Rant: I am a warm weather person, and each year it continues to enrage me that as soon as it finally gets nice out, everyone blasts their A/C so that it's exactly as cold inside as we were just complaining about it being outside for the last few months. This is the first time I've made this transition while working in an office, and it is THE WORST. I get five minutes a day to enjoy the lovely weather walking to and from the subway in my nice spring clothes and then BAM, I get inside and have to pile on the sweaters and jackets. It's making me lose my will to live.
Rant: Both my credit card and checking card are giving me shit, both aren't working, called the bank and they said I had to wait until midnight for some shit to go through or something, so now I am STRANDED IN ROCHESTER with a job starting 6 AM tomorrow. GRAHWYERFHJGHJKL
Rave: Replied to a job req yesterday. I always tend to write interesting cover letters, simply because I've hated reading the canned crap that would come my way when I'm assisting in the candidate process. My cover letters are short and sweet, detailing what I like, what I'm interested in, what I bring. blah blah blah. They're interesting and aren't boring for the reader. That's the main point. Well on this one I simply put at the top, in bold type: My name is _____, I get shit done. I just got an imediate response from their recruiter, she thought it was hilarious and wants an interview.
RAVE: Dull meetings where everyone else calls in is an awesome way to get half an hour of playing Chrono Trigger on my phone in.
Rant: It is absolutely amazing how many security/emergency call center services don't have the right contact information for law enforcement agencies. I'm across the state from the people you need to be calling, sweetheart. There is no need to get pissy with me, because you don't know how to properly discern information in the phonebook. It's not a problem for me to get you the right phone number and I will do so gladly, because everyone fucks up now and again. That's understandable. But don't fucking call me back 5 minutes after I give you the right number expecting a different result. And don't expect me to guarantee that the number I give you is the one that will help your client. Who (even though they are deaf and need you to relay information) would have been much better off just dialing 911 and hanging up. Now I get to imagine that someone is underneath some floor boards decomposing because you are utterly incompetent.
Rave: Met my newest nephew today. My sister in law lost so much blood during birth she is still recovering, so it has taken 7 weeks until she could get the strength up to have many people over (though I am jealous of her dr's orders to eat as much read meat as she can stomach to make up for iron depletion) I think she lost the blood because the kid was huge. He is the size of a 4 month old already. The kid is pretty damn cool, though he was really confused why this woman who looked just like his mom wasn't giving him her tits when he wanted. Spoiler Stumpy the wife and the biggest 7 week old:
Rant: This weekend is the FIFTH in a row at work. Giving me Monday/Tuesday or Tuesday/Wednesday off is bullshit. Rave: Time off request was approved. If I can make it through Wednesday I'll have a 5 day weekend. I may have exaggerated the reason for the request... "wedding out of town" actually means "wedding on Saturday night that is six miles from my house but is technically in another town".
Do you really work somewhere where the REASON you are using your vacation has a bearing on whether or not you can take the time off? Time off is a benefit man, it's yours. You can use it for jerking off and eating Cheetos all day if you want, you don't have to tell anyone why, assuming they can get by without you for a few days. Rant: I'm sick of studying.
Rant: I've been having unexplained stomach/upper abdomen cramping for the past few months. So far, they can't find out why. In a couple weeks I will be having an upper endoscopy which I am really not looking forward to. They are going to be putting me under for it so that makes me a bit nervous. Hopefully they'll find out what is causing this though. Anyone have experience with being put under?
Rant: Eating that pulled pork sandwich when I have to play football in less than an hour might not have been the best idea I've ever had. Rave: Pulled pork is delicious.
Rave: Wine. Rant: I had a bird shit on me when I was running. I am told this is great luck, but I'm not really superstitious enough to find this exciting. Eew. Rave: Chopped my hair. It feels so good to thin it out, it is way too thick.
Rave: Just bought computer parts; I'm building myself a new desktop, and it's going to be awesome. Rave: I just up and bought it. I love living a spartan lifestyle; this way, I don't have to worry about being able to afford things when I want it. Rant: I gained seven pounds while I was on leave. Rant: I also lost a lot of my running ability. Rant: I am not drinking until I lose fifteen pounds. Rave: The savings from not buying beer make it even easier to buy the computer parts.
Rant: Learning Russian kinda makes my brain hurt a little bit. Rave: Learning Russian makes my brain hurt.
Rave: On summer break. Rave/Rant: Which lets me figure out what I need to focus on so I can crush the USMLE. Rant: Everything I talk about on here is about school. Rave: But that's okay; I'll be in Colombia for a week and a half.
Rant: For the past two days I have had discomfort increasing to outright pain in my lower abdomen. This has been coupled with nausea and explosive mud butt. It got so bad that at 2 in the morning I was writhing in pain unable to go to sleep. I figured I had appendicitis so I got a ride to the ER. Turns out I have colitis caused by a virus. This is just what I needed while on leave. Now not only am I confined to my bed (and toiled) for the next 2 days but I have to deal with Tricare and since I'm basically in limbo while taking vacation en route to my next base it has made the process ridiculous. Rave: I'm high as fuck off pain meds. I passed the recreational drug use phase of my life years ago, but wow I don't remember ever feeling this amazing. Too bad I gotta go back to the military life but I'm gonna enjoy this while it lasts.
I need a whip prop for an event next weekend and ordered several online. The first arrived yesterday. It's a riding crop and totally unsuitable for what I need... ... cue a really fun experience with the wife. Good times.
Rave: Just found out I got a High Distinction. Rant: In a subject I'm otherwise going to fail. Going back to school hasn't been easy for me, and ultimately I just want to use this one course I was able to get into as a foot in the door to transfer to what I really want. I just find it really hard to do this sociology stuff. In this assignment one point I had to cover was 'why is it important to study this?' and that took the most effort to answer.
Ravt? There are only so many no responses and rejections that one person can take. I have stolen this line shamelessly. It's for a probably shitty job anyway. Fuckit.
RANT: Fuck group projects right in the face. They always turn into solo projects at the end anyway. My other two group members are no where to be found and we have a 3D game due in 2 days. Fucking bullshit. It's going to be a long two days with no sleep.