RANT/RAVE/WHAT THE HELL? My last patient was a military prisoner. He was a very polite 22 year old guy and probably no more than about 170lbs. So, he was in shackles (both ankle and wrist) and was being guarded by 4 armed military guards. Now, I am all for protecting me and whoever else against whatever it is that they think he may do, but does this seem a bit like overkill to anybody else? Is this how our military dollars are being spent? Anybody have military background to give me any insight here? At the hospital when I worked as an RN in the ICU, I took care of a guy who robbed a bank, took 6 hostages at gunpoint, and then hijacked a plane (then he got shot multiple times and ended up in the ICU) and even he only had 2 guards.
Rant: I carpooled with a coworker yesterday and she MOCKED me for wearing my seatbelt! I was really surprised that anyone who valued their life would think it was stupid. We will see who walks aways from a wreck and who flies through the windshield, I guess.
Good Christ its been a while since I posted on the board here. Rave I got engaged last night!! Woo! Always nice to know you're ending up with your best friend. Rave/Terrified She's preggo! I'm excited but also shitting bricks.
Rant: Lunchtime soccer, my amazing break from the work day which would relax me and clear my head, is turning into a shitfest. The fields we usually play at are being renovated, so we are now playing at some artificial nearby field behind a corporate plaza. Because we go at lunch there are several people, mostly ladies, who will sit at the outside benches and watch us play. The problem is that apparently this means that now everyone has to show off and go balls to the wall on every play, because surely this will make the aforementioned ladies' panties moist. Some of these guys are in their 40's and 50's for fucks' sake. It used to be a bit of running, work up a good sweat and back to work. Now it's a World Cup qualifier and quite frankly I don't really feel like putting forth that much effort. If this shit keeps up I'm going to start actually barreling into people and bowling them over. Fuck.
Rave The court room process is over with. I was very surprised at how fair this judge was, she actually dropped my BAC charge. I got my driving privileges today as well, and will be doing the Driver Intervention Program instead of 3 days jail time. A lot of stress has been lifted off me today. Rant Even though the court fines weren't as sky high as I thought they would be, I'm coughing up a pretty big amount of cash. I found out that setting up a payment plan would add an extra 30 dollars and require another court appearance. Fuck that noise.
Apparently I left out the best part of the story because it is just so routine for me. But the prisoner was in for testicular pain, so there were six of us crammed into an exam room (4 in fatigues with guns) and I had to do a full scrotal exam of this guy. The prisoner and I were pretty unphased, but the guards were giggling like school girls the entire time.
Rant: I have been trying to get in touch with my adviser for the last two weeks. The school changed the registrar system, so my adviser suggested I wait to register for the fall until I'm familiar with the new registrar. I'm now completely familiar with the system, and she is not answering any of my emails or calls. On top of that, I am taking two summer classes. One is going on right now, and the other starts at the beginning of July. I need to speak to my adviser because I don't know if I need to take the July class. I was told another class I took two semesters ago satisfies that particular credit. My adviser is usually pretty good at returning email, but it's been two weeks and 3 emails and she hasn't answered yet. I just got my bill for the first summer session, and one class costs 2,000 and some dollars. I was told in March that, if I took six credits (2 classes), my loans would cover the cost. I did my FAFSA form, and I still got a bill. I was going to just bite the bullet and take both classes so that the loans would cover it, but now that I've started taking the one class, I know I'm going to need a fucking break after this 7 weeks. I have been waking up every morning at 6:30 and worrying about some minor detail of this class. I've been having panic attacks over this class. I've always had anxiety, but this summer session has made me anxious every second of every day for the last two weeks. Rave: Seeing this in print and trying to find the words to explain my problem is going to make me feel better for about an hour or so.
Ravt: I have a second interview with this company next week. I'm not too sure what I'm rooting for, to be honest. If I get it - It will mean selling this house IMMEDIATELY - Moving two provinces over - Re-registering everything - Trying to rent a house with two dogs and a city with a vacancy rate of something like 2% - Getting rid of a mortgage and exiting from this real estate bubble - Advancing my career - Massive wage increase (since I won't take it for peanuts) - Moving back to a bustling, cosmopolitan city If I don't get it - I do not have the hassle of moving - No upheaval - Stagnant wage - Job I'm not so hot on - Company that's been wonderful to me - Great friends that I likely won't see the likes of again in another city So...yeah. Either way, it's my plan to knock their socks off in the interview.
Rave: Removal went of without a hitch, farewell drinks tomorrow and then see you fucking later Townsville.
