Rave: wearing a hot pink blazer at work. Why not? Rave: am going to try taking yoga this summer, in hopes that I'll stop feeling like a wound up crackhead all the time.
Rant: Tomorrow morning is the upper endoscopy that I am really not looking forward to. Thank you for everyone who repped me reassuring me about being put under. I do feel better about that. The part that is really going to suck is not being able to eat or drink anything after midnight tonight. It's the drinking that is going to be the worst. As a frequent sufferer of kidney stones I drink a huge amount of water. Luckily, my appointment is at 7am. Rave: The bright side to this is that my mom is coming down to visit. She only lives about 45 minutes away so she is coming down tonight. The reason being that I won't be able to get myself home after the procedure tomorrow. My mom and I have an awesome relationship so we will be spending today making lasagna bites (I will have to post the recipe in the cooking thread at some point they are so good) and watching our favorite movies. Lion in Winter will definitely be on the table. You just can't go wrong with Katherine Hepburn, Peter O'Toole and Anthony Hopkins. If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it.
Rant: Yoga makes me angry. I have no bendy stretchy outlet. Rave: Applied for a grant for our business today. Here's hoping. Also, I want to buy this man a beer.
RANT: Got in a car accident that was absolutely my own dumbass fault. I'm now waiting to see if my sexy beast of a Jeep is a write off or not. In the meanwhile, I'm driving my mom's Buick. Do you know how hard it is to be cool in a Buick? Every time I get in it, I glance in the rearview mirror and expect to see that I've morphed into a bitter 70 year old man wearing a 'coon tail hat.
Rant: I hate getting my eyes dilated. Just looking at the screen to type this is giving me a headache. Rant: It is also fucking expensive to get hipster glasses. I mean, I did it anyways. But I thought the whole point of thick black frames was their inexpensiveness. Rant: I have also been a massive bee hatch to everyone lately. I better start bleeding soon.
Rant: And gave them candy afterwards. On a totally separate note: Rant: We had some baller instructors in the squadron this whole week for some senior pilots to get some qualifications and I had the chance to fly with one of them tomorrow. Unfortunately the schedule changed and I won't be going out. Rave: I was scared it might have been a quiz-fuck kind of flight with them poking and prodding at what I know and don't know. Rave: I do AR next week. Aerial refueling in my helo from the back of a C-130. In the air. Sweet. Rave: I might do actual external lifts next week also. We got asked to relocate a few busted Humvee's. No more net loads and I-beams. Rant: It'll be two weeks between flights. Bleh.
Rant: Still can't use my hand/arm/wrist properly, two months later and work has spent the last two months anal raping me for it. Now have to go see specialists and shiz and the guy doctor person thinks I'm crushing the ulnar nerve. Greeeat. Rave: One of my friends gave me mass amounts of help with Gone Adventurin' last night, so I'm pretty excited about being able to start once I can either use my arm sufficiently, or atleast go back to fucking work. Rant: Two months without working. I'm bored as fucking bat shit. Dunno how people do it.
Double post, because I can't seem to edit my last one, so apologies. FUCKING MASSIVE MOTHER FUCKER RAVE: Just got off the phone from some people who I've been talking to, and they want to use Gone Adventurin' when it's all done and send it out to everyone. Excitement does not even BEGIN to cover it.
RAVE: Don't have anything to do tomorrow so I'm having a few beers. I have no idea what's going on, but my tolerance seems to be about half of what it normally is. I'm in a great mood. You guys are all neat!
Rant/Rave: I had to wear my suit to work yesterday and managed to splash tea right on my (best) dress shirt before 8:30 am. The rave is for having cold water and paper towels within reach and the knowledge to blot that shit out! Rave: Hearing a guy tell me "I can't do any work in my shop because my milling machine is down." Makes me feel good about learning how to get shit done with my hands, even if it takes a lot more effort. Super Rave: Back to back matches on Sunday! I haven't been shooting since my last comp in May so I've got some work to do.
Rave: The night with my mom was awesome. I will post the recipe for the lasagna bites tomorrow. They turned out great. Rave: The upper endoscopy went fine. Had some pretty cool dreams while I was under. Throat a bit sore and feeling pretty tired so I will probably will be taking a nap very shortly. Just wanted to let everyone know that it went well.
Rave Neil Young and Crazy Horse with Los Lobos tickets just went on sale Rant I was the one who told everybody about the show and somehow there was confusion as to who was buying the tickets. I was led to believe that somebody was buying me one who actually wasn't buying them at all and now it looks like I'm the only one left without a ticket. Now, I have no problems buying myself a ticket, it's just going to be a bitch to find somebody to come with me so I'm not sitting by myself.
Rant: As a Braves fan, I hate the Mets. But, I'm a baseball fan, and RA Dickey got screwed by the hometown stat man last night. (Overshadowed by Cain's no no.) David Wright, idiot, didn't even need to go bare hand. He should've made that play, and no WAY it should be scored as a hit. you decide Dumb. Rave: This is my banner ad on TiB. Awesome.
Rant: Raise your hand if you just sat through a 90 minute staff meeting on budget overruns, led by the self-proclaimed "notoriously in the top 3 in terms of overruns" woman who is at least 350 pounds, had a grease stain on the front of her muu-muu/dress, and either forgot to wear a bra or was so cold that her nipples couldn't be held back. THEY POINTED AT THE FLOOR.
Awesome Turn of Events Rave I found another buddy who wants to go to this. He runs a few Bell Mobility stores and often gets tickets to events in their luxury suite box and there is a pretty good chance that he can score us tickets for this. Free box suite seats with free food and drink! My god this will be sweet if it all pans out.
Rave: Boston Cream cake for the receptionist's birthday! Clean eating? What clean eating? That shit was delicious.
Rave: Nyquil I don't mean drinking two or three bottles at time. Nyquil was always top notch when I was sick and couldn't sleep. Then a couple of years ago it seemed like they changed the formula, and it didn't work as well. I've been hacking up a lung for a few weeks now (and no, its not the Big Casino, just a stubborn summer cold), and finally figured I'd try Nyquil again. I'm not sure what changed, but that shit works wonders, just like it used to. One shot of that wonderful liquid, and I drift peacefully off to sleep after about 30 minutes. Most of the time, I don't even remember turning off the light, I just wake up the next morning all groggy after a solid night of sleep. I certainly am not advocating off-label uses of drugs, but IF i had any trouble sleeping, I MIGHT just take a shot or two of this wonderful elixir.
Rave: My team won the country champs and I scored a couple of goals. It's great getting some time on the field and the skills are starting to come back. Rave: The surprise visit went down pretty well. The look on Mum's face as I walked into her shop was awesome. Rant: Speeding ticket. Rave: All my stuff gets moved into my new place today and I have a date tonight.
Rave: Laptop fixed! This is awesome. Rant: My AC has been wonky the last few days (that's not the rant), and it was repaired today. The repairman obviously went through my apartment, touched a bunch of my stuff, and left a note saying that he's coming back tomorrow to fix my shower head. (My ex put in a detachable one because the old one sucked.) WTF? I don't want a different shower head. It's just fine, thank you. I want you to come to my apt, fix my AC, and get the fuck out without touching anything unrelated to AC Stuff. A few years ago I came home sick from work to find a maintenance guy working on my ceiling and half of my groceries spread out on the counter. That guy had a fucking Thanksgiving feast. It was gross. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy didn't do the same or if I'm missing panties.