RAVE SUCH good sex. Don't even have words. Double Rave FINALLY really let me give him head last night. Said I made his whole face tingly and that he'd never gotten a blowjob as good. He was basically speechless. Heart rave reviews!
Rave: Baby doing well. I mentally prepared myself for an ugly newborn with a misshapen alien head. She came out with a full head of hair, and a nice round head, and she looks great. I was so ready for an ugly baby. Rant: Round head came at the price of my wife's nethers. Cutting and tearing. Between that and breast feeding, her pain and frustration levels are kinda high. Rave: Sleep! Like, 6 hours! A miracle! Rant: Mother in law already passive-aggressively bitching that we won't let her (or anyone) put pictures on Facebook. Luckily the wife put an end to that right quick. Rant: They called me to sub today, and I had to say no. I hate saying no, even if they were understanding and it is for a good reason.
Rant: Jägerette spent over 1,000 dollars on a pizza today. We were in a town called Malmö, about 6 hours south of Stockholm. We went to a nice little Italian place to split a personal pizza and have a beer while we waited for our trainback home. We get the bill, and here, everything is chip and pin, and waiters bring the machine to your table, and you stick in your card, and then put in the pin. Well, she messed up and pushed a couple of wrong buttons, and then entered her pin. It asked for it again, and she put it in again, it went through no problem. She grabbed our copy of the reciept, and we were finishing our beers getting ready to leave when the waiter ran over and showed us the reciept for around 9000 crowns. Were luckily got it reversed, but if the waiter hadn't happened to have noticed, it would have been a pain in the ass to get the money back, as One of us would likely have to travel all the way back down with the card in hand. But briefly, we had eaten the world's most expensive pizza.
Rave: Without getting political... and providing it's true.... Spoiler http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/04/11/prosecutor-to-announce-decision-on-zimmerman/?hpt=hp_t1
Rave: Upper-middle class Mommies deciding that this week, parenting is "too hard." I'm working a fuckload and making so much money! Rant: Unless, of course, my critically-ill Grandma decides to cease breathing in the next few days. Which, as the doctors are telling me, is very very very likely. If that happens, I'll have to fly out to California to attend the funeral of a woman who barely knew I existed for the majority of my life because she chose to boycott our family after my Dad married my (admittedly) cunty Mom. I will not be making money and I will be forced to fake grief...woo. Fun times. Rave: I have a small but completely awesome group of friends. Some of whom frequent this board, as a matter of fact. I don't know how I could've gotten through the various Important Crisis Situations that have been dumped on my plate these past two weeks without them. Rant: This is unrelated, but...I fucking HATE strawberry compote. HATE IT. Why would you do that to a perfectly lovely fruit??? So, local restaurant, if I ask you what comes on the fucking cake and you say strawberries, I expect whole or halved or even quartered fruit. NOT GLOPPY GEL. THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE. And it makes you a lying liar who lies. That's bullshit and I don't feel bad about saying that.
Rave: I saw this at work yesterday. I had no such idea such a tool existed, but I have a sudden urge to buy one on principle.
Rave: Playoff hockey starts today. Rant: Jets are here for an exercise so means we'll be constantly getting fucked around at work. Rave: I'm on B shift so I don't start until 2pm so I can watch the first Red Wings game.
Rant: Had to put my 16 year old dog to sleep this morning. They don't get any better or more loyal than he was, I'm really gonna miss him. Rant: It's only Wednesday, fuck this week already.
Dear HP, Signed, The guy that wasted 3 hours waiting for your fucking stupid software recovery program to fail.
So I just found out that not one, but TWO guys that I used to date (one of them was almost a normal relationship, the other...well, we had some intense things that we dealt with) are both engaged to be married on Sept. 22, 2012. Totally separate from one another; it just appears that everyone I stopped seeing immediately met the girl of their dreams and decided to marry her, at the same time. So rave for them, I guess, that they're happy and have found someone to share their lives with. Catty rant, for their fiances, who are both marrying chronic cheaters.
Rant After playing with fire, I finally get burned. Got hit with my first DUI last Saturday...cop was passing me in the opposite lane and caught me weaving. Mainly because I was dicking around with my GPS on my iPhone but after drinking three Maker's on the rocks after I left the bar I knew I was fucked. Frustrated beyond belief... Rant Went to the court hearing today and pleaded no contest. Going to get an attorney through my Air Force unit or on the civilian side. Back in two weeks. As of now, no driving and facing a monumental series of fines. Never again will I put myself behind the wheel after as so much of a drop. Rave People that support you and can always count on. Thank you. I hope this weekend at work will get my mind off things for the moment.
Rant My math homework site just hit my top visited list on google chrome. It's week two of the term and I haven't gone out drinking yet.
Rant? Rave? The highlight of my day was noticing that Murry Hammond responded to my email. Rave: Been working on my ankle for a while...doing lots of posterior glide self mobs. I think I broke my plateau phase and am actually getting much more dorsiflexion. This is awesome because it's preventing me from squatting (and surfing when given the opportunity). Rave: Oh, yeah. Kicking ass on my lower extremity skillz practical was pretty rad, too. The fun part is that due to a ton of bullshit over the last week, I didn't really practice or study very much. It just felt natural and I know LE like the back of my hand.
"Dude. The waves suck." A direct quote from my 9 year old on the quality of the surf in Melbourne, FL. So they watched the dolphins frolic and picked up seashells and then, later that day, went zip lining. Sounds nice, doesn't it? I, on the other hand, spent the last two weeks cleaning up someone else's massive fuck up. Mrs. Noland has been gone since Saturday, I'd fuck a snake right now if someone would hold it straight, my diet has gone to shit, and I'm awake at 4:00 AM doing my taxes.
Rave: I think Bansky is in Toronto this morning. Banksy, or someone pretending to be him, I guess. There was a pretty nifty piece at Bay and Wellington this morning. Rant: I didn't think fast enough to snap a picture and it will probably be removed before I walk by on my way home. I'm so slow in the morning.
Rave: This has made my day. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. http://www.sadanduseless.com/2012/04/texts-from-my-dog/
Rant: I'm pretty sure multiple people are eating straight feces in my office right now. Both floors smell like a combination of burnt hair and a music festival porta potty. It's fucking awful.
Rant: Is there a worse collection of coworkers to listen to in the break room than a half-dozen rednecks blame Obama for everything except the crucifixion of Christ? My downtime at work is like being in a real-life episode of South Park. "Dey took err jahhhhbbbsss..." Rave? Positive rep! I was very amused by how many of you commented with concern, asking why I was in the red so hard. Long story short (for anyone else who cares): I went on a one-man flame spree in January, because I know how sensitive people can get over red dots in this place. It was purely for laughs, and I didn't have an axe to grind. Naturally, many of your returned the favor, but most were good sports about it. Most of the damage came after I red-dotted The Pacifier and I dropped to -80. Fun times.