RANT: If I never have to see two of my housemates again, it will be too soon. They have no idea how to deal with people and are the most entitled assholes I have ever met. DOUBLE RANT: They have better job offers than me. RAVE?: Reality checks are in their future.
RANT: My own damn fault, but still a pain in the ass - got hit for expired sticker + expired license. Would have really appreciated it if MTO had actually mailed me notification license was going to expire, I can live with the plates thing as I look at my car daily at least. RANT: Cops took my expired license, I'm pretty sure I need that to renew. Goddamn it.
RAVE: Finally sold the Mustang Cobra. RANT: Still lost $600 on that piece of shit. First World Problems: I'm having a hell of a time figuring out what to get now. One half of me is saying get a truck so I can haul my Nova to the track and maybe a boat next summer but I'll hate driving a truck everyday so the other half thinks I should get a C5 Z06 or BMW Z4 which aren't practical but I won't hate having to drive them everyday.
Rant: The kid was up all night crying. Not 'I'm hungry' or 'I'm mildly annoyed' crying, but more like 'I'll burn the world to the ground right fucking now if you don't appease me!' crying. Needless to say, little sleep was had. If her mood doesn't improve today (I've gotten no updates from the wife or mother in law who are watching her) we're making a doctor trip. Rave: Only sleep came after I put her in her car seat and drove her around. I've heard it works and damned if it didn't. Just wish it lasted longer. Rant: 13 hour workday between my two jobs. After 4 hours sleep. I'm drinking until I can't feel feelings when I get home tonight.
Rant: I have the worst cold of my life right now. It started Wednesday afternoon, I was fine one minute then my throat was hurting the next. Then Thursday a runny nose decided to join the party. Last night I was congested and coughing as well. Today it's all of the above plus a headache. I finally gave in and took some cold medicine a little while ago. Rant: The reason I held off for so long is because, according to my LactMed app, phenylephrine may decrease my milk production. There's no information on studies of oral doses during breastfeeding so it may not be an issue at all, but I'm not a fan of the possibility. Rave: I'm not nursing a newborn so it's not as big a deal. If I have to give her a bottle I have a couple in the fridge. Rave: E took an hour long nap earlier, so I had some time just to sit around... Rant: I tried to take a nap as well but I can't breathe unless I'm upright because of this stupid cold. Rave: At least I don't have to get up and go to work in the morning and if I still feel like this tomorrow I'm skipping the zoo. Rant: Could I be more of a baby about a stupid cold?
Ravt (again): Got a raise at work. Kinda. I was put on commission, but my base salary remains the same. It's a tiered commission, so the more sales I make the larger of a percentage I get. Makes me feel awesome about searching for another job, especially considering that my boss is such a straight-shooter that we don't even need a contract to bless the agreement. Nothing is ever easy. Now, ask me at the end of summer if I'm excited about my present job I'll be willing to leave for a peanut butter sandwich. Rant: Re-occurring medical problem that I had to have surgery for last year has started again. Two surgeons had to operate, given the oddness/rarity of my condition. Specialist #1 can see me mid-August, specialist #2 min-June. And the problem is cyclical, so it's only an issue on one or two days of the month. It took almost 10 months to get resolution last time; I can just imagine how awesome it's going to be for Round 2.
Sorry for two posts in a row. DELUGE of rain. Lightening, thunder, satellite cut out, etc. I was on the phone with my dad and took the call downstairs because there were some crazy sounds in the laundry room. I think the pipes were echoing the hail/rain and I wanted my dad to hear. I then heard a funny sound. I followed it, and it turns out one of my windows wasn't completely shut (one side wasn't latched). Unbeknownst to me, the gutters on that side of the house had failed completely. Downspout came undone, eaves were totally overwhelmed, etc. I HAPPENED to be standing there while all this happened and saw that water was pouring in through the basement window. The overall damage is a flooded sill and a small, 12" puddle on the carpet. Rave: Had I not been standing in that spot at that moment, my basement would have flooded again and been ruined, again. Rant: Gotta fix the gutters tomorrow. In the meantime, I get to obsess about the rain doing any more damage given how badly the east side of the house has failed. Rave: Shit like this makes me want to sell this house and rent. Which, if the interview goes well next week, I will. FUCK OWNING. HUGE RAVE: JEREMY SCAHILL IS ON BILL MAHER TONIGHT. Lord jesus, I would let him do whatever he wanted to me.
Rave: I like to guess what my baby is saying with her crying. This is what I believe it was today: Baby (bein held by my wife): Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you! Wife: You take her! Baby (being held by me): Hi daddy! *immediately falls asleep* Wife: FUCK!