Rant = suffered heat exhaustion at a beer festival yesterday, and no one recognized it as such. I don't know who was more impressed: the company I was keeping with my incoherence, or me with their astounding lack of awareness and basic first aid skills. I also came out with a nasty sunburn across my chest and upper arms. Rave = none of it matters because I leave for Spain on Wednesday morning. Then I'm in Morocco on Saturday, Portugal on the following Tuesday, and back in Spain that Friday. And I booked my New York trip for the last weekend of August on the cheap. Hooray, travel.
Rant: met an awesome girl. It's extremely rare that I meet someone and almost instantly respect / like them. Rare enough that I can't remember the last time it happened. Unfortunately, I was over the other side of the country visiting friends, and will probably never see her again. Sucks. Rave: fucking awesome weekend. Treated like rockstars, in VIP rooms in nightclubs after hours with good friends, beautiful girls, and copious drugs. Rant: keep looking at the picture of me and this girl and thinking if only. Waste of energy, but then I always did like bittersweet.
Rave As I get older, I'm becoming more aware my physical limits and idiosyncrasies. For example, I have discovered there is a direct and inverse relationship between my health and how much rest I get. If over the course of a week, I get a little less sleep each night - I will slowly but surely accumulate cold symptoms. As long as I maintain a normal sleep schedule, my immune system is infallible. Rant After a weekend of burning the candle at both ends, I'm pretty sure I just woke up with a sinus infection.
Rant: Why, why WHY can't I for once just pick a nice, normal dude with no crazy baggage? Make it easy for myself, easy for him, sail off into the sunset, whatever. WHY can't I do that? I really like him, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to be on board with this particular crazy. Boys, why?
Rant: Monthly invoice reviews. Turns out that Fat Cunt in the office is not only stupid, she also pads her timesheets to projects she isn't working on. Nice. Rave?: A conversation that was had this weekend. Angel - "Hey babe, can you maybe tidy up your 'man cave' just in case we have people crashing at our place after the bar tonight?" Angel's boyfriend - "Sure. As long as you maybe don't leave your sex toys lying on the spare bed. Jesus." Whoops.
Rave Made it through the ORI "simulated deployment" training in Michigan Rant What a shitty week...my unit averaged 16 hour work days. Tension and frustrations rising everywhere, and spending close to 4 hours in full MOPP gear (chem suit and gas mask). Rave Buddies that I can joke around with and laugh to ease the urge to kill stupid people
Rave: I went to a match on Saturday and shot a hell of a lot better than the last one. Not where I want to be yet, but I had a much better time than the previous competition. Rave: Finally went fishing over the lunch hour at a local lake and I am never having lunch at the office again. Even though I got only 20 minutes of casting time, it totally changed my day for the better.
Rave: Sat down with a cigar and a glass of whisky on Saturday with my girlfriend's father and brother and told them that her ring comes in at the end of the month, and was wondering if it would be ok if I put it on her finger. With tears in his eyes, her father told me, "Are you fucking kidding me? Of course it's ok! It's more than ok! I'm going to get another drink. This is awesome." Her brother also agreed that it was absolutely cool with him. Rant (?): I never had a chance to peel her mother away without it seeming really odd, so I'm calling her tonight. However, her father and brother both told me that she should just find out when my girlfriend gets the ring and tells her. They're worried that she'll blab to her grandmother, who couldn't keep a secret if her life depended on it. Personally, I feel like her mom should know, and I really don't like keeping my future mother-in-law out of the loop on something this big--it makes it seem like I don't trust her. I just really hope she can keep it to herself, or I'm going to be really pissed.
Rant: "Friend-zoned" again. This is a problem I have got to fix. Rave: Taking out my frustration in the gym, nothing beats working out when you're pissed off.
Rave- Tuna scrape is the seafood equivalent of pink slime and can be used as a derogatory term for a pap smear.
Rave: Had a great big corporate visit that had the Regional VP in my store today. I have been working like a slave because I am short staffed three people, which is a crippling factor. However, my store managed to look the best out of any of the ones visited, I received an award for sales and had to take mugshots for my company's newsletter. I'm so very excited to have done well, despite all the personal hell I have been enduring. Rant: Due to recent events, I was hoping I could get out of my lease. I can't until it is up in December. At least I can get the retard off of the lease, which will be crucial for my sanity.
Rant: FUCK UNSEASONAL RAIN! I have about a week left in Bali and it's been pissing down every day since Saturday. 2nd Rant: Fucking bored to death, both at work and at home. I've been on a shitty movie-marathon because there's nothing else to do while it's raining. Rave: First sunshine this week, although it doesn't appear it will last. Also, the Avengers tonight to break the shitty movie sequence I've been on.
Rant: Woken up in the middle of the night with a very itchy thigh. Scratched said thigh, only to feel the same itch on the other calf... then ankle, then shin, then calf again. Jumped out of bed like it was made of fire and turned the light on just in time to see THREE FUCKING ONE-INCH SPIDERS CRAWLING AROUND ON MY BED. Not sure if I'll be able to get back to sleep today, but it will be on my couch instead of in my bed. Fuck spiders.
Rant: Finishing off the basement involves a lot more headaches than I anticipated. And I anticipated a lot of them. Rave: Will be awesome when I'm done and will "free up" the house. Rant: Trying to come up with some girl names for the new family member arriving the end of summer. Non porn/stripper name suggestions welcome.
Rave: My roommate sent me this text today, "The fish came out for me as I fed them....they are loosening up!" Why is this a rave? Because I feel better knowing my life doesn't suck as bad as his does.
Rave: Spent the afternoon with the bosses at work trying to decide if this product is a drug or a cosmetic. And if either, how to classify it as such. Watching my boss have this conversation with a straight face? Priceless. Spoiler NSFW [rnsfw][/rnsfw]
Rant: Sleep schedule is still off, I'm passing out against my will at 9:30 PM, waking up at 2 AM and all that fun stuff. Rant: Work has been absolutely dragging since I got back. After spending all that time not being in the same place for more than an hour, having a schedule is weird. I find myself having to take a lot of random walks to stay sane. Rave: Happy hour tonight, it will be interesting to socialize with people who speak English again. Rant: I REALLY need to keep my drinking down tonight so I don't pass out early.
Rant: Guys wiping their boogers on the wall above the urinals. At work where we wear suits, ties, and pride ourselves as professionals. What the fuck is wrong with people?