and the other just seemed annoyed by the fact that my interview time was going to keep her at the office past 5 o'clock. Then came part two: the next series of questions (5) is delivered on a computer and each question is further broken down into 3 questions, so basically, one hour to answer 15 essay questions.
Rant: Got too fucking cocky in my workouts and really paid for it today. As some people know I'm doing a Smolov Squat Cycle and I am currently on the Base Mesocycle which has me squatting 4 times a week. Well I've been feeling pretty damn good on all the lift days, so yesterday I got stupid and did power shrugs, which overloaded my lower back. Till now I've been very careful about loading my back on non-squat days, but I decided to be retarded. I certainly paid for my hubris today, as I barely finished my sets with my lower back locking up and I'm popping Advils like pez. I'm going to be pissed if this ruins the back-to-back squat days on Saturday and Sunday, mostly because it's my own stupid fault.
Rant: fuckin' friendzoned. badly. one girl I care about. Rave: it hasn't interfered with me talking to other girls yet, so it's easy to keep distracted. Rave: Shredding the fuck out of Killington next week.