I have to work non-stop until tomorrow at 8pm, but at least I can do it from home and get the weekend off. Sadly, no time and a half for OT on this project.
RAVE: High Light Night syllabus complete. 7 flights in 4 days...exhausting. Rave: Check ride next week. RAVE: I picked up Captain select. This means that come August, I get promoted. Rave: All I needed to do to get promoted was not get a DUI and not kill someone. Rave: Loooong weekend. Rant: Cut in half by duty on Saturday.
More lack-of-baby rant/raves, spoilered for anyone who might care. Spoiler Rant: Wife is starting to get frustrated. Two nights in a row, she felt like she was going into labor. Contractions were 10 minutes apart on Wednesday night, she went to bed (it was almost 1 AM), and they went away. They were 7 minutes apart last night (this time around midnight) and she went to sleep again, and they went away. Today she plans to spend the entire day walking, even if it is just on the treadmill, to try to move things along. I also told her to nap, so if she starts having contractions at night again, she can stay up and walk a bit to try to move things along. Rave: Progress at her appointment yesterday with the nurse practitioner meant the contractions are actually doing something, so they can induce her now, which they couldn't last week. It was actually a lot of progress considering there was literally nothing happening at this time last week. Rant: Nurse practitioner said "if the doctor were in town, he'd induce you tomorrow." This only served to make her much more annoyed that he is on vacation when she is due, and that he didn't set up with another doctor in advance in case they wanted to induce her today. The baby is getting "sluggish," according to my wife, but apparently the on-call doctors all refuse to come in and see her or induce labor. Instead they've got her scheduled for an ultrasound Saturday, and told her to just do kick counts every couple of hours. This has not made her feel better. Rave: Appointment for Monday Morning, after which she will be induced if she hasn't had the kid already. This isn't a "maybe" scenario, she said she will tell the doctor to make it happen that day. TL;DR No baby yet, wife is 5 days overdue, had false labor two nights in a row, her doctor is out of town, baby is 'Sluggish," and she is really, really getting upset.
RAVE: Netflix. How am I just getting this? Somebody please explain the catch, because my "too good to be true" alarm is going crazy. RAVE: Community is the funniest show I've found in a long time. RAVE: I get the house to myself for four days!! My roommate is one of my best friends, but god damn he is messy and stinky.
Rave: Lawn is mowed, I have no assignments due for school and the forecast for tomorrow is sunny and high 70s. A relaxing afternoon on the patio and grilled steaks for dinner. Another rave: Commencement 5 weeks from today!
Rave: Day 1 of Insanity today. Rant: I didn't know how out of shape I was getting. Rave: Here's to getting off my ass!
RANT: I never browse classified ads. The one time I happen to look through them while killing time waiting for my Chinese food, what do I see an ad for? A 1959 Wurlitzer Jukebox in great condition for 2200 bucks. A fucking steal at that price. Who doesn't have 2200 bucks to throw away on a luxury item like that? This idiot. This is why I never browse classified ads. That really hurt. A lot.
Rave: Just tried on the suit I was about to pitch because it was too small. Fits fine for the first time in six years. Rave: Don't have to buy a new suit like I thought I would. Rant: The social pressure has gotten to me, I love my girlfriend to death, probably more than most husbands love their wives, and I've always held steadfast in my beliefs that marriage should be a religious experience. But this is the third "before your girlfriend finds out" call I've received from a recently engaged friend. I never wanted marriage but from a social standpoint it pretty much has to happen if for no other reason than the other half can be the decision maker in a tragic event. Fuck society.
Rave: Great friends, great family, great family friends. I came up to my folks' place for Easter service and dinner. I bumped into so many family friends and ex-patients who I hadn't seen in months or years. It was awesome to see them. I have some pretty kickass people in my life. Rave: Sleeping in my old bed and showering in my old shower. It's like staying in a hotel, except cleaner. It's the little things.
Rant: Couldn't make it home for Easter, so I'm missing out on a weekend of seeing friends from home and spending time with my family. Rave: Had one of those nights where everything goes right for a change. A series of small, hilarious moments followed by meeting a girl who is stupidly my type.
The bachelor party yesterday turned out to be a lot of fun and I'm glad I went. Good food, good company, hot chicks, not a bad combo.
Rant: IPL4 needs to end already so I can go to bed. Good lord. Rave: I kind of don't mind though since I'm sick and tired of Korean terrans winning all major tournaments. Rave: Found a delicious microbrewery over the weekend. Went with a lady friend and drank entirely too much. Found a cider that tasted like ginger ale and that shit was delicious. Parking lot shenanigans ala high school ensued after closing time, which is nice once in a while.
Rave: I took the best picture of a fox hanging out near the reichstag in Berlin, yesterday, and I can't wait to get it onto the computer. Rant:I just watched RT news not knowing what it was. It is pure pro Russian propaganda news in English. Right now they are interspersing their coverage breaks by reading US soldier's suicide notes.
Rant/Rave:Going back to work for this shipping season today. I was looking forward to it until I actually got the call.
RANT: sigh - listening (and I mean actually hearing and processing the words, meanings, and undertones, and not just thinking about what you are going to say in response) is such a lost art form.
Rave: Happy Birthday to me! Sun is shining, weather is fucking amazing, and had a Great weekend spending time with friends for arbitrary turkey supper day. Rave: Weekend also involved me not sleeping in my bed at all. The *new* lady and I have spent the last 3 nights together. Rant: Beautiful weather and a smoking hot lady and all I can do is be inside studying my ass off. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Rave: Just means I am one step closer to being done with this shit show
Rave: Off to a good start for the month on the job. I have a massive lead on the rest of the team courtesy of two big demos I've set. Rave: I've been transferred to sell to a new group and it has been awesome so far. I've got the potential to make a lot of sales and if I can keep it up my boss will have to start letting me do the demos and close on proposals soon. Awesome. Rave: Three and a half days of work this week because I am seeing my girlfriend this weekend! The tax firm she's interned at for the past three years has their annual End of Tax Season Party on Friday and that means steak and creme brulee on the menu and lots of booze. Lots. I have been drinking with the partners before so it will be fucking awesome. Super Rave: The party is after I spend the day tuning up my target rifle at a private test range in the middle of Nebraska. I am giddy already. The first match of the year up here is less than two weeks away so I am super excited to get some one on one time with a guru with these guns at his range. Spoiler I gotta say, the best part of the weekend will simply be time with my girlfriend.
Rant: Went to the butchers today and bought my dog cow bones as a treat. I had them cut down to about 8-10" in length, and gave each dog one of them raw. Abraham (the big dog) has the head of the femur now, and is busily sucking the marrow out of it. He's out of sight (hiding under the coffee table), and for all the world it sounds JUST like someone giving a loud, sloppy porn blow job. So hysterical and gross, all at the same time. Thank god I'm not on the phone and don't have company.