Things not good when expired: Milk. Licenses. Sunscreen. One of these has affected me today. I look like a lobster. MORE BEER.
Rave: Doing research on various subjects the last little while, after a little data analysis came up with this little factoid: Rant: GF is sick. Rave: I have money again. Rant: Feeling indecisive about important things. Rave: Enjoying my research. I've got to find a specific niche I'd be willing to go to grad school for. I've found some potential prospects, but need to keep reading. I don't have enough to contact a researcher yet. Rave: As awful as it sounds her being sick is giving me more free time to do this stuff, so I'm more productive than usual. But I do hope she feels better soon.
HUGE RAVE: In the first year that I qualify for financial aid, I've been approved for over twice the amount that I was hoping for, and it's all in grant money. It's more than enough to cover all of my yearly expenses. Taking an involuntary break from undergrad due to being broke (and not wanting to take on loans with ridiculous interest) definitely worked out for the best. I can now wrap up my Econ degree just in time to enter a recovering (?) economy.
Rave: I'm not unproductive while I'm away from this place. I may go to other places on the internets. For proof, click heeeeree! NSFW
RAVE: Tactics 1 brief and flight complete. Two weekends worth of planning and it's all finally over. Rave: Everything was anticlimactic. We didn't know what we didn't know was the takeaway. Now we know. Rant: I have to be in a Generals change of command this week. At least it gets me out of doing bitch work around the squadron. Rave: Squadron Mess Night on Thursday. Should be a great time. Rave: Then, a 96-ish weekend. Friday and Monday off. Rant: Only one fly day next week worth a damn...
RAVE: New product just announced at work shares a name with the propensity to fart more when in high flying aircraft. Apparently they didn't google the name and check the very first link before picking the name Rant: I'm this amused by a fart joke.
Rant: Stupid parents and their desire to give their kids "unique" and "precious" names. I just wrote the fourth "Congratulations on your new baby" card where I hate myself for spelling out the child's name. Between sweet little Anallyse, brand new Tenley, adorable Reefe and precious little Nevaeh (that's Heaven backwards), I can't take it anymore. Stop giving your kids stupid names. Let them be unique and precious with the personalities you help to forge - not the stupid monikers you stick them with for the rest of their lives.
rave the gf just suprised me with tix to riotfest in chicago for sept! there is literally no band i don't want to see!!! i'm like a girl at a 50%off victorias secret sale!(i think)...
Rave: The gayest week ever continues. After drag shows, Detective Girlfriend made me a deal: she gets a Brazilian if I wax my shoulders. DEAL! Tonight is a farewell dinner (hello, raucous drunken sex), tomorrow we go to a spa for the works, and then a 5-star restaurant for dinner. We spend the afternoon fucking like rabbits on x since we don't know when we'll see each other again. Rant: My flight will take 30 hours including layovers. That's not a journey, that's a prison sentence.
Rave: It took me 2 years, but I finally paid off all my credit card debt ($21,000) and Im making a serious dent in my loan debt. Damn this feels good.
Was she conceived via trickle down theory? Rave: Got my new phone comped, only had to pay for warranty (which is worth it as I'm clumsy as fuck and it covers dropping it)
Rave: Blueberry lemon muffins. Good lord. There is a lady here in the building who is super cool, very friendly, loves to cook, and used to be a model. She made cupcakes for her office but texted me to come grab one. I almost passed out when I bit into the lemon filling. I've never met her husband but I hate him and I'm considering cutting his brake lines.
I don't understand why you are asking questions about pegging. I think you would be a natural. Rave: in 48 hours I become a homeowner. No more of this renting bullshit. I will also be living with my girlfriend for the first time in ky life. Ravt: at 28 I finally am to be growing up.
Rant Pregnant lady hormones. Good lord, if you've been through this before, I need help! It's amazing how much things change when you cross this bridge. I'm excited, but am also wondering if my fiance is still in there? Rave Started school up again, major career change, keeping me busy and I'm interested in what I'm doing.
Rant = I am on the verge of tears. This is not a vacation. I'm still stuck in Morocco because I missed the gate closing by 5 minutes, and had to choose between a ferry and overnight bus or a $250 flight tomorrow (which was originally $20). Either way, I've also missed my flight to Portugal, which leaves Madrid in 45 minutes. Moral of the story is, I'm not traveling alone anymore. I'm lonely and apparently incompetent. Fuck.
Rant: I need to take a massive dump. That isn't the rant. The rant is this. I went to the bathroom to relieve myself and I saw a half chugged forty and a dirty jacket next the restroom sink. In toilet 1, the bowl is full of unflushed vomit. Toilet 2's door is shut. The sound coming from it sounds like a guy quietly weeping. There are two toilets in the men's room. As if I needed another reason to kill homeless people.
Sigh of Relief: A friend has been in the hospital for the last few weeks, for at first was believed to be a severe allergic reaction. They finally figured out that she has a blood clot in her brain stem. She's going to be ok, but she has permanent damage to her swallowing and breathing mechanisms. This has been a crazy time. I'm so glad she's ok and the clot was dissolved, but holy shit. What a thing to go through.
RANT: I came home early tonight and my wife was watching the season finale of Glee. ugh. Does anyone else not from New York City feel like the media goes out of its way to shove that city down your throat as the unequivocal best place to be if you are an American? Complete bullshit.
Rave: Savannah GA is the shit. Attractive women, good food, friendly folk, and to-go beers. Happy to be here for a few days. Rant: My fucking checking account has been compromised twice in the last month. This is getting really annoying.
Rant: Just had an electrical quote for $30k on new property development. Fuck. Rave: Still stoked I bought it.