Rant:Went to give the girl her money and broke up with her in person. After 10 minutes of going back and forth I finally got her to realize I wasn't going to date her or get back with her. I had to get back to work. I got punched in the face. Luckily she's small, no upper body strength and I knew it was coming. Pretty funny, but wow. Good thing I got out when I did. I'm more ashamed of the fact I was a little turned on by the punch...well not ashamed at all really.
Rant: I don't have anything to rant about. Rave: The quantity of amazing asses on these Latin chicks walking around Orlando Florida. Good god. Bunch of Vida Guerra look alikes (ass wise anyways) Rave: Beers, booze, steaks, strippers... all on the company dime.
Rave: My great uncle turned 88 today, the man was awarded both a Silver and Bronze Star for his actions at Bastogne. I wish there were more men like him left.
Rant: left the Chicago meet up to see hunger games; sorely disappointed with the lack of character development. Should have stuck with the books. Rant: popcorn and pop for $16? Is there some sort of corn shortage?
Rant: I'm so fucking irritated at the DMVs of the last two states in which I've lived. Unbeknownst to me, the first fucked up something with my license 3 years ago. It's time to renew, and because of the fuckup I have to go in person. Otherwise I could just do it online with my current dl and a credit card. I totally suck because I don't remember where I put my ss card, passport, or birth certificate. I put them in such a "safe place" that after digging around for over an hour I still haven't found them. When I do find them, I have no idea when I'm going to carve out 3 hours to sit in a DMV and deal with this. I get an hour for lunch and other than that I'm in class or clinic 8-5. I can't afford to miss either. Im annoyed.
Rave: Made great pork tenderloin for dinner tonight with baked potatoes and a nice garden salad. One month tomorrow we have been in our new house and I have been quite the little chef thanks to the cooking thread here on TiB. We're having our house warming party on April 28th and my parents are getting us a natural gas BBQ. Can't wait for the nice weather!
RAVE: Was in a car accident that fucked me up. Tonight is the two month anniversary. Why a rave? Because fuck that...I refuse to allow something over which I had zero control ruin every great thing that I've had going on. I've lost weight, learned who my true friends are, got my priorities straight, and rediscovered the feisty fiery part of my self that was way buried beneath a ton of low self confidence, hurt, and silliness. I still can't walk without a cane, won't be dancing to my jam bands for a long long time, still have short term memory loss from the concussion and miss sleeping on my stomach and walking up and down the stairs one by one like a grown up. However, I look at the bright side--my knee was crushed, but I still have my leg. My brain was bruised but I'm not a vegetable. My bladder was damaged but I'm not on a catheter. I'm one lucky girl. Fifty percent of the way there and am determined to get my old body back and my dancing feet on steady ground. RANT: You really do find out who your friends are when you're in crisis mode. My sisters? MIA. My whatever? Nada. And while I know he loves me so much and I completely understand him and his reaction, my heart is just aching. His actions are just hurtful...there's no excuse. So sad. RAVE: Having a cane rocks. People move out of your way, are overly helpful, and give up their seats for you. I can't stop singing "gotta keep your pimp hand strong" when I'm out and about. I need a gold chain with a vile of baby powder, a monocle, and a top hat to complete the look.
Rave: it's the second time in a row that I go to the gym and come back with a girl's phone number. The weird thing is, they started talking to me, and not the opposite. The first time I was drilling BJJ moves on the mats (I had an arm injury and couldn't go to the courses so I did the next best thing) and the artsy girl stretching next to me asked ''excuse me, are you a dancer?''. The second time, I was trying to do a handstand and land in a bridge and fell on my side like an idiot, and a girl on a spinning bike next to the mats said ''don't worry, no one saw anything''. Either they are totally attracted to my sweet moves, or they thought ''look at that guy, he's totally unafraid to look like a complete moron, he must be really confident''. Women and their mysterious ways... Rant: the real reason I'm lucky with women at the moment is probably because I couldn't care less if it works or not. I'm in the middle of a divorce and I'm getting real close to the moment where I probably won't ever see my ex again, or not for a very long time (and we'll be strangers by then). We're still not sure why it didn't work, and if there is a thing like ''the one'', she was probably it. I cry by myself most nights and I fucking hate my life right now. It probably won't get any better for at least the next six months. Ugh. Here's an emo song for the occasion Spoiler
RANT: No more American Netflix. Apparently Netflix sent out a "scan" and they found out that I, as well as a bunch of other people has used an American DNS to get the better content so they fucking figured out a way to block us from using this feature. It truely makes me sad, I was really enjoying the better content. I fucked around for 3 hours today trying everything I can think of to get her fired up again, and nothing will work. DO any of you guys know how to trick Netflix into thinking I'm a yankee?
Rave: Yesterday, a boy did something cute and it's silly how happy it has been making me this whole weekend. Rave: In the past couple of days,I finished writing a book and launched my own company, both of which I've been working on for a year a half. But like boys! So who cares.
Rant: One of my investment property’s has been vacant for a whole fucking month, that’s $1400 of money I didn't get and a mortgage that still needs paying. I’ve not had a vacancy for more than 1 week before ever, this is a new and unpleasant experience. Rave: I think I might have stumbled upon a property development opportunity that could take me to a whole new level. Or fuck me in half. Exciting.
RAVE: I was away this weekend to attend my cousin's engagement party. It went really well for her, so I'm happy. RAVE: I uninstalled both Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops. They are both impossible to play in this country due to massive lag. Why do Activision continue to market these games here or even in Africa as a whole? Our internet is NOT fast enough to cope. This is a RAVE because I'm no longer putting up with their shit servers or the morons who run them, and I laugh at people in South Africa who paid money for Modern Warfare 3. RANT: Still 2 years until the next Fallout game. Fuck. RAVE: Satellite TV at home now means I am unlikely to buy any new games anytime soon. RANT: Can't figure out how to get the hard drive to connect to the satellite TV decoder (yes, it has 2 USB ports, and the drive works when connected to the DVD Player)
Rave: http://jam.canoe.ca/Music/2012/04/02/19582236-wenn-story.html Hot diggity! Ladies, the line begins behind me